I'm Sue Lightning: AMA

244  2016-03-07 by Sue_Kalergis


ME: Have you ever really thought about water?!!!

follow up. How big is your imagination?

What's in salt water that makes us sick?

No. Come on. He didn't really say this....


Unfortunately he did -_-

Eh, I would say fortunately.

Potato potato. Wait. Potato potato. Shit!

Oh Danny. Are you not all in with the Opie hate?


Salt. And water.

You know we love you, right?

I know, I love y'all too! Thanks for being so supportive of me.

I would have sex with you and your big pekka thank you

You handled this really well.

If Ant had hired you as his publicist two years ago, he'd be millions richer!

Does eating pineapple really make your cum taste better?

It's possible.


Did you ever have any kind of sexual encounter with Anthony?

Jesus folks, was that so hard?



Follow up question: How much did he pay you to say that?

a pair of tits, apparently.

That wasn't the answer we wanted

Why did you share a hotel room with Anthony?

Thank you.

So Sephiroth or Kefka?

I fuck sepiroth, marry Jehct and kill kefka.

Lemme curaga all over your face sue!!

are these Final Fantasy characters? what do you think of Cecil from FF2 (US version)?

Cool as fuck!

Would you ever dress as a sexy Moogle?

Yes, any day.


Has anyone named "The Hunter" ever bought you something from your Amazon wishlist?

I'm not completely sure about that.

What are you completely sure about?

Jesus Christ matey, you got out of bed hitting on all 8 cylinders today. Have an upvote on me

He really has, and I for one appreciate the humor it has brought me and this community. Because when it comes down to it, we are a tight knit family, right gang?

line of the day

do you ever rub your asshole on the heel of your foot while jerking off

The thing is, if Sue wants to continue to be an escort, she's throwing money down the toilet if she answers the Anthony sex questions. If they did hook up, and especially if