Pete Davidson Vs Justin Stangel (03/07/2016)

108  2016-03-07 by Johnniebutters


"When I had to reinvent myself about a year and a half ago I leaned on these guys(stangels) heavy."

Opie has no shame.

With all the Anthony shit the past 3 months I almost forgot how awful Opie is.

never forget

Radio since he was 18. Never forget.

why the fuck does a professional with +40 years in the radio business need to "reinvent himself" and "fight for his life" to continue doing a morning radio show with a full staff in a professional studio

If by reinvent he means go full lazy and rely on everyone else to do the talking....then he hasn't changed a bit.

Cause he's a narcissistic douche. He's reinventing himself in a dying medium and thinks he's more important than he is.

oh rhetorical question asking crilder

When the slowest fuck on a relay team decides to run in solo competitions.....

reinventing just means they went from real laughter to fake laughter

So he's trying to blame the fact that he's a talentless douchebag who does a boring radio show on the Blunder Twins?

He used to be seen as the useless crybaby on the shock jock show and now he's reinvented himself into the useless crybaby on the entertainment gossip show.

With that one line he lost all plausible deniability for the disaster the show has become. He should have tossed the blame on them sucking and not performing. Now he owns all of the fallout, what a clueless idiot. Fucking up-jumped board op.

I puked when hearing that.


He's a great ball-buster. He's on SNL now, funny dude.

Justin gets picked on and Eric has to leave with him? God, those two are fucking pathetic.

Co-dependent home schooled faggots.

Literally dead weight

They got a raging clue!

Pete threatening to beat the shit out of Justin is great.

I really wish he did and Stangel is a cunt, but Davidson also has very punchable chompers. A part of me would like to get one of his front teeth stuck between my knuckles.

I wanna brush his teeth with a claw hammer.

I wanna remove his lips with my hat.

I wanna watch Ant remove his hat with his lips. By hat I mean helmet.

I'm thinking of you taking a flat brim hat, putting his lips on a chopping block, then placing the brim over his lips like a chisel then banging down with a hammer to chop 'em off in one quick motion.

But dude his dad died in 9/11.....

Ya kiddin'! How didit happen?

Really? He's never mentioned it.

That is odd, you think he would have brought it up

You're thinking of Steve Renazizi

That was funny, but honestly, Pete is about as much of a tough guy as fat Stangel is. I doubt he'd do shit; (it did sound a bit like he wasn't kidding).

in case anyone was wondering:

opie thought "dick funnel" should have got a laugh. he knew it couldn't work on NBC, but he thinks it should have at least got some laughs. it should have got a laugh at least.


just wanted to add (if nobody else noticed) that Opie felt bad and likes the stangels, he thought that they were just busting balls. he felt like a dick but he thought they were totally in ball busting range. loves the stangels, BUT he did think that everybody was just busting balls even though it made him feel bad it was just a little ball busting.

honestly i can't make it through this clip - it's terrible. opie ruins the entire thing. he just repeats himself over and over and fucking over again and still manages to say nothing at all. he can't shut his non contributing mouth ever. and it's nauseating to listen to the most sensitive man in the SiriusXM complex sit there and pretend he could handle a fraction of the verbal abuse that fat stangel gets. opie would shut the fuck down on the first joke and bring the show to a stop until everyone told him how funny and good looking and successful he is. opie is literally the worst.

I mean, how doesn't that at least get a laugh? he's absolutely right on the money here

YES - it should have got laughs! it's a funnel that goes on your dick - OF COURSE it's not gonna work on NBC, but it should have got some laughs right?

Wow, I'm gonna be thinking about the dick funnel all day now, thats hilarious. Right on man.

were you smokin some of THE POT when you thought about the dick funnel /u/PeckaSucka?

I need to start smokin the weed again. I think its time to try out the weed again.

(Somebody says something unrelated to weed thats interesting or funny trying to get a conversation started)

Ehehehehehehe (cue high pitched voice) SERIOUSLY THOUGH I THINK ITS TIME FOR ME TO SMOKE AGAIN!

(in a phony hushed tone of solemn reverence)'re so right....

Vurry good. Vic Henley will be at the Helium comedy.... Blah blah blah.

