which post in this subreddit is most likely to be read in a court hearing?

0  2016-03-07 by I_cum_cake_batter


Your Honor, if I could please pull Exhibit B, and read a reddit thread titled "Oh Dani boy, your ribs, your ribs are hurtin'" posted by the reddit user "Fukin_Peckahs." That's, 'F-U-K-I-N, underscore, P-E-C-K-A-H-S'.

The one where he admitted raping Dani.



You didn't hear about that?

Man you missed a good one.


Admin took it down for legal reasons.


His lawyer will surely read the anti bullying, anti hate speech, trans supporting feel good post.

Let's hope his Twitter is read and audio from the old show is played

A 680 page chiproll

Any post that contains the word "nigger"