Pete Davidson appreciation day anyone?

52  2016-03-08 by GunnieGraves


Thanks Pete! A daily reminder how he's on SNL at the age of 22 and I've done nothing in life.

If you want to be more depressed, look up when Eddie Murphy started on SNL.

True, but with the black male life expectancy he was basically middle aged by then.

Not to mention he did his "Delirious" special at 22.


He's managed to do what we've all prayed for, removing the Stangles from our lives, hopefully forever.

Now hopefully we can have a Colon Cancer appreciation day in a few months....

We're busy right now with Tranpa come back later

Instead of using his bastard gumption to write jokes, he would've been spending all day playing catch if his Dad didn't die in that fiery hologram. It should be Osama appreciation day really, his petrodollars created him.

Line of the day! Line of the day!


Pete Davidson is the best thing that's happened to Opie 's show since Ant got fired.

Pete picked the wrong day to be awesome.

There's no wrong day to make the stangles quit.

22 year old SNL cast member bullies two co-dependent, child-like idiots from their place of business... No retorts, nothing...

Is Davidson third mic now? Or just a regular?

He's an infrequent regular. Not on weekly but at least a few times a month. SNL is hard to do as it is without getting up for an AM radio show.