Look I mean I don't know if our would have worked for snl but it should at least gotten a laugh, its great

He is the worst kind of idiot. One who thinks everyone NEEDS to hear his opinion.

loves the stangels,

All in with the Stangels

Wow, Travis sounded pretty pissed. Great to hear.

Opie tries to make it about himself...

'' i feel bad now'' / '' fuuuuuck, i feel bad'' x 8

'' why are they mad at me?'' x 6

pete attacking stangel for his twitter narcissism was beyond ironic, greggshells weren't to far.

and apparently the *whole staff hates justin stangel. makes sense. but it shouldn't have taken pete for it to be established on air. on the other hand, i don't ever listen.

Imagine you're Travis or Erock. You've been in radio your whole career and these two guys who have no radio experience and seemingly no personalities, no ability to banter come in and are your bosses? I think the resentment would build up pretty fast. Perhaps if they brought the goods it would be acceptable, but Justin in particular is so useless and unfunny on the radio. It's astonishing that a head writer for Letterman (who I always loved) can be so bad at conversing and telling stories.

Most of the time writers aren't going to be good at talking and joking around or else they would be performing their material themselves.

Perhaps, but a lot of writers are comics and vice versa. Their craft is in words. You'd think they'd be better than borderline retarded at conversing.

Comics do stand up and are good writers because of it. People who write for a living most of the time can't do well with stand up.


Followed by breaking the situation down to himself in an annoying voice

"I've sat in this seat way too many years."-truest thing opie has ever said.

I always liked how early on after the split he said "we worked together for 20 years". He says it as an accomplishment as if having a conversation for 3.5 hours every day is hard.

It reminds me when Mike Francesa fell asleep on air but he wouldn't just admit to it. Jay Mohr was saying how much of an ass he was because "most the people who listen to his show can't fathom working only 20 hours a week".

Point being, Opie has had a cushy job for the last 10+ years and still manages to find unhappiness.

Opie just has to mention that he use to like America's got talent till stern joined then he didn't like it as much.

If you listen back then opie always tried to downplay how much he liked the show because it's so lame. And when stern joined he was basically sad cause he couldn't enjoy his favorite show anymore.

Opie is gay as fuck.

I'd like to think his wife still makes him watch it and he just sits there and pouts.

And when stern joined he was basically sad cause he couldn't enjoy his favorite show anymore.

This made me loff.

The fact that Opie even relates himself to Stern is appalling. Todd Pettengill maybe.

It shows you what a fucking faggot Opie is, he can't watch Howard on TV without it bugging him even if he loves the show.

I can't believe we are talking about GROWN men. He left because he was being made fun of. He really deserves all the shit he's going to get

jesus fucking christ.

3 minutes in, Pete explains the scene in fuller house where the characters ask "where's michelle", and someone responds "she's busy in new york running her empire", and then the whole cast stares at the camera.

Fucking opie goes "you know what that stare is right?" AS IF IT'S NOT COMPLETELY FUCKING OBVIOUS AND THE ENTIRE REASON PETE DESCRIBED THE SCENE. ugghhhhhhh

Mind-blowing stupidity.

It's pure douche chills.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that stare was.

Was going to comment the same. Can someone on the show just fucking grow a pair and say---no shit you God damned retarded non-contributor

"are you filming me?" you take up half the fucking studio!

Vic Henley is insufferable. I dont know what was worse, him constantly kissing up to Pete or him constantly saying "We're comedians, this is what we do". He's such a hack.

He's white sherrod

But that'd be redundant, no?

Oh you don't know? I hate to break it to you, but Sherrod is black.

My world is crumbling all around me

He's black? No way.

actually Sherrod Small is an African American. it is a little known fact since he skirts the issue so carefully in his act and on the radio

Technically, no. Apparently, Sharrod is black.

Since fucking when?

Vic Henley is a hack? You think that Vic FUCKING Henley is a hack? YOU STINK. I hate it when civilians use the word "hack". They hear it one time and suddenly they think they know what they're talking about. They think they know what comedy is. To think what Vic does is hack is just.. it just... it just shows you have no idea what you're talking about. Leave the comedy to the professionals.

It might be my autism but I actually can't tell if you're being serious or not.

