Doxes his subscribers fa la la la

93  2016-03-08 by NihilistKnight

Network will be dead by the end of the year, fa la la la


Back to knockin' tin, fa la la la

Get your tools from the side of exit ramp with the la la la la

Foreclosed compound fa la la la la

Violent standoff fa la la la la

Calls one house a compound fa lala lala

"You'll never take my guns fa la la la"

"Butt Plug fa la la la"

Another Waco siege fa la la la la

crawling through the ducts with, fa la la la la
dont open that spackle bucket with the, fa la la la

Suit up boys fa la la la

Benzos and booze fa la la la la

Headed for a permanent snooze fa la la la la

Classy like a class E felony fa la la la la

FBI statistics fa la la la la

It was a feminine penis, fa la la la

📉💸🔫💥⚰ fa la la la la


fa la la la la

Fred from brooklyn is my private detective fa la la la la

Delusional old bat fa la la la la

Thumb trying to leave his hand fa la la la la

Calling people classless on the la la la la

Felony strangulation charges pending from la la

Threatens breadbowl bakers fa la la la

Having a nervous break down fa la la la la

Bring of personal and financial ruin fa la la la la

Jail time looming large fa la la la la

Locked away with "those people" fa la la la la

Brother Joe writing a tell all fa la la la la

When he can't mooch off of Ant anymore fa la la la la

Take my threats seriously fa la la la la

Please, I'm begging you fa la la la la

Fucked things up his only good girlfriend whose a tranny fa la la la la

Shaking like Michael J Fox fa la la la
Only person ever weak enough to suffer detrimental side effects from Bud Light fa la la la

The Frontega Chicken Sandwhich is actually good fa la la la

Great 2 for 1 appe-teaser specials fa la la la

New microbrew options fa la la la

Further isolates himself, fa la la la la

Nervous ticks like an autist, fa la la la la

Thinks might makes right, fa la la la la

Sad aging old man, fa la la la la

Takes it up the shit pipe fa la la la

shitting on his fan base fa la la la

threatening panera bread fa la la la la

careers a million miles away

When will the next arrest be fa la la lala.

You guys don't bother me fa la la la.

Spam this board and not his actual fansite fa la la la la

Can't afford his mansion fa la la la la Gotta move in to the ghetto fa la la la la

Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Shekelstein, fa la la la

Hello Tyrone, fa la la la

Moving to cell block D fa la la la

I wish I could say the sisters never touched Anthony fa la la la

American History X shower scene fa la la la

Breakin' all the wrists with his la la la la.

So will the boyfucker, fa la la la

Thinks Bob Levys gonna save em with the la la la la

gonna need a new logo fa la la la la

guys ill volunteer myself to be murdered as a direct consequence of being doxxed by ant.... troll til i die

Dude, forgetting something?!

that would be a proper way to end this whole saga.

are we doing a kickstarter or?

Now held to a standard fa la la la

we have to be nice fa la la la

make people feel good fa la la la

GO SCREW with the la la la la

Induldged in a girl cock fa la la la

Has a pair of saggy tits that rival the Opster's fa la la la la

Back to owning rapiers, fa la la la

In jail he'll be owned by rapers fa la la la

rode a lazysusan fa la la la la

Delirium tremens fa la la la




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You think Reddit has anything to do with my subs? You fuckers are so delusional! You're not even a tiny fraction of my audience. You really think you are! Lol! What a load of dumb cunts!!!!

people are posting proof they cancelled fa la la la

we all work at panera fa la la la

still happier than you fa la la la

pop a bottle full of xanax fa la la la

drink a bunch of bud light fa la la la

lowers your inhibitions fa la la la

take your hidden gun fa la la la

put it in your mouth fa la la la

pull the fucking trigger fa la la la

Lord Jesus.

Why don't you tell him how you REEEAAAALLY feel?

I had to come and read this one again. That's fucking brutal :D

Pud Suckley, you are the most transparent faggot in the universe. Keep talking about how reddit doesn't matter, then go back on everything you claimed you stood for on your show, admitting you're a huge hypocrite, just to possibly get one person on reddit fired from a fucking panera bread while your thumb spasms out of control in an attempt to detach itself from your alcohol-poisoned body.

Oh, and then come back onto reddit, that site that doesn't matter, later that night to tell everyone once again that the site doesn't matter.


The extra exclamation marks mean you don't care.


Up all night drinking fa la la la la

Rageposting on Reddit fa la la la la

Need more exclamation points fa la la la la

TACS sub reddit has disappeared???

If were not even a tiny fraction, why do you even give a shit? You're worse than Opie now.


Fuck off faggot you threatened your subscribers by talking about doxing fans on your show.

Post the sub numbers and prove us wrong gramps.

dumb cunts

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


You think you assholes mean anything fa la la la, you still pay attention every day fa la la morons are the joke fa la la la, you mean nothing to my shows fa la la la....haha, you HAVE to see how insignificant you are to TACS or O&J right?

stop harassing dani fa la la la

she screenshots your death threats fa la la la

sue told me to tell you she said hi fa la la la

you're human garbage fa la la la

I just want everyone here to know that Anthony is currently going on this tirade at 5:30 in the morning. A sad image of him in his old man glasses typing away at strangers on the Internet after a night of drinking.

I'm screencapping it all in case he deletes it. I'm HOWLING.

Hey I enjoyed you on Fox News last night!!!..oh wait, you ruined your life by beating up a glorified teenage girl and got blackballed. My bad! Don't choke on your ladyboifriend, mommy shoes!!! ;-)

Fa la la la la......

Ewww you tried to marry yourself to opies show again... ewwww. He can't stand you dude. Get over it.

You know, if you're going to post here obsessively every night, you ought to at least learn to format your posts nicely like the rest of us here.

Please use your DT-induced vibro-thumb to hit the space bar twice for a line-break. And keep up the good work! This is going great. Love the direction of the Reddit account.

zero self-awareness fa la la la la

learn to hit space 4x then ⏎, fa la la la la

Where has TACS sub reddit gone?

You lost your guns fa la la la

That wasn't very funny at all.

I don't care so much I posted twice fa la la la la

This is the worst one.


Where has TACS sub reddit gone?

stop harassing dani fa la la la

she screenshots your death threats fa la la la

sue told me to tell you she said hi fa la la la

you're human garbage fa la la la

Hey I enjoyed you on Fox News last night!!!..oh wait, you ruined your life by beating up a glorified teenage girl and got blackballed. My bad! Don't choke on your ladyboifriend, mommy shoes!!! ;-)

I just want everyone here to know that Anthony is currently going on this tirade at 5:30 in the morning. A sad image of him in his old man glasses typing away at strangers on the Internet after a night of drinking.


Ewww you tried to marry yourself to opies show again... ewwww. He can't stand you dude. Get over it.

learn to hit space 4x then ⏎, fa la la la la

You know, if you're going to post here obsessively every night, you ought to at least learn to format your posts nicely like the rest of us here.

Please use your DT-induced vibro-thumb to hit the space bar twice for a line-break. And keep up the good work! This is going great. Love the direction of the Reddit account.

zero self-awareness fa la la la la

That wasn't very funny at all.

You lost your guns fa la la la

This is the worst one.
