Remember when Anthony got a slow person drunk and then when they puked on his floor Anthony berated him and called him a "fucking nigger"?

237  2016-03-07 by FunkyTreasure





Yoga Fired.

Tiger-uppercut Dani


Tsss...yeah sho me tha money or sumpthin

That's a good one, Chip.


Tiger upper chuck!

"If this retard is to puke, let him puke! If the network is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to be an irrelevant shock jock who boned a tranny... I must simply doxx!!"

Tran is a gross human being...they way he said the n word made me sick to my stomach..dude is white trash, i bet hes broke with in 5 years.

I fucking HOPE it's three. And he's BROKE broke.

I bet hes thinking about the trannys that are in jail as we speak..

I hope my boss doesnt find out I think anthony is a piece of shit.

Panera Bread is very forgiving I've already had my talking to today.

Bare bottomed spanking?

What's a spank without a peg, right Ant?

As this subreddit has already put out there, it's not pegging when it is an actual penis.

As I'm not opie or Anthony and am not a full on tard bash, yes I know. But if you like to get fucked in the ass, you would like it dildo or real deal. Sue's dick can't be the first thing that went in there.

A bare-bottom spanking ought to right the ship and straighten everybody out.


Oh, I know, that's why you're getting promoted.

I just spit beer all over my iPad screen after reading this! Salut

Probably something that should be tweeted at any guess like Bill Nye, Neil Tyson, or any other decent guest he tries to book.

Is it time to manipulate the hate?

Isn't his guest schedule public somewhere?

I'm starting to think that Ant might be a racist.

it would be a real shame if this got sent to:


Can anyone who still watches confirm that these are current sponsors? What about Mangrate?

I sent it to all three, but I'll make sure to resend it when those accounts post again. Lootcrate responds to everything.

This one should make the rounds like the cake stomp video

Yeah! Get him fired!

What is the endgame? Is it revenge? It's probably revenge. It must be revenge. Process of elimination, and all that.

I never heard him call Bobo a nigger before. Jesus. What are you doing, Ant? Do you listen to your own fucking show?

He did this on a Live from The Compound show. Ant is smart enough to hold back on O&A and when in public, but on shows like this that were broadcast to 30 hardcore fans he was generally a bit more revealing of his true self. A few guests like Gavin McInnes, and even Ant himself have talked about Anthony being "worse" off the air.

TLDR; Ant is a bigger piece of shit in private than in public.

Jesus he sounds unbearable

Tsss...yeah what is opie unslothable or sumpthin

double mammals

Double mammaries, cocksucka.

Also, if you watch the whole clip, he might actually have been drunker than he was when he gave Dani her little side-sticker. Not that that refutes anything. But wow was he a god damned stinking hot mess of rage, shame, regret, hate, bitter entitlement, and all the other Top Cumia Qualities.

I saw on an O&A fan reddit the compound is short for come pound anthony's ass. These are his fans.

Is that the same time Anthony sprayed cleaning solution in Bobo's eyes and slapped him in the face?


But is there a video of a Blowbo? You know it has to have happened.

No, no, happened.

As Danny noted when Bobo blew the banana, not a tooth mark on it. There's no way Ant didn't shove that giant peckah down Bobo's gullet and pump a heavy, thick, load into his gut.

Just one of the perks of a lifetime spent blowing his brother!!

Hand Joe Cumia a banana - and you'd likely see much the same upon return. An impeccably unblemished banana skincovering but with all the creamy, protein-rich innards inexplicably sucked out! (Joe's got a couple of decades on young Daniel, he has his secret techniques)

Autistic retard throws up... where does Ant go? well ofcourse... CALL HIM A NIGGER.


That's not Anthony Cumia. That's clearly Richard Simmons.

No it's probably Anthony. That's NF Paul and Bobo in the video too which adds to the likelihood imo.

Also, this sub is called opieandanthony so there's that too.

Oh literal i_hate_knickers

I'm embarrassed.

At least you're not Anthony.

It's okay. Just play some Weezer and everything will be alright in the end.