You must not have heard Vic on last week.. you're very lucky. They were talking about old comics and Bob Nelson, now a born-again, came up. Jim started crying that people called his bit on evolution "hack" and said pretty much exactly that. Regardless, it's fucking moronic and beyond ignorant.

Your mistake was referencing a show no one here listens too.

Whew...had me worried there for a second. I dont listen to the show so I never heard that. Regardless, he stinks.

hes joking

Ok Mr. Metzger.

Anyone says anything...

Vic: Hahahaha yup right exactly haha yeah right, no definitely yeah haha yup yup haha yup

Vic Henley is the worst guest they ever have on

Half Slice Papa IMO

have you met chris destefano

Is it just me or is the start of the clip impossible to keep track of because too many people are talking over each other?

This is unlistenable

It's completely unlistenable. I bailed and skipped the fight.

High pitched Opie in the wild, starting at 19:57

"Could've stopped what??"

Opie thinks that its a great thing to be orchestrating the chaos, and it equals great, great radio but reality is he's failed to help a subordinate in need, the same way he contributed to Steve's demise. We can sit here and argue all day long that Justin is a thin-skinned pussy, and that's true, but if he lacks the temperament for the show, don't put him on the air - keep him behind the scenes.

I know, I know these aren't real jobs, but that's my first professional instinct.

Justin's skin is the only thing that's thin about him

Thats not true. His original hair is very thin under that trained muskrat that sits on his head everyday

I sure hope none of you fellas start fake mommy blogs panning the Harry Connick jr show.

What if we could get him fired from that shit show? No no, not the Opie Radio show, the Harry Conick Jr. show.

There was a heavy onslaught once before from us.. the poor guy.

Stangel is a liar. He pretend there are off-air repercussions so he could play the victim role.

but would the other stangel leave the studio then?

I think the Stangels are just making sure the Harry show gets picked up for a full season before quitting.

Pete Davidson says the fuller house episodes are a doozy. Less than a minute later opie says the same thing. Opie never watched them.

He's a parrot. Even his "period" I've heard said by Jim bruer. Wouldn't be surprised if thats where he got it

Definitely. "Howling" used to be jimmys. Brothaman, motherhucka, from brotha wease. Dropping hammers he overheard from a Philly crew member.

I have a feeling he heard anthony say just a taste once.

I'm pretty sure "just a taste" was Ronny. At least the way he draws every word out - "just a tasssssste". That and how deep his voice goes when Florentine is around.

In fact I'm sure the entire "Opester" schtick began as an attempt to be like Spicoli, back when the slacker surfer thing was cool last century.

I have a buddy who went to Oneonta (NY State college near where Opie went) back in the 80's. We were on a road-trip and had a case of beer. He referred to them as "road-soads". I thought it was cool. Now I don't.

The first step is admitting you have a problem.


HA! Good catch...when Opie used the term "doozy", it immediately registered with me: "Didn't I just hear that word? Did that fuck actually just copy someone else's using it?!?"

He has always done this.

Another featured Opieism:

ME: That's a vurry good question.

He did the same thing with Vic and "bat shit crazy"

Pete carries every single show he's on. I could listen to hours of him ripping into the Stangels. So funny.

Pete rules. His appearances are the only times I check out the show.

You know I have never heard anything that led me to believe opie has ever had sex with a woman.

He always sounds phoney, but especially when talking about sex with women.

I keep repeating a theory that he hasn't had sex with more than 4 chicks. 2 of the 4 only once. And 1 of those 2 he couldn't cum.

Source: stuff and reasons

4 seems really fucking high to me.

Yeah ya know when you grab a woman's breast.... and ya feel it....and it feels like a bag of sand

vic henley is more annoying than fatso

laughing like the king of comedy at everything pete said

THAAAT'S terrific! THAT'S terrific!

I'm listening to the first break and he came in with way more energy than usual for him. Big booming loud mouth right out of the gate.

Listening to the parts where Pete isn't bashing Stangel, is like listening to evidence in a court room. Just unfunny, boring, shit dialogue from this show. Pete Davidson is a good dude for actually being funny for this shit show.

Oh great, it starts with Vic and Tits fake laughing to the point of mic over modulation.......

I'm feel like opie is jealous of the Ant makes Jimmy laugh compilation and is secretly hoping for someone to make one of him.

