Jim Norton on LOS sucked

0  2016-03-09 by Violet_Undertone

This time, however, it was the Skanks fault. The little worm was willing to talk but had to take off in the middle so naturally Big Jay and the two other phonies wasted as much time as possible.

They did not ask him why he refuses to come on Tranthony's show. They did not ask him about the fundraising debacle. They did not call him out on the Schumer situation. What he will do in October etc.


LOS is not a fucking interview show.

Yeah, the question is "was it funny?", not "did Jim properly address the anthony cumia situation to reddit user Violet_Undertone's satisfaction?".


Skanks is a terrible show hosted by one hilarious guy and his 2 best friends. His friends are cool as shit, but not really funny in a comic or radio host way

All 3 have their ups and downs. Even when Big Jay starts to tell another long story I think "Christ, here we go. I hope it's worth it."

couldn't agree more.

Luis J Gomez is a real hustler. Dave Smith, well, he reminds me of my 16yo self when I got stoned all the time and considered myself a libertarian because of it.

Excellent point. Dave Smith reminds me of those new freshman in college who decide they are feminists and vegan. "I'm really taking a stand here everyone!"

He sucks.

Yeah, LJG really carries their dead weight.

They probably don't give a shit about any of that tbh

That's the great thing about Anthony Cumias network, it's totally uncensored. It's really good.

From the kingdom of nakedness, totally nude radio.

Big Jay stutter-stepping his stories, let me take u back to this, well understand this, well let me explain... cuts himself off so much to the point u dont care about his stories n want to kill him

I am gonna go out on a limb here and say Big Jay and the skanks don't tune in to O and J at 7am every morning..

It was funny. It wasn't a classic episode, and didn't live up to the hype. And Jimmy didn't seem to have too much energy, he seemed very tired.

Right? It's almost like they would never care to talk about things only a douche like you would worry about.

Cry me a river, fag.

Why are you here

Was hopin' for a boy like you to notice me.
