I think Anthony threatening to Dox is hilarious.

3  2016-03-07 by Joemomma101

I love the added drama. You O&A pests are ruthless, and attack every single person. I love seeing somebody fight back, and do it in a funny way.


Nah, you're missing the point. Anthony really doesn't care about this shit. Seriously, he couldn't care less. This isn't bothering him at all. He's perfectly fine. Really.

Don't forget how much he loves pussy. He's all about the hot chicks with their big tits and vaginas. The bigger the tits the better, am I right guys?

And he's got a hot tub! He's never mentioned it before, but its true!

That thing must get filled up with grade a pussy every night and absolutely no strange cocks whatsoever.

Also, don't forget he knows what Patrice would have wanted.


its such a corny, geeky way to "get" someone... like only the ugliest nerds would think this is a major victory. EPIC WIN!


This is obviously just a ploy to get everyone off the topic of him fucking a boy with tits.

Of course it's funny. He's going legitimately insane and is secreting acid out of his salivary glands with every waking breath. I'm picturing ghastly, Lovecraftian screams pouring out of his house at all hours.

Yeah. This is a strange point of no return. Exciting, honestly.