That's insane but I kind of want it to be true.


Go to 15 minutes in, it's great


Eh, your loss


its fucking horrible. Im 6 minutes in and considering suicide

Wow, it's like a race to decide who's more annoying: Tits, Fats Stangel, or Vic Henley. Henley and that over the top fake laugh is so fucking annoying.

"ha ha ha....please keep having me on... ha ha.. I wont make any trouble.. haha ha!!"

Vic Henley sounds like he's done the Bob and Tom show waaaay too much.

This segment, in a nutshell (or greggshell) is exactly what the show now is. Pete Davidson represents the old O&A with Jimmy's ball-busting and brutal humor, whereas Opie's star-fucker personality glommed on to the Stangels, whom he perceived as famous power-players, and have now taken the show into a safe, sterile, no-hurt-feelings ball-washing show.

Opie's desperate attempt to damage control for the Stangels was pathetic.

I'm very surprised Vic Henley sided with Pete Davidson; kudos to Henley.

I'm even more surprised that Travis, Kenny and E-Rock sided with Pete Davidson. That just proves that they all much prefer the old show environment, rather than the new Opie-driven coffee chat radio.

Couldn't have said it any better the new direction of wholesome programing sucks.

Is it fair to assume that at least part of the problem why the show has sucked so much is because of the influence of these two no-talents? The show is gonna suck regardless, but I think that the Stangles actually worsen an already shit product. It seems like everyone behind the scenes is sick of them.

I suggested the same awhile ago and was downvoted into oblivion. Stangels seem like spoiled, lazy slobs who care more about buying Supeman vs. Batman rumors than they do producing a program.

"I got to meet William Shatner #ImASuperNerd!"

people calling themselves nerds is one of the worst parts of the twitter generation.

Yeah because hating the Stangels is a super controversial opinion on this sub. No wonder you were downvoted.

But by all accounts Opie is the one who pushed for their hiring and was the one who insisted they be in studio rather than just behind scenes. Opie's vision for his show is Stangle type humor.

it started before this clip Justin was sulking from the start of this clip

"Why are you so upset?"

Fucking Tits, man. I hate Stangel but fuck, is that infuriating. He's all in with calling out people for not being able to take a joke, except when it's his turn under the fucking barrel.

Just a side note; it's "in the barrel". As in its his turn to suck all the dicks that are put in the barrel. I your brain mixed it with "under the bus".

Thank you Viking Lord beast.

I just want to be a helpful boy.

When does this get listenable? I can't handle Opie's high pitched, stuffy-nosed, vague dullardry.

As a fan of broadcasting, it must be acknowledged that Pete Davidson is fucking glorious in this clip. He's just great on the radio. What a ball-buster. One interesting thing that Justin said while he was getting his dick kicked in was, "I'm a consultant. I'm supposed to be in the background." I thought the word consultant was kind of odd. Is consultant a euphemism for writer? I thought they were producers, doing what Sam did--get clips ready and all that. He's a 'consultant'? What the hell does a show like O&J need a consultant for? And if he's supposed to be in the background why didn't he lay down the law and tell Opie that he doesn't want to be on-air and that's the way it is.

I get annoyed by Opie frequently, but I have to give him some credit. It felt like the old Destroyer came through. He knew that it was great radio, Pete was thrashing Justin and it was so awkward and funny and above all else--real. He kept 'steering the ship' back to Pete and Justin even though the Stangels have obviously made it clear to Opie that they don't like being on air, especially when the talk is about the national Cajun treasure Harry Conick, Jr. But, if what Opie says is true, that he wants to keep the Stangels around, how strange would it be for them to produce the O&J show AND Harry's show? (Hey Opie, a new character idea: Harry the Hater Conick, Jr....or sumptin. Tss.)

Pete would fit right in with the degenerates on this sub.

I'm sure he's already here

Hmm, they brought up that Rick James w/still fatty jimmy photo that was in that old webpage posted here recently... Where would that come up in their circles if not for this sub?

it was one of the first replies to the empty chair photo. Shame they didn't comment on the sue photo

Once again, Reddit providing content for the show.

I effin posted that... I just figured out that's what they were talking about because he also comments on Jimmy being heavy in the photo and he's a load in the one I posted... that's weird.

