If you search "Self Heating Soup" on Google Images...

2  2016-03-07 by FuckThisCompany

No-chin comes up so many goddamn times. Not only that, he's like the only person who comes up. Does Jimmy own the 'HOTCAN' company or something? He thought he'd corner the market on Asparagus broth heated by a hand warmer?


He has children's bodies buried in his vegetable garden. They make the zucchini particularly luscious.

German Christopher Guest

Ya sometimes he is a bad boy

Looks like Gavin shaved.

Na, that dude has a chin. Gavin looks like Meeper when he shaves.


James is on a strict diet of self-heated water and a single, tiny grilled chicken breast.

Maybe a carrot stick as well, he's trying to stay fit.
