I love Jimmy, but holy shit the over the top glowing praise in this "review" of his show is nauseating

1  2016-03-08 by HooHooRobin


I think Jim wrote this himself and will say so on the show tomorrow. He will brag how he pulled one over everyone etc.

"Think of Jim Norton as the combination of three of the finest comedians ever to have practiced the art of live performances: George Carlin, Richard Pryor and Robert Klein"

"The EMT’s were standing by on the very likely chance several of the fans would actually bust a gut (it happens)."

that would be hilarious. Jim did tweet the interview, thanking the guy

This sounds like the embarassing praise Louis CK gave Jerry Seinfeld.

"Jerry is a genius, he is a master, he is always in control"

And then Jay Mohrs trashing of him..


Could they have picked worse "action" shots? He looks like a downie with AIDS.

he looks like Gollum from lord of the rings.

Holy shit LOL

Deathly ill and ghostly pale isn't a good look for a comedian. imho.

Skinny Jim sucks