Kenny is such a piece of shit I want to just take the stangels side.

What shit did he spout of now?

I don't have white hot rage for Vic Henley. He's okay I guess. Not very funny, but knowledgeable and occasionally interesting. He's like Sherrod Small if Sherrod knew every stadium the Stones played in in 1972. One thing Vic does that annoys the shit out of me is he constantly repeats his one-liners. Just pay attention to when he drops a line, he'll generally say it again. Maybe it's an OCD tick or something. Maybe it's an OCD tick or something.

Get the papers...get the papers.

Ugh, what is with that fake raspy voice greg does? 22:55 "I had to reinvent myself" ugh.

Can't have the spotlight be on someone else for more than 5 minutes.


He actually said that again today?

fat tits*

He did that for a while.

pete davidson has ushered in the new era of opie radio great guests

Justin implies that opie whines about being given a hard time via Twitter too but is different on the air. That's what justin was trying to say but he's too nice to opie cause he is so overpaid for the easiest gig in the world.

Of course travis, erock, roland, and Kenny think the stangels stink. They get paid more to do intern level googling.

The amount of fake wheezing laughter is infuriating

I'll save everyone some time & skip the fucking Full House talk. Go to 15 minutes in, that's when things get heated & Stabgle walks off

"Too filthy for afternoon television." Pretty damn funny vic.

I like Pete, but I hate when people say they watch something "ironically." It's just such a hipster douchey thing to say out loud.

Why, because you have a problem with the definition of irony? Ironically describes the scenario accurately: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result. For what it's worth, describing this sort of watching as ironic is less ambiguous than describing the watcher as both hipster and douchey.

Thanks, professor faggot.

ive listened for like 4 minutes and ive already tuned it out completely

edit: alright its getting interesting

Opie said we haven't had gas prices under 2 bucks since 85 or 86 he heard.

I know that's completely wrong. Wonder where he got that from

gas prices are comfortably under 2 bucks right now where I live

Yea and they were under 2 bucks in the early two thousands too.

in south jersey, gas was 75 cents in 2000/2001

Jersey is special when it comes to gas

It may be right in NYC.

Nope. Google says in 1996 it was1.43

Oh literal Audibledogfarts.

I cant listen to an hour and a half of this crap...any chance someone gives me a brief summary?

Roland is insufferable.

His "What did Justin say? ME WANT FOOD HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!!", followed by uproarious laughter was painful.

And again, he started screaming right more fat jokes during the plugs.

Roland really has no right making jokes at anybody's expense.

Seriously. When's he gonna drop dead already?

Vic's over the top laughter at everything Pete says literally makes me want to vomit. He is the truest zilch that has ever been on the show. He offers nothing.

God, Justin Stangel is such a fat, useless retard. Pete Davidson needs to put a harpoon through him to finish him off.

Is this worth listening to if I don't know anything about the current show?

Did Henley just say "correctomundo" un-ironically??

How do you get through when it devolves into a 100% dead serious discussion on dancing with the stars?

I think Opie uses Pete Davidson as his attack dog. I think Opie has issues with the Stangel brothers, and this is how he goes at them. He doesn't want to do the dirty work, then play innocent. I think he is mad that they are leaving to do the Harry Connick Jr show.

i hope nobody teases justin stangel (@justin_stangel) today.

I can't even listen to that garbage it's not worth the two mins of Justin leaving.I left it on after that happened and ugh. Celebrity talk and unfunny people.

I hate how no matter if its something really funny or just mildly funny, fucking Vic Henley sounds like he's going to have aneurysm from laughing.

i'd give my remaining testicle to hear patrice rip pete davidson down the middle.

I can't help but wonder if some of the Erock/Travis venom was also a way to punch Tits in the face as well. He is the asshole that brought them in, they can't really go after him but those waterbuffaler are easy punchingbags.

"We're comedians! This is what we do!"

I hope a boxer punches him in the face.

Kardashian talk right after. Ugh.

I don't even know the voices, that's how little I've listened since the firing.

am i the only one who can see right through that cow's "i can't be talking about this, my other job is at stake" bullshit? he obviously couldn't take the teasing and wanted it to stop a.s.a.p. That's all this was about. I really hope they never come back

I listened to this unfold today - I legitimately think Pete hates Justin.

