TACS subscriptions break down

20  2016-03-08 by RonBengtan

Joemomma101 pointed out that the Android app for TACS has been installed 5,000-10,000 times

Let's pretend it's at the high end of the spectrum and say it's 10,000. Then let's double it, and say Anthony's network has 20,000 subscribers. I think that's a fair estimate of total subscribers since it could just as easily be 5,000 on the one App. And let's pretend every single subscriber is paying the highest possible price, which is $7 per month.

$140,000 a month BEFORE TAXES.

Minus rent on a studio in Manhattan. 6 shows with what, 8 hosts? Any other staff, producers, a website guy I assume etc. Bandwidth, storage. App development. Don't know if they advertise anywhere. Keith's personality transplant, and biker clothes for Joe.

Even if my polite estimate is wrong, then let's be way more polite. Let's say I was off by a whopping 100%. It's really 40,000 subscribers. Still wouldn't be great. Putting prices for 6 monthly or yearly subscriptions in the mix tank those numbers significantly, too. With guests worth having drying up, I'm guessing at least partly because of Vinny Brand taking issue with his annoying daughter being assaulted by Rock Hudson with AIDS, this network is embarrassing.

Keep laughing Anthony. I think your days of buying life sized dinosaur statues are gone forever.

edit: credit to Joemomma101 and to correct the numbers for whatever the Rainman guy's name is


Utilities, property taxes, gambling losses, gifts for the children he grooms, lawyer's fees, the list goes on. If his numbers were worth bragging about, he'd give us a number, and he'd have quality sponsors, and more of them.

If the numbers weren't shit he'd post them in a drunken tirade. They are shit and that's why they are a secret.

You're telling me Dick Spray™ isn't a quality sponsor?

His network is very offensive. I doubt if many quality sponsors want anything to do with him. Also I think he keeps the numbers quiet, so when the people negotiate their contracts, they don't have leverage.

I'm not talking about baby diaper and laundry detergent ads. There are plenty of 18+ sponsors out there, but you need the subscriber numbers and CPMs to make it worth their money. And if people are signing on the dotted line without knowing the size of their audience, they're idiots. Are you implying your hero Gavin is an idiot?

5,000-10,000 times
Let's pretend it's at the high end of the spectrum...

Okay 10,000...

and say it's around 9,900

What!? Okay that's weird to pick such an awkard number compared to the much easier and more logical 10,000, but whatever...

Then let's double it

That's 19,800

and say Anthony's network has 20,000 subscribers.

What the fuck is this shit!? Why not just say 10,000 in the first place... Oh well, they probably realised their idocy in saying 9,900 and just didn't go back to correct it. They won't do something silly like that again...

I think that's a fair estimate of total subscribers since it could just as easily be 5,100

Or fucking 5,000! What is this insanity?

I should give you Reddit gold for this response. But I'm not. But I should. Still not tho. Here have an upvote

I just went a hundred inside the range for both numbers, and rounded to the nearest thousand for the theorised total subscribers. Why is it 'idiocy'? Do you have asbergers, because this kind of point by point break down is usually reserved for a significant argument, and usually by someone taking that argument too seriously. Are you a new subset of the internet? Would the grammar nazis not take you?

Great Anthony-like response to a funny post.

...I thought Rock Hudson did have AIDS?

Um, yeah. google image "rock hudson with aids"

The joke was first made on the air about a decade ago, it's just another show reference.

i just meant christ like it's amazing. taking a step into the past when everyone didn't hate ant and people would tweet him this and he'd know it was a fun joke


haahahahaha, "biker clothes for joe."

Well he said that this subreddit (13,247 subs) is not even a tiny fraction of how many people are subscribed to his site, which makes 13,000 less than 1%. According to the man himself he has at least 1.3million subscribers, and I'm willing to trust him.


1.3million subscribers

Fucking lol. They didn't even have that on SiriusXM


I don't know how many of these shows have sponsors, but the amount of money that they make from that seems to be a mystery. I couldn't even speculate as to how much sponsors pay......though.....it's weird to pay a subscription fee to be advertised to I guess it's not uncommon like on hulu and shit.

bert kreischer was on joe rogans podcast and bert said his podcasts has sponsors, and that he makes enough off it a year to buy and brand new low end car. I'm guessing around 13k a year. This might add some perspective since alot of these shows have the same sponsors.

Edit: bert does his podcast more sporadically which is something to consider since tacs is on 4 times a week

I love the shit show but there's gotta be so many people doing straight RSS feeds on podcast addict. Especially since there was no android app forever.

Don't forget booze. The thing about lonely alcoholics with money is the buy for whoever is willing to drink with them. Do you think Joe and the gang are bringing their own booze? Food too.

"I was off by a whopping 100%"


The funny thing is regardless of numbers ant is suffering from content breakdown. So a certain audience likes Gavin, another audience, LOS, and another ESD. So really no one core audience is a fan of the network. They all slide to their towards their interest because of how divisive every show on the network is. So at any given time, his total sub count may be high, but its so sectional among shows that it doesn't realistically add up.

the amount of money he would lose at casinos was always a bragging point of his

The venture in general isn't run well, so I can understand why money would be leaking out of Anthony's asshole; more than he can catch up to.

You forgot he rents out the studio on off hours.

Holla at cha boy. That was me that said that 5k -10k stat.

Yea but you're forgetting about all the revenue from live reads e.g. dick spray guy.

I'd guess there are two to three times more iPhone users.

some true to that, most android folks dont spend money on anything

Oh fuck off

I didn't say the 9000 was right faggot

Thank you

It sounds like you are on the high end of the spectrum.

Lets say you speculate 100%. Then 100% of what you say is speculation.

He also has advertisers. And he also rents out studio space to other people.

I'm not talking about baby diaper and laundry detergent ads. There are plenty of 18+ sponsors out there, but you need the subscriber numbers and CPMs to make it worth their money. And if people are signing on the dotted line without knowing the size of their audience, they're idiots. Are you implying your hero Gavin is an idiot?