TACS Listening Thread 3-08-2016. Not That anyone is listening.

0  2016-03-08 by RahnBayngtin

So lets just make Tranny jokes. Because that doesnt get to Anthony at all.


Reports coming in he's wearing the same shirt as yesterday. Let's speculate wildly. He's probably been sitting in front of reddit since 6AM with no pants on, edging with one hand and checking his own oil with the other.

He mentioned briefly that he didn't plan on staying in the city and he can't get his clothes from his apartment because Dani is staying there. Clearly he got shitfaced, couldn't make it home to Long Island, got a hotel room, got on reddit, passed out sometime around 8am. Hence, the same clothes as yesterday. He looks revolting.

God forbid his man servant runs and buys him a new shirt. I mean its not like he does a video stream or anything.

Pics? Or pocs?

Wearing a shirt 2 days in a row like he's some sort of common panera employee.

Awful political talk. First with Nick "I want someone to the right of Mussolini" Dipaolo, now a discussion of Jesse Ventura's political leanings.

Some ass kissing of Jimmy.

Hulk Hogan talk, nothing funny to be found. It's like your grandpa's watching the news, and mumbling jokes.

More Jimmy ass kissing, passively shitting on Opie and the Stangle's project. Nothing too strong. Speculation that it might be a work, and the Stangles just left because of the project, and not because of Opie/Davidson.

Thinks Pete Davidson probably wouldn't do the show because he's close to Opie.

Listening to DiPaolo too long proves why there really is no right wing Jon Stewart.

No jimmy i bet hahahahaha.

It's funny because Jim was his best friend and even he turned his back on Tranthony.

Jimmy said he wished Ant and dani both got sober after the arrest. One claims to be sober. The other is falling apart infront of dozens of peoples eyes


Anyone got a stream?


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Tuned in to a stream to hear Anthony talking about transgendered people using a bathroom. Finally, we're on to the real issues.