Dear Anthony: Doxxing is not difficult. Next up we can do your sister Dawn, Joe, and then we'll move into their husbands/in-laws. Doxxing affects everyone around you. For every troll you reveal, one of your staff or relatives will be revealed as well.

43  2016-03-08 by [deleted]



As correct as you are, this is not a smart thing to post.

It has to come down now to protect the sub.

To quote CQ 'Fuck him up, Bobo'

Well we're gonna have to wait a while for his response; he's still out cold from his drunken stupor earlier this morning.

Well say good bye to this sub. It's been real.

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old Ant should burn and rave at close of day;

We rage, rage against the closing of the sub tonight.

Though wop men at their end know dark is right,

Because their tongues had forked Sue Lightning

They do go gentle into that good night.

Good men, saw the last doxxing by, crying how bright

Their brave deeds have danced in a greenscreen room

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild pests who caught and sang the truth about tranny fucking in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Ole piss eyes could fuck trannys and be gay,

He won't Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my brothers, there on this good night,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the the sub tonight.

Keith's currently on the phone to his old pals trying to get them to track you down. Sadly they are not answering his calls

Keith's remaining connection:

Keith made a call to his connection at the NSA.

Unfortunately, he wasn't volunteering today.

This is some straight up The Joker shit

dVvv DvV!

Shut up cunts it's Bobo time!

You are smart braunheiser you know that if you post that shit on the sub they will shut it down. So im sure you would post it somewhere else.

The rest of the people in this sub are also aware of this, but there will always be one dummy that will fuck up the whole thing and post brother joe info on the subreddit itself.

This sub already has the upper hand, these fuckers are reacting to us, we dont need to doxx him.

This is starting to resemble the cold war...


Welp, that didn't take very long....

"alright fellas, first we'll search 'Aaron Braunheiser' then 'Abel Braunheiser' then..."

how I imagine the compound right now

also remember that any releases should be twitter only, Reddit has a no tolerance policy on this unless you're a SJW

Let's start with the Gettysburg address.

This sub right now.

Not a good idea to post this here. It's too overt.


think of little Warren! ('s tight fragile butthole being ripped apart repeatedly)

Get em

Get emmmm

Doxxing is the lamest concept that humans have ever come up with. Fucking irrational, spiteful teenage girl nonsense. I cant think of a many situations where revealing someones address is an important matter of public interest, and anyone who would dox someone solely because of a personal disagreement is a very special kind of reprehensible cunt....

Hopefully Anthony gets the point from this thread, and you dont have to actually get sucked into this kind of fucking stupid rabbit hole of doxxing fucking nonsense.

Fuck you Anthony. Fuck your embarrassing SJW argument tactics.

What somebody likes to call BITCH SHIT.

















This one time, George Carlin, he said to this sub: "Keep kickin' 'em in the nuts, kid."

I hope this shitty sub gets closed, I've been over it for years. shittiest place on the net. I would give anything for a place to just share classic OnA clips of just stupid jokes, but you guys made this shit hole what it is.

Through your tears.


Follow your dreams.

Come on braunheiser, you're better than this.


He is just bringing it up to Anthony's classy standard

i really hate every aspect of this sub. along with anthony, youre all disgusting human beings

This sub is proof Anarchy is terrible.

This sub is proof Anarchy is terrible.