TACS would have had way more subscribers in 1923

15  2016-03-09 by [deleted]



I enjoyed it the first few times he did the voice on O&A. But like everything with granny, he must over indulge. Ugh, he dressed up and did a skit about it? Fawkin halareyus.

Hey Anthony here's a joke for you the reason why Chinese people speak with broken English is because they're learning a new language and then taking over our economy

Nah. The Chinese economy is what is known as a paper Tiger. The only numbers anybody has on it come from the Communist Party. They tend to exaggerate their growth slightly, and manipulate their currency. It's like a balloon. It looks big, but under the surface there's nothing there.

china is garbage dont get me wrong ' merica

He's wearing a Vietnamese hat and doing a Japanese accent while impersonation a Chinese person? That don't make no sense.

Yeah the accent also merges in to a strange half Chinese and half Japanese accent.

Anthony seems to have as much self-awareness when it comes to the race stuff as Opie does at humor, relationships & life.

If he was in a japanese internment camp, this would probably be his goto act to "entertain" the slants.

God, what would Patrice say about this!

I bet this would kill on a Henny Youngman set!