Opie's reaction to the Stangels walking out on the show was peak Opie

8  2016-03-08 by opieanthonyjim

Continually saying "what did I do? I thought it was in the area of what we usually do" yeah Opie it was no shit. That's why Pete and Kenny and Travis and the whole staff were of the opinion that the Stangels were being giant babies that clearly cares more about their nbc gig than the radio show. Dumb opie wanting to basically suck up to the Stangels was nauseating. This guy saying "they helped me reinvent myself and they did so much for the show" is the same guy who shit all over Jimmy.

Hey, dumb fuck opie: Jimmy did so much more for the show than the Stangels. He stayed loyal and truth is without him virtually all of your listeners would've jumped shit. Yet you shit on him and tell him to quit and then a few months later are basically walking on Stangel-shells trying to make them feel better when THEY WERE BEING FUCKING BABIES.

BTW bravo to Pete. He was just fucking around and Justin was being such a twat. Finally Pete just had it and said fucking leave don't wait for a break just leave you pussy. So dismissive.




Agree with everything you said, except Jimmy. Lets be real.. loyalty was not a factor in him staying. 300K per year to talk for 10 hours a week was.

Well either way, Jimmy still stayed. If Opie thinks the Stangels did more to help him than Jimmy did then he's crazy.

He's right though. Management is clueless. Hiring the stangels have him clout with those buffoons, as sad as that is.