200,000 Subscriptions

3  2016-03-08 by yzyman

On a recent show, I believe during Gavin's attempt at breaking a record for a webcast, he said that he was speaking to 200,000 subscribers. What do you think the actual number is and does Reddit incorporate a large percentage of them?

I'll start 500-1000 paying users. Yes, we're all here including the HOST of the show.


The O&A show on Sirius didn't even have 200,000 listeners (of if they did, it wasn't much more than that).

At most, you're looking at 5,000 paying subscribers, which provides enough gross income for Anthony to only be losing about $10,000 month.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Danny say he saw a sheet at Sirius that said 20,000 or something?

Opie said they were talking to less than 10 000 people when they first signed with XM in 2004.

Obviously they already had way more listeners when the merger happened. The show cost probably +10 million dollars per year (talent, staff, studio, equipment etc.) to produce. The show HAD to be profitable since both companies kept re-signing them. That means they calculated that at least 100 000 - 200 000 people were subscribing because of them. Listeners? Who knows.

The show HAD to be profitable? This is the same company paying Oprah millions to show up once a year and record an hour of spots for her channel. If anything it just shows how execs at Siruis wanted to not rock the boat.

Yeah, I think the math was like Howard had 1mil weekly listeners and they had 10% of that, which would be like 20,000 a day plus any sporadic listeners.


Rogan gets 200k+ views for every podcast on youtube. But he doesn't try to fuck kids sooo . .

His is also free. So I highly doubt Ant is getting that many behind a paywall

Ant doing a subscription based podcast was the stupidest fucking move. It sends the message that you "don't quite trust this internet thing" and regardless of how cheap it is it's still an annoying pain in the ass paying for anything online. Stupid old man.

That and the show simply wasn't worth that. For example there's a couple of podcast that put out free cast weekly and have a "premium" service where you pay whatever it is (some is a dollar up some is 6 -10) that gives you an extra show or two,a feed with no ads, interactive content and other various perks.

This show wanted 7 dollars to hear him rant and hear him plug ads. Now you tell me what the better model is.

If he had around 200k+ listeners instead of 500 or so subscribers he would more than make up in ad revenue what he'd lose in subscriptions. It'd be about popularity instead of exclusivity.

He also said one time he wasn't sure how many he thought it was like 50k. So that's a big gap

Best guess would be somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000

I think it's far less than that. I would guess maybe 3,500 at most.

Think it is more than that, according to the Google play store the app has been downloaded 5,000 times, so then add in those who have iPhones instead and those who only use their computers and have not download the app.

Big A downloaded it 4900 times

If you truly believe that everyone who listens to the show has an online presence then I have a beach house in Idaho to sell you.

I think it's much more likely that the majority of Anthony's fans congregated here. It seems like even the 65 year poker leeches have accounts on Reddit or at least read it.

I really think that is delusional but at least you present it like a normal person. I think there is a decent percentage of listeners that don't post but we'll never know for sure.

I totally agree with you that a lot of his listeners don't post here/aren't even familiar with Reddit, but you also have to account for the fact that the vast, vast majority of people posting here aren't TACS subscribers either.

That makes it even worse that people obsess over something they don't even watch or claim to not care about.

Who obsesses over TACS? People primarily comment on it when Anthony does something outside TACS (i.e. the transsexual story, the subsequent hypocrisy) and brings it into the discussion. People 'care' about Anthony insofar as he used to be on a show we all enjoyed listening to on a regular basis.

Was it "worse" when Opie and Anthony would obsess over Scorch? Todd Pettengill?

Yes, they would do it on the air for about 30 minutes to an hour a few times a year. This place creates 50 of the same threads every day and constantly repeats itself and throws out shit theories. You don't see the difference? Are you that dense?

Well, there's also 13,231 subscribers here. There's a chance - a chance - that you're referencing a small minority of folks who create the same threads over and over, with many more creating one or two similar threads because those individuals have the same thoughts.

Critical thinking is your friend.