He really is nothing more than a piece of shit. Fuck you Anthony. You are the nigger.

Do you have video of when he slapped Bobo that day?

The fucking Street Fighter music... LOL

Jesus Christ. I can't believe I defended this guy when he got fired.

Lol say what you will, but the editing is fucking brilliant in this. GOLD JERRY!

Could we get this going like the sub did with cake stomp?

No one would care. Retards hitting retards is like black pepple calling each other the n word.

Wow he played that way different on the air. No wonder he didn't want that replayed...

1:30, 3:30-ish, and way more if you keep watching

New money + no class = this


Ant looks like a drunk, decrepit, geriatric in a wheelchair scolding his retarded mansion slave

Probably not right to call Bobo "slow". My grandma is slow, but at least she gets there.

r/cringe ?

I think r/rage would enjoy this

This wasn't even the worst of it. I'll post to vidme later.

didnt he start beating him with a roll of paper towels or something?

If I remember correctly he also poured cleaning fluid all over Bobo. Truly a classy move.

i remember that too, i thought he hit him a bunch of times with a tube or something. maybe i imagined it

you didn't. That happened

do you know where that video is? i remember it potentially appearing pretty brutal from an outsiders perspective

I don't. May want to call braunheiser for that one

paging /u/braunheiser , do you know where the video of ant hitting bobo with the paper towel rolls is?

thatthat that never happened, awlroight?

Stay Classy Anthony Cumia

I like to nigger-around a bit. It's funny. But I would never yell "You fucking nigger!" at someone. That's oldschool. I think after you've watched Twelve Years A Slave it's no longer OK to yell that.

Aww shiiiit Ant will dox you in a second nigga

I believe this is the same episode of Live from the Compound that had a bored Illeana, his 17 year old girlfriend, standing around, while a shirtless, 60 year old Dennis Farrell, walked around with his tits out.

He needs to start doing these kinds of episodes again, actually. This is the sort of shit that was entertaining, not watching a creepy old man waste away in front of us.

Also, look at all that class.

With the benefit of hindsight do you think it's fair to say that maybe Anthony has been slightly unhinged for a few years?

Says the fucking Sand-Nigger. This anti-black shit really is just self-hatred, isn't it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

This is terrible, outrageous and disgusting!

I can't get the videos to play.

do you have more of these??

Compound parties? Nah, I recorded the hand full of them broadcasted but the stream quality was horrible on most (from Ants end)...Constant lag and drop outs etc. with no real content so this one was the only one I kept the mp4 of..

i have a couple of the old ones like him yelling at the guy who thouhgt he was a good writer but was stalking ant online, that one was great. Also i remember jimmy's asshole being involved in at least one of them

Oh yeah, I never recorded any of the regular "Live from the compound" shows...Just the parties waiting for something to fly off the rails which luckily I did that time....

Awesome! Is there a place i can download them?

The title of the video says he beats up a mentally challenged man, but the beating isn't actually in that video. It should be edited together with this one.

I don't know if this post was supposed to make me hate Ant but that sentence just made me swoon.



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Human garbage. Guess we were all blind to what a horrendous piece of shit Transthony is.

Fat Ron Swanson on left.


Yeah, this was funny as fuck though.

Remember when this was posted 100 times already? Go fuck yourself you fucking weirdo.

Eww.. Fuck all you assholes. You were all begging to suck him off 2 months ago. Now 5 guys get jelous he posted on a different Reddit and now all this is "sick and wrong" as bobo how he feels.. And go blow ass if you're just gonna follow right into there bullshiit.

What's troubling you, sweetheart?

You idiots are all fucking degenerates like this. Don't act like you have morals.

Look at yourselves you fucking maggots.


At least you're not Anthony.

That's a good one, Chip.

It's okay. Just play some Weezer and everything will be alright in the end.

do you have more of these??

i have a couple of the old ones like him yelling at the guy who thouhgt he was a good writer but was stalking ant online, that one was great. Also i remember jimmy's asshole being involved in at least one of them