The problem with Anthony

72  2016-03-09 by [deleted]

When ant was the "Everyman" blue collar shlub who got a big break from installing air conditioners to be on the radio, he was humble and hilarious.

When he started getting african american rich and buying dinosaurs and became "better than" the listeners who used to be his peers, is when he fucked up

You let it get to your head, asshole. Remember who you are.


Honestly, I think being on the radio kept him "fresh" and on point. He would be around Jimmy daily, along with other comedians, celebrities, etc. and have to step up his game.

Once he was fired, it's him nonstop being around dopes such as his brother, Fred from Brooklyn, Keith and so on. As such, he's turned into an even more sluggish, drunken ape.

Granted, it's not like he was ever a hard working motherfucker on the radio; but still. He no longer has to step his game up and is constantly surrounded by unlikable yes-men retards; as such, his sharpness has declined and he's fallen into a depressive rut. [/end college essay]

Just wait until the New York studio is up and running, Jimmy will be on multiple times a week.

I believe referring to tranthony as "drunken ape" is now considered hate speech on account of his recent behaviour.

Same issue I have with Bennington, surrounds himself with D list talent, makes you lazy & un-challenged.

Hey, don't talk about the lovely Gail Bennington like that!

Oh, come on, sir, be respectful. Pepper Hicks is a C-, at minimum.

thought it was obvious being out of his element would make him less funny from the moment he was fired. surprised its taken this long for some people to come to this revelation.

Talk about his game more.

Ya. The elderly need to stay active and fresh or they get feeble minded sooner

Everybody is responsible for the type of person they become. But, I blame the local police and their endless sucking Ants dick for a major portion of the arrogant "I'm untouchable and can get away with almost anything, because I've a pocket full of PBA cards, KtC on the payroll and the local cops come to my parties for free beer and a chance to fuck my left over barely legals". Watching TAC 327, and Ant is proudly telling a story about how he and KtC had two Ferrari from a car club and spent a weekend blasting up and down Long Island highways. Getting pulled over countless times by state police, but being let go every time because he's Anthony from "O&A" and Keiths retired badge. Treatment like that from the police, will make a high school drop out think, he's better then the blue collar world that spawned him

That PBA card apparently isn't a license to choke a bitch.

Only if you're a platnium club member

See, what happen when you don't read the fine print on the back!

Does sound like a good weekend though

His problem is that you can't go for 20 years making a career out of saying fucked up shit about people and then lose your career for writing incendiary things online and then rant about how people should not lose their jobs for speech AND THEN rebuild your career based on that you should be allowed to have truly free speech AND THEN threaten to try to have other people fired for doing what you did for 20 years and what got you fired. It makes absolutely no sense.

i hate that you said "n-word". it's okay to use the word nigger. it's all about context, my nigger.

i prefer to use the official science name, "North American Pavement Ape"

jeezleweez this isn't liveleak

It's historically disadvantaged individual.

And currently disadvantaged, you CIS scum.

hashtag BlackLiveMatter

I prefer n-person.

He also fucks children

yeah, that one good trait among the many he has

whenever i listen to old opie and antonhy shows i just picture the lovable anthony who wore the baseball hat and had facial hair

i just pretend this new ant dose not even exist

I can agree with this. During the XM/FreeFM days it definitely felt like Ant started to make himself "better than the listeners" since he now had money for a few years and began really bragging about all the shit he could buy and do. I think around the time he purchased the compound is when it got noticeable.

'Twas money, killed the beast

Along with un-cut teen cock

Nay my friend, T'was late teen to early 20s mentally unstable pussy, killed the beast

There are so many problems. That is one of them

The other problem, as brought up, is 100% of people in his life now are yes-men/Bitch-Boys. They feed his ego & tell him everything he does is right & brilliant. Anyone who doesn't agree is just wrong to him.

He's old & lazy. He doesn't do any prep and he has no fresh perspective or take on anything. He doesn't go out of his comfort zone at all

And finally, I assume that he is fucked-up in one way or another most of the time these days. His self-destructiveness & lack of self awareness seems to me to be indicators that there are some chemical influences on his behavior most of the time he is awake. But that's just my opinion

Remember who you are

Lousy white trash?

Soon enough he will be asking one of us for work.

I can use some posts driven for a new deck. Maybe some ductwork.

PM me Ant, I need that done.

......."better than" the listeners who used to be his peers, is when he fucked up.....I think this might be the only honest and insightful observation made on reddit this month

Only if you are retarded. He was clearly funnier than 99.9% of the listeners. Peers? Are you out of your mind? Stop trying to make it seem like he fucked up by forgetting who he really was when the actual problem is he never stopped being white trash, he just stopped hiding it

Looks like Peggshells is downvoting posts.

holy shit, you're right. more than just in a humorous poke at ant.

i commented before that there was a point around 06 or 07 that all of a sudden the uber racist/drunk/gambling/irresponsible ant character made an appearance and everybody just kind of accepted it. His big gambling trips, supercar weekends, and rants against black people began in earnest when he got that house. His relationship with melinda ended not long after.

That house has turned him into Jack Torrance.

Once Anthony lost the XM job he didn't have to get up early anymore. That left plenty of time for lifestyle changes and he didn't make any of them for the better. Drink enough and your brain will get permanently pickled.

And it hasn't been said enough lately but Fuck Opie. And Jimmy.

The barely legal boy pussy didn't help,I’ll tell you that much.

It corrupts the best of us.

Same thing happened to adam carolla.

perhaps, but Carolla has a career, a wife and kids, a steady job , and a podcast with lots and lots of listeners and doesn't have a pending court date. Tranthony? not so much. Heck, Carolla might even be allowed to have a gun. Another thing AC doesn't have

And jimmy kimmels dick in his ass that helps too

yup, good to stay on good terms with the people you worked with could just burn all those bridges behind you. Also the public hair on Carollas head is real


he's a lower-middle class wop from Long Island.

I don't have a point to make, i just wanted to state that again for the record.

His alcoholism.

It was when he started getting the celeb pass from cops. openly bragging about breaking laws on the air.


[deleted] that he stinks and I don't like him!


I disagree, I think the problem with Anthony is the booze. Plain and simple.