Anthony berates and assaults Bobo for throwing up in his basement

139  2016-03-08 by ropieandranthory


Seriously, fuck Anthony. This isn't done in some "show act" way. He's really just a piece of shit. Even No Filter Paul is disgusted.

And what's with that fucking hair? I know he loves Seinfeld, but that doesn't mean you go full-on Cosmo Kramer.

It's beyond fucked up, for all of Bobo's faults, I don't understand how anyone could do that. It's not the alcohol either, Ant is a seriously fucked up guy.

yeah, you simply don't beat up retards. it's just not a nice thing to do.

He sounds like Kramer that one night in the Laugh Factory too

Even after incidents like this, Bobo still sided with Ant's basement show over Opie's show on SXM.

That has to be a tough pill for Tits to swallow.

I don't mean this as a defense of Opie, but I'm pretty sure Bobo looks at things in a canine-esque "who can benefit me more" way. Opie won't follow him on Twitter and Ant will - ergo, the abuse is just a side item.

Wow, psychologists would be so impressed with your evaluation of someone you've never even spoken to. You should give in services on your amazing methods.

psychologists would be impressed to see how gay you are

Fuckin' good one, stupid.

I thought his was funny, not so much yours.

yeah that was funny. because you're like super gay

Kinda like an FBI profiler

This was really awkward when it was happening, Ant clearly lost his shit that day

Even Ant was embarrassed about his behavior on the following Monday's show. He said that some shows are "one-and-done" and was very careful about Travis playing only some clips (none of which included the "nigger" rant or the violence against Bobo). The awkwardness in the room was palpable - because it was obvious that both Opie and Jimmy were well aware of the way Ant treated Bobo but certainly weren't bringing it up on air.

Opie kept trying to get ant to just play whatever they had. I think he was really hoping they'd play something that got Anthony in trouble.

Opie and Jimmy didn't sound like they knew any specifics. They kept pushing Ant to play clips of the show despite his pretty firm reluctance.

I remember watching that live and feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

does Bobo have a shred of self-esteem?

I have none, so i imagine he has less.

Also what a dick. @1:49 ant beats bobo with a paper towel roll. we need to make a compilation. Courtesy of /u/GleepGlorpFloopdedoo

Holy shit I forgot I called and asked for everyone's favorite Emerson, Lake and Palmer album. I was really feeling Tarkus that night.

hahah was that really you

Yes it was. I totally forgot that, and then I heard it and got weirded out. I don't even care about EL&P that much. That might be the night that Wendy the geriatric groupie showed a tit to everyone. Those later Live From The Compound shows were strange.

yeah i have a couple of the super old livestream copies, i wanna upload the one where he spends 2 hours yelling at some fag on the interent

That fat dingleberry Dennis was trying to grab some chick's tits for the last 2 hours of the show while everyone called to berate him one after another. It was great.

The whole Cumia crew are a bunch of lecherous uncle types who have one rich friend that validates their mediocre existence.

Brain Salad Surgery was great.

The album cover is even greater.

I managed to get a vinyl copy for like 5 bucks the other day, the album cover is amazing

I know Giger is sort of overhyped at this point, but it's well deserved. Very few albums that feature his artwork suck. Celtic Frost and Danzig included.

This is exactly what dani saw, but instead of a paper towel roll it was a balled up fist.

she deserved it though

when did I say she didn't?

Spraying Bobo in the face with chemicals is what you should be highlighting here. That's the worst thing he did.

i will. ill edit it down all nice but ill put the hitting in there two just cause its so obnoxious. edit: *too, jesus christ im a fag

Obviously the hitting is icing on the cake but the chemical spraying in his fucking face gives this the color it needs to be a headline. Makes it sound like he threw acid in his face like those radical Muslim stories.

yeah good point. ill send it to you for a once over before i deploy 'er

Teamwork makes the dreamwork my friend.

Please deliver /u/ccred95

do you still want me to do it? It was posted on rage, someone beat me to it. i uploaded the whole 10 hour thing here.

he throws up around 1:54:00. he slaps bobo harder on the back than whats shown in the clip that was posted

I say cut it into the highlights a la sportscenter

where else could i post it besides rage? which one did people post cakestomp to?

perfect thanks!

fucking premiere pro is the biggest pain in the ass. the audio playback during editing keeps going in and out every time i make a cut.

Stay the course... The prize is worth the pain

now windows stupid 10 updated and the audio doesnt work at all... i might have to torrent another video editor


the chemical part was the worst part and he threw the bottle at him and then smacked him a pool cue. i think people may have prematurely shot their wad on what was supposed to 'dry run' if you will. Theres a good amount unshown

Keep working!

Premiere pro crashes when i publish so ill have to redo all of it

Can I offer help with any assets?

actually /u/onemancrimespree edited a good video that might work but its a bit long IMO for people just browsing the videos sub or whatever and theres a couple clips i think he should add like the spraying with chemicals and slapping his back and face cause i think that was the worst part of it.

