The crazy thing about all this

19  2016-03-08 by IrsaysLiver

The root of all this madness is because they don't make you laugh anymore.

They don't make you laugh anymore so they must be destroyed.



Now somebody call me a faggot so we can move on.

I won't give you the satisfaction!


That's right liver lips.

If you look directly at us it's like a trap closing on your leg. You now have to drag us with you out of the swamp and back to the village.

3 responses. Ouch, I'm feeling the destruction. Holy crap. Morons.

You're picking the threads with the lowest amount of comments and saying this is proof nobody gives a fuck. Look at the front page, it's nothing but posts with hundreds of comments mocking you.

Calm down

He can have your reddit account deleted in an instant, watch out.

He's a hack not a hacker.



You keep replying to him, you need to get a life, sir. And quit Panera bread for fucks sake.

Yes, lets post at 6AM and pretend that there's only 3 people shitting on you.

Morons? Show us your High School diploma and say that to our faces.

He dropped out of high school because he failed Gym. Simply stunning.

That's still one more person than showed up to protest you being fired.

Your a self hating North African / black man. Embrace your heritage Kumiya!


Lil early in the morning to be hitting the sauce and women don't ya think?

Why Ed does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know, Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it.


ShEt EpP