Anyone else's store not getting enough broccoli cheddar soup?

138  2016-03-07 by ArkL

Hey fellow BreadHeads, store #504 here. Just wondering if anyone else's store wasn't receiving their normal amounts of broccoli cheddar. It's a hot item and I hate to see our valued customers disappointed.


Store #438 here, store #504 can lick my balls.

How about you march up here and face the Fightin' 504? I'll shove my slip-proof work shoes up your mother's cunt.

Lady Di got mugged at store #504. It's in THAT part of town.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh snap!

Store #504 puts cum in the soup.

Now that I can't deny.

What time do you close tonight?

Out here at store #304 we have disbanded the broccoli cheddar soup because a elderly lady chocked on a larger piece of broccoli and our second shift manager Bruce tried to give her the heimlich maneuver and when that didn't work he gave her a tracheostomy with his pocket knife. It all turned out to be a misunderstanding and the lady was never choking she was just speaking Mandarin because she's Asian. Good O'L Bruce.


so hard to find good help these days

This is fucking hilarious

I hear #504 is a popular gay cruising spot.

That's true! Just the other day a Moorish-looking gentleman came in asking for employee records. He mumbled something about blacks then left in a Jaguar with a transexual in the passenger seat.

That's weird. I work in store #385 (another gay hot spot) and someone showed up in a jaguar with a young lady and was mumbling about a knife fight he was late for.

There's maybe 10 people (or autistics) in the world who will get this, haha.

There's tens of thousands of people on this sub, and except for bobo, everyone gets it

Ten of thousands*

I'll concede that 17 people know.

Do you have any vacancies?

Will work for cum.

It's cold out here.

"Well, go inside, nigga!"

Put on some mittens.

taps toe under stall

I just have a very wide stance

I can confirm this.

This is absolutely untrue. We definitely won't be hanging out behind the restaurant blowing each other 9pm every Tuesday.

Corporate is really fucking us.

Corporate is REALLY unhappy with the store's new direction.

lol breadheads

Huge Bread Garrit fan here


the meatballs the meatballs the meatballs the meatballs the meatballs the meatballs

There's a teamster strike, those trucks are still sitting on the docks, we all have to just bear with it until a new agreement is made.


Cant talk about what's happening at store number 257 right now because I'm busy jerking off into the mayo and sending out unsolicited dick pics. Didn't wash my hands either because fuck it .

It really is a shame. I always get a bowl of it for my shift meal, well, if I'm working an 8 hour shift and earn it lol. Enjoy your day bread buddies!

Oo the creamy tomato's scrumptious. I treat myself sometimes, but I gotta watch my figure right guys?



I'm pissed that they discontinued the chipotle chicken panini.

Just ask Ant to swallow Sue's cum then blow his nose. You should have plenty then.

Got plenty here.

I heard justin stangle aka fat danny zuko has been seriously binge eating after today's beatdown, so there's a possible explanation. Also stores are reporting shortages of ring-dings, entenmann's donuts and twinkies.

Hey I'm not a corporate bigshot. I just come to work with a container of coffee and have a delicious breaded Asiago Cheese Focaccia.

Store number 277 reporting in. I'm shocked you're not getting enough Broccoli Ched... It's hands down the most popular soup we have, but corporate knows this and sometimes it seems like they send us too much! Just the other day I heard my manager shouting "For pete's sake they sent us more damn Broccoli Cheddar!" While checking in the truck.

You have plenty of soup. Work on making more God damn bread bowls.

The last Quiznos just closed down in my area so store #666 (DVV DVV) is fucking BOOMING

Apologies for the late response.

Sr. shift supervisor Gordon checking in. Store #288. Earlier today one of the panini artisans tripped over the Cat5e cable and took the WAP offline. Waiting for corporate to fix the team viewer so they can zap the PRAM, flash the BIOS and possibly reinstall the DD-WRT firmware to get the wireless service back.

I've been sending one of the new hires, Katy, to the Starbucks across the street to get the latest scoop for the boys in the kitchen. We have some devastating tranny puns in the works. Our staff is preparing to unleash brand new material and possibly a video in the coming days, soon as we find a working keygen for Adobe Premiere Pro.

Cheddar levels are sustainable at the present time.

Remember breadheads, "Live Consciously. Eat Deliciously" 🍞✊🏿

— Gordon288 out.


Nobody buys any at store 302. Weird

Seriously, I love this fucking sub.

The Broccoli Cheddar soup is only the beginning. 1 by 1 your panini presses will fail and the licences for the OS on your registers will expire. If you want mercy, you must beg on your knees by sending tweets saying how great the show is. Until then, watch out because maybe the settings on the ovens are off and the batches of cookies made each morning come out slightly overdone. DON'T FUCK WITH ME OR MY LIVELIHOOD AGAIN!

breadhead tss tss wuddya got a rye hat or summmtiin i dunno im just riffen here

Ten of thousands*

I'll concede that 17 people know.