Eh, you could do it better.

oh you ;)

That's pretty fuckin bad man. He obviously has no problem with hitting people. He's lucky bobo didn't turn and snap his neck with his retard strength.

he slapped a retarded guy... the rest of reddit would have a god damn field day with this. i wanna put together a compilation tonight

So do.

i will

Goddamn this is really bad. I was a huge ant fan, but this makes it harder than pretty much anything else.

Just imagine how you'd feel if you watched him strangle, hand stomp and punch a 86 pound ugly, junkie waif in the ribs just before Christmas.

I do not feel as bad about junkies getting beat up. Hitting Bobo is like kicking a puppy.

Don't forget when he sprayed cleaning fluid into his face and hit him repeatedly with a roll of paper towels!

The thought of it... lol

Anthony looks like bling bling the crackhead in this

Anthony's crackpiiiiipe, hidden insiiiiiiide, his collAAaaarrrrrRR!!!!

What a fucking piece of shit.

If we can get cakestomp media coverage, we could spread this as well.

Opie has a show. I don't think many care about this guy. Actually I think the NY Post could possibly.. they're good at this kind of stuff

I don't know how US justice system works but how would this affect his DV case if this is sent to the DA?

If somehow the case went to jury trial, the prosecutor might be able to use it as character evidence during sentencing. Probably not though, because it's unrelated, out of context, and there was no complainant here. Ant probably won't go through a jury trial though.

lol bring Opie on as a character witness.

edit: ah, wiki says the defendant has to use a character witness first for the prosecution to be allowed to use their own, and we all know Ant would never use that kind of defense.

Can we get this send to the DA in Ant's domestic violence case? I couldn't find out his/her name.

How can you let a mentally retarded man get drunk and then get mad at him when he throws up?

This really is despicable. It's right on par with the Ari Shaffir tantrum where he keeps screaming at a guy to kill himself.

Guys, I'm just going to throw this out there, but it doesn't look like Anthony is giving Bobo constructive feedback at all.

constructive feedback

What's that? Is it anything like conservative criticism?

What an impotent, pathetic little bitch slap given to a mentally retarded person, and probably his biggest fan no less. Allows him to drink in spite of physical problems (they've mentioned Bobo takes medicine for his liver before) and then gets mad when he vomits? This isn't just laughing at a clip of a retarded person or making a joke. People laugh at that kind of shit in a gallows humor way. But this is repugnant.

When was this filmed?

At his 4th of July party, I think 2013

Ah yes, a year before Ant lost his job.

Yep, 2013 is indeed one year before 2014.

Thank you.

/u/dannyfromtheshow may have mocked us for watching LFTC on a Saturday night, but I bet he doesn't mind seeing this shit getting rehashed.

Y'know I initially thought "oh bullshit" when the Dani stuff came out, especially with her video where she clearly pretends to get hit.

But after seeing this blast from the past, maybe he did hit her, he's clearly an abusive drunken asshole who'd hit even a poor mentally challenged kid.

Just imagine if Anthony had the balls to do this to a man his own size, and not mentally challenged.

Bobo, you take that shit from a skinny old man? Next time he invites you over, bring a framing hammer, and as soon as he opens the door, let him have it.

Protect your ribs Bobo!

Is this the new cake stomping incident?

Why is Anthony such a mean violent person!! FUCK!!!!!!!!

Because that fucking retard puked in his house, i'll guess you would give him a nice pad on the back right?

Nah, but probably wouldn't hit and berate him over and over live on the internet.

so his advertisers have probably received this multiple times already right?


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"sketchy basement" LMAO


Where is this from? Is it an old LFTC? Was it live and if not how was it released?

wow thought that be funny, really sad in a way to see a man seriously about to weep getting berated


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I wish Bobo just walked under a garbage truck

You guys post all these shit in here as if we don't know about it. Post it on twitter and send it to whatever his reputable guests are, if any.

reputable guests

Bob Levy was already at that party.

don't forget NoFilterPaul

Thank you.

Ah yes, a year before Ant lost his job.

yeah i have a couple of the super old livestream copies, i wanna upload the one where he spends 2 hours yelling at some fag on the interent

That fat dingleberry Dennis was trying to grab some chick's tits for the last 2 hours of the show while everyone called to berate him one after another. It was great.

Obviously the hitting is icing on the cake but the chemical spraying in his fucking face gives this the color it needs to be a headline. Makes it sound like he threw acid in his face like those radical Muslim stories.

actually /u/onemancrimespree edited a good video that might work but its a bit long IMO for people just browsing the videos sub or whatever and theres a couple clips i think he should add like the spraying with chemicals and slapping his back and face cause i think that was the worst part of it.