If Branthony posts Panera Man's dox, lets start an IndieGoGo fundraiser that would put Jim to shame.

17  2016-03-08 by ropieandranthory

I have $6.95 for ya buddy. #StandWithPanera


To buy what? An acne medication that works?



What everyone on this sub needs: A life.

Not you. You're golden Pony Boy

I have $6.95 - but I'm going to want a pick two combo in return

lets start an IndieGoGo fundraiser that would put Jim to shame.

Didn't Jim already do that?

seriously.....we could sell retweets, and vines, and all sorts of valuable stuff.

Legal fund so the dude can sue Anthony for his last few shekels. Which Anthony would know if his dog shit network could afford a legal department. I hope he does it and the Panera boy gets fired, could be better than Opie crying.

Working at Panera is soo below installing air conditioners. Someone forgot where he came from. What a toxic pile of poo poo he has become.

I will not only donate $6.95, I will send him or her a guide to suing the shit out of this out of control douchebag.

7 posts! You'll raise a fortune!!! Haha

Are u gonna delete all these when u wake up from ur blackout at 3pm


Hey Ant did you personally meet Sir William P. Phineas at the Super Adventure Club years ago?

There are so many threads shitting on you that it's hard to contain your "haters" all in one. All of this could have been avoided had you just admitted you bombed at the roast.

The faggot seems threatened by this plan.

grandpa's learning how popular subreddits work how cute :D

These posts are right on scheduled time!

Your a self hating North African / black man. Embrace your heritage Kumiya!


i got a couple friends to subscribe. The shitposting is fun and all, but these guys run the shit into the ground.