Dr Steve comments on Ants thumb

246  2016-03-09 by Dennyislife


Right...some genius sent me a tweet with a video that I didn't even look at that said "tremor of thumb in a patient who uses alcohol and xanax?" and I made a joke "You answered your own question," and moved on.

NO CLUE there was an agenda behind this. :-)

Blind studies are conducted precisely because biases like friendships can taint accurate diagnoses.

you're legitimately the most "good" person in the O&A universe, so Ant better not act like this was a jab. Hope you're doing well Doc

Dr. Steve, quick question - why would my friend be unconscious? He has a gaping gunshot wound to his head.

Its okay Dr Steve. Ant doesn't have his guns anymore. Drunks just need a push and they fall over

Your a good guy Dr. Steve. Nobody is questioning you. I'm sure Anthony wouldn't take it as a jab, it's just very funny and only because it's true.

Everybody here pretty much digs ya, Dr. Steve. You're a good egg.

But seriously though what else could cause does tremors?

Obsessive Compulsive Cocksucking Snydrome?

Explains Norton's blinking

Many things. All the way from dehydration to withdrawal to Parkinson's.


Nervous tick?

Why would your opinion change based solely upon the identity of the patient?

Dr. Steve, while we have you doing our dirty work, we have a mutual friend on this sub who blinks excessively. Could that be a sign of advanced AIDS?

Seriously though, that little "pill rolling" move he does with his thumb and index finger is a early sign of Parkinson's, no?

I admire you, Dr Steve, please keep up the good work.

I love him. You keep your filthy mitts off of him.

Boys, apologize to Dr. Steve. He doesn't need to sully himself with those pontificating idiots.

There are 2 people this sub will never turn on Dr. Steve. You and Colin Quinn.

I love how Dr Steve writes in such a way that lends itself perfectly to the Dr Steve impression minus a few "fluids" and "anal fistula"

The good doctor.

It's depressing people are trying to get dr Steve involved in this. He's genuinely a decent guy. The other three musketeers would happily piss on your grave if it would be teen tranny viral video hit thou.

floooooooooooooid. love ya love da show. Weird Medicine Sirius 206 + XM103 at 10pm Eastern Standard, bitches!



There was too much FLOOOOOOIDDDD in his thumb

Dr steve! ..sup w/ lady di?

Nursing home, no improvement

That's funny. Dr. Steve had no idea it's was peggshells knife fighting hands?

"knife fighting hands" LMAO. Some of the comments on here are fucking brilliant XD

"knife fighting hands" got me howling @ work, people are looking over here now, haha, But Yes. "Back alley knife fighter hands" is having a bad week

It's a CQ reference

You mean most of the jokes in this sub are unoriginal? Say it ain't so.

It's called parallel thinking.

ha, nooo. all 400 pictures of panera employees are unique and hilarious :)

Fuck you

Colin once called him a "Tunisian knife fighter"

My favorite is Corsican Pimp.

Istanbul rug-salesman

I thought that was fat Bob Kelly


I don't think those arthritic hands can grip a knife anymore.



Panera bread

That chicken and wild rice soup. It was worth the risk.

He likes to dip it in garlic butter fluuuiiiiiid.

Hate the heel of a bread loaf!

I hate the Drake.

Do they even have Panera Bread that deep in Apalachee country?

Is this the first person in Ants circle (I don't mean his asshole) to show some genuine concern, other than Ronnie B's regular attempts at an intervention?

Bawby brought it up on a show soon after his arrest for beating and strangling. He pretty much said "stop drinking". Anthony's response...."water too?"

Bawby is a model of self-control.

He sure is, all 350 pounds of him.


No shit.

At least cut back a little, you know? I feel like Anthony drinks heavily every day.

What you feel like and what really happens could be two really different things.

Just sayin

What show? I gotta hear hear this.

Looks to be Episode 287 of TACS, it was on 12/23/15.

There was a thread started that had the video of it I think, but I searched for a bit and cannot find it. I canceled my sub to the pedo alcoholic, so I cannot get any of it.

Bobby says (paraphrasing here) " Quit drinking. With alcohol comes all this shit. We (Bob, Vos, Jimmy) have all been there."

Anthony plays the typical joking around the obvious fact of his alcoholism causing serious issues in his life.

Ant's drinking makes ours look like amateur hour.

Someone needs to have an intervention with Ronnie B about his weight problem.

you try giving up heroin and coke and drinking and a florida party lifestyle without having another vice

Least he isn't godly. Those ex addicts are the worst

It's even worse when he has some old rock and roller as a guest and they talk about nothing but sobriety. Old men's pity party.

Better than Jim's lectures

Ron's just a high and mighty know-it-all that thinks HE himself is the higher power. Which sometimes comes off worse.


Don't make him a bad person.

I'm pretty sure Dr. STEVE didn't know it was Anthony's hand when he responded to the question.

of course he didn't. you think he watches Anthony's show or pays attention to this place?

Exactly. He's a really busy doctor. Him seeing that tweet at all was pure luck.

Yeah that's probably right. Would be interesting know if he was aware.

He says right there "wait what? " and "duped again" or something to that effect.

Ronnie? Intervention? Please link

Use Google ad the search for this sub to find his appearances and torrent them.

Steve is such an innocent adorable boy.

ha, this shit goes RIGHT over my head...

That's what we say about norton when we like Jimmy. We like you Steve. Hope you're doing better with the health issues.

You seem like a really good dude and one of the only actually likable people to come out of O&A. Hope all's well with you. Never stop being tricked on Twitter because it's fucking hilarious.

glad he can take it on the chin and not do some bitch shit like delete the tweet, good egg for sure

The username. Fucking awesome.

Thanks, self-designated twitter update guy.

No worries. Sat at work waiting for a dutch woman to get back to me so got time to kill

"Now you do not punish a girl, Dutch or otherwise, for having big boobs."

" if anything they should be celebrated "

"They should be equal."

"They are equal, I've always said that"

Ugh, I hate people from Denmark.

Yeah the Swedes stink.

Language sir...


So vulgar

fawk great user name. you have +3 according to res but first time ive noticed it

What's Switzerland got to do with it?

Dr Steve should really have a talk with anthony about his health.

I'm sure Anthony would take his advice to heart.

actually I don't think he would at all.

Oh literal so and so

Not his job man, he just bags em and tags em.

Dr. Steve will start a rescue mission with Anthony, like how he did with Lady Di. Basically, I'm saying Anthony will think he's back in Richard's tree fort on a daily basis.

he'll be in some alternate universe where he responds to every question with "jeeeeepjeeepjeepjeeepjeep" alternating with "I don't love cock dad I swear to God"

Do you think when Ant's dementia sets in he will imagine he is on the ranch in California, like Di and the Navy ship?

I like to think he'll be in constant fear for his life imagining careening off the cliff on the Ortega Highway

Avoiding rape at the hands of Mexican men.

This is so depressing.

So depressing it's good? Or you really feel bad for 60 year old doxxer?

Oh my lord, just saw this for the first time. That shit is creepy as hell. Is that my conscience feeling bad that I hear? Jesus Christ

Son of a bitch!



Tolerance to xanax also builds up very quickly, he might need a bigger dose. Ant's poor GABA receptors have been suppressed for decades, he really needs to find a donor to have his pre frontal lobe replaced.

ESD eats Xanax and drinks every show. How do these guys remember anything?

Xanax + booze = mind eraser

feels great when you get to thank god you actually woke up the next morning though


His shaking would be far worse without the Xanax.

As you build a tolerance for Xanax the therapeutic window closes and you shake pretty much incessantly due to the mix of alcohol and Xanax tolerance

Yeah I have heard of people coming off benzos having seizures.

That is nothing though, you should hear about this crazy guy stalking me and maybe western union me some cash.

shade thrown


What happens when you start to build a tolerance for anti anxiety drug



Do you know how homeostatis works? If you take a drug that stops tremors, eventually it will cause you get more and more tremors naturally, thereby requiring that you take more drug. Kind of like how heroine addiction is really just your body not making dopamine anymore. As your body compensates for the added chemical caused by the drug, it often worsens the thing it treats. If you abuse a drug and use it too much the tolerance can become so high that no safe dosage of the drug is able to make up for what the body is doing to compensate.

You stupid fuck.


The standford link shows it causes shakes dumbass. Scroll down to adverse reactions. Maybe you don't know how to read?


P.s side effects and tolerance are two mutually exclusive things.

Lol you are a dumb man.

Can't believe I'm trying to talk someone into believing the obvious truth that building a tolerance to a drug causes a basal level increase in the original symptom (ie shaking). Good luck with your MD champ.


Klonipin probably. They give that shit out like adderall in 2005.

Isn't that thumb movement associated with the onset of Parkinson's? That might explain the blurry photos of our hooker princess in Times Square.

Wow. That is really bad. Looks like the beginnings of Tardive dyskinesia.

More like tarskin dykes in Asia dvv dvv

It's called Korsakoff's cough and you know it.

I thought you could only get that from anti-psychotics

Source: I used to be on anti-psychotics.

Yeah, you are correct. It just that it looks like pill rolling, more than just the DTs

Oh shit is dr.steve fair game for tranthony now?

Did he know that was anthony's thumb?


Does the fact that you now know it was Anthony change your professional diagnosis doctor?

No, but I don't think he would've answered if he knew it was ant, because that thumb shit is bad.

no i dont think he knew. /u/check_checkerson was that you?

Leave Steve out of it. He is a good egg.

Is Dr Steve still having those health problems that were stickied a few weeks ago?

Yeah, wasn't he having like vertigo and was falling down and shit?

That's concerning. ...Concerning for Steve.

With Ant, the vertigo and falling down is just when he stands up from his laptop after drunkenly ranting when the sun peeks through his windows.


that is beyond fucked

steve is a good man.

/u/drsteve103 where can we buy your beer?

I knew a guy who was addicted to the Second Life online bullshit. He did it so much, that when he was talking in real life, he'd still move his hands like he was typing on a keyboard.

I think Ant just does WAY too much Twattering and writing shit online on his phone.


2016-03-09 12:41:30 UTC

RT @tinydickmann:"why would thumb vibrate like that? He abuses alcohol and xanax. pic.twitter.com [Imgur]"

Answered your own question

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Ah man, that sucks. I was hoping it'd be a bit more serious than that.

benzo and alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. fortunately for ant he's not stopping anytime soon.

Isn't dr Steve wheelchair bound?

What difference does that make if he is? He's still a doctor.

No I was just inquiring if he is okay or not.


I'm sure Anthony would take his advice to heart.

He says right there "wait what? " and "duped again" or something to that effect.

Not his job man, he just bags em and tags em.
