We need to send a fuck ton of evidence to Dani's lawyers to make Ant's life worse.

1  2016-03-08 by A_Faulty_Robot

This is an all out war right now and Ant needs to be completely destroyed. How do we get in contact with them?


We don't want to contact them at all so when Ant inevitably snaps and starts screaming about "the men on the internet" during his trial he doesn't have anything to fall back on.

Send it to the prosecutor of the case. It can be used to show how unstable he is, as for a civil case anything used in a criminal court can be requested by her lawyers.

I don't think it's Dani's lawyers. I think he's going against the state. Also, the reddit admins don't take too kindly to posts like this.

The stupid is strong with you. It's the State of New York vs Anthony Cumia, not Dani Brand vs Ant. Delete this before you embarrass yourself further.

You fucking Psycho. Why don't you go read something, go eat, spend time with your family or something, instead of wasting time trying to bother someone you will never meet. Jesus. I think it's about time I go away from this place...

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha, bitch.

All your recent posts are contrarian statements in Anthony's defense, clearly you are gay

this new gay test hasn't failed us yet