Justin didn't do much to help his likability problem. He acted like a total douche after the show ripped into his Harry Connick, Jr. gig.

"That's a serious show! NBC won't like this! There will be consequences for me!" "Producers are already calling me!"

He's an insufferable jackass.


It's not all that.

Ok, so fat Stangel left at around 20 minutes, is the next hour and 20 minutes worth listening to? How can it go on that long with no second party to fight back? Or is it just bashing now?

No need to listen past that. Here is what the next hour entails:

  • Opie - "What? I didnt do ANYTHING. I swear, I didnt think this was anything crazy."
  • Pete - "Why was that fat fuck mad? I wasn't even being that mean to him. I hope he dies and his show fails."
  • Vic - "Ha ha, I was just laughing guys! ha ha.. I love it all, its all great...all of it!"

Right? I shut it off after 15-20 minutes. Boring ass "fight".

We must have missed some other stuff from earlier.

Thank Christ someone is trying to make this show worth listening to again. God Bless Pete Davidson.

It's like putting whip cream on a dog turd it's still shit.

They keep cutting off Pete's punchlines

Again? Man, there's really a personal beef between them, eh?

wont see him no more

Opie stopped watching America's Got Talent because Howard was a judge and it "wasn't as good anymore?" What a fucking grudge holding baby. Didn't even want to give Howard "the numbas" on not a radio show, but a television show.

The sad thing is that no one else tuned in for Howard. The ratings proved it.


Which fuck is saying "Holy Chalupas"?


Fuck listen to those lisps and slurring of speech, it's like a fucking Vos convention in there.

This wasn't even a good show. Yeah Stangels left but this was not worth the listen.


"I mean I really do want his show to be cancelled, but dont walk out like a baby!" Pete, the passage of time is an illusion and that show IS already cancelled. No doubt. Corny as fuck.

Opie: "I was at the gym when that picture was being taken" 18m2s

Like it was Tiananmen Square


Aside from the hole, Vic Henley, this was actually one of the better segments this show has had since it became O&J. I don't even know why the Stangel fatsos were even hired. What were they doing that Erock, Travis, Sam, etc. was not doing already? And where did they even come from to begin with?

Did they really do a long break on Fuller House. This show is just awful. Vic is awful too.

piff is great btw for anyone wondering.


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This fucking stupid ass "fight" is not worth listening to dumb Opie for 5 mins, nevermind 1h42min. Is the show that dull on a daily basis that this is considered drama? Jesus H fuck. Like a bunch of nail salon girls who decide the new girl is a bitch.

Around 20 minutes he goes into high pitch Opie

Anyone have a timestamp of when this gets good? I skimmed through it and stopped every 15 minutes or so and I never even heard a sign of Pete vs Justin

part 2? where's part 1?

High pitched tits at the 20 minute point?

fucking 10 minutes of dancing with the stars talk. is this seriously a room full of men?

Is it just me, or does Pete Davidson sound like DeRosa?

Edit: As in vocal sound, not in content.

petes voice is much lower, and derosa does the screeching HEAA HAAA HAA laugh

Unfortently I hear 7% Danny Ross.



say it again Mr too cool for the room



I wanna remove his lips with my hat.

HA! Good catch...when Opie used the term "doozy", it immediately registered with me: "Didn't I just hear that word? Did that fuck actually just copy someone else's using it?!?"

He's a parrot. Even his "period" I've heard said by Jim bruer. Wouldn't be surprised if thats where he got it

petes voice is much lower, and derosa does the screeching HEAA HAAA HAA laugh

I have a buddy who went to Oneonta (NY State college near where Opie went) back in the 80's. We were on a road-trip and had a case of beer. He referred to them as "road-soads". I thought it was cool. Now I don't.

Unfortently I hear 7% Danny Ross.

people calling themselves nerds is one of the worst parts of the twitter generation.

4 seems really fucking high to me.

Yeah because hating the Stangels is a super controversial opinion on this sub. No wonder you were downvoted.

Just a side note; it's "in the barrel". As in its his turn to suck all the dicks that are put in the barrel. I your brain mixed it with "under the bus".