"I get more people coming to my shows yelling "fuckin' rick!" than anything." Pete Davidson on O&J today. "Fuckin' rick!" was Pete's first time on O&J.

0  2016-03-07 by FootThingOnHerFoot

but....NOBODY LISTENS, EVERYONE HATES THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure to insult me and ignore the facts. Consistence is everything guys!



Notice no scale was given, more than anything could mean twice every other week.

How's it feel to be a "haterfighter", you soccer mom radio listening cock lover lol. HAHA AW YIS KARDASHIAN TALK IS SOOO GUUUD. Benjamin + Cocks = <3 4 lyfe

Your current narrative doesn't match reality. Now that youve had to turn on craterface, you dont know where to turn. Opie's show is good and even the fags on this sub listen with glee and act like they dont.

I listened to O and J for about a year and I have no idea what "fuckin rick" is about


Take a little peek at the american idol, liiil peek.

Enjoy your morning zoo, Benny. Your threads are bombing.

American Idol? So O&J has millions of listeners? Please, sir, use better analogies next time.

Learn to spell Opie. No talent piece of shit.