I was gonna check the subreddit for Ant's show and noticed the mods protested and shut it down?

0  2016-03-09 by [deleted]



I loathe every particle of my being.


Are you still feeling down in the dumps?

I am. I did a lot of venting today so hopefully I feel better tomorrow. I'm in the middle of a divorce, already breaking up with one person I used to love.

If the Skanks go over to GaS I'll definitely have a happy day in the future, if NYCC come with them I'll be ecstatic.

Or if Ant just admits he's been a cunt lately, apologizes, and wins me back over that'd be great too.

Well, if it helps, I think the Skanks will be going the way of your wife and getting out of dodge sooner rather than later. So you can look towards a brighter day where the Skanks are off TACN and you no longer have a wife.

Skanks also have half their shows for free so I'll only be missing half the fun.

