Take down the sub then, Pissy Eyes.

19  2016-03-08 by [deleted]



"You HAVE to know that's very possible in today's climate. Hmmm, maybe I will."

I would say suck our dicks, but you wouldn't understand it as a metaphor.

I don't wanna get my helmet all banged up in his guinea gizzard

If he could he would've already. Why bother with a threat?

If this place went away, absolutely no one would be talking about him and he'd slowly just fade away into nothingness

He needs this place to keep him relevant


I see what you did there


I think he was talking about Anthony.


Pull the pin, fucker. Show us your infinite power by running to the Reddit admins and claim harassment. That would be so worth it! I'll be able to hear you hit rock bottom. Face it, crater face...you're only redemption is rehab.

Yeah, I dare ya to shut it down! No, wait...I double...no, TRIPLE-dog dare you to do it! (Now you haffta do it)

Tss tss.

so what's stopping you?

He's too busy sucking cocks.

I'd like to see that his threats aren't just the normal limp dick belly aching we're accustomed to.


Army Man Voice, is that you?
