Right now, a millionaire ex radio host is sitting in his empty house frothing at this subreddit.

79  2016-03-08 by spaceship-earth

My life might suck, but hes fucking pathetic now. I'LL GET YOU AND YOUR LITTLE DOGGIE COMPANY TOO!


Which one?

The one drinking bud light and popping benzos like they're pez

the fact that you can say that shows how high on the hog we're living now.


I can't wait till he has to sell his house.

No, the cars will go first. Unless he wraps those around a telephone pole out of sheer rage on his way to get more shit beer.

I'd wager that's not the only thing he's got frothing.


yea, theres probably some rent boy next to him with a big fuckin pekah

I meant a hot milky drink.

It's hot when it comes pouring out of the shaft into his open mouth.

I don't know how you turned that around on me but you certainly did.

Just like Sue turned around Anthony.

And I'm done again!


I didn't mean that! Goodness sake, I'll tell ya that this sub can twist your words it can.

Can someone please photoshop Anth and Howard Hughes plz?

He's sitting in his computer room, empty bottles of bud filled with urine, having Keith run reels of Hitler speeches. Come in with the Bud. Come in with the Bud.

He pores over the printed FBI crime stats handed to him in a paper bag at a 45 degree angle.

"The way of the future. The way of the future"

"If i grab Dani... with my left hand ...and reach over and punch.... her in the ribs wigh my right hand..."


Ugh. Remember this shit? When they'd rag on Sirius? When they were "spreading the virus" at XM? What a couple of dickheads.


I just hope the frothing is caused by one of his guns in the mouth.

They're in state custody.

So what's the next step? He's gotta be too old for tin knocking.

I rub my dick on your grandma's sideburns

What's with the grandma sideburns comments?

she loves it

makes sense

So rare that I'm jealous of Gram. I haven't shaved in days.

You idiots really think you matter!!!?? Hahaha!! I'm "frothing"? Holy shit! You fuckers are hilarious. Sure, I'll read this but it's a joke. Why would anyone care about a few dozen morons obsessively posting about me every day? You don't see that you're the joke? This sub is insignificant. You all live here so you think it's everything. Haha!!

deleted a bunch of tweets fa la la la

still had a bad day in court fa la la la

we saw you liking those 12 year old's selfies fa la la la

Shut up stupid.

I don't care but will still respond fa la la la

Why would anyone care about a few dozen morons obsessively posting about me every day?

Because you could potentially double or triple your subscriber count if you could get them to change their minds about you?

No need to be so upset Anthony, some trannys just aren't attracted to older men.

4am posting about how much I don't care on every new thread. K you don't care at all .

Why won't Jimmy do your show? 13,232 is our number. What's yours? Also to clear up something who wouldn't find it fascinating a once hilarious multi-millionaire shock jock gets fired over tweets, starts his own podcast, has his fans turn on him cause its bad,becomes hypocrytical and it just gets worse.

You maybe laughing but everyone knows you are against free speech now (if it's personal wtf) and everyone who knows you knows you take this stance because they also lurk here.

You need to settle down ant. You look unhealthy. Your skin has turned gray. Step off that ledge and check yourself into a rehab/psychiatric facility.

Initially I blamed Rat on the lighting making him look ghoulish. I see the impact alcoholism does to your skin.

Why don't u ever answer the question about how many subs u have to ur fantastic show?

Damnit, I was hoping ant would care about this sub but he obviously doesnt :( I guess ill stop posting now

Time to pack it up, fellas.

This proves OP's point. Keep projecting, Anthony. It's transparent you're losing it.


You idiots really think you matter!!!?? Hahaha!! I'm "frothing"? Holy shit!

~ a man who is clearly not mad at all, no sir, just calmly owning everybody with precision wit and stable composure


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we don't really live here, champ. nice try with the hate, tho. ::sniff::

Jesus....If youre gonna make ANOTHER one of these posts at least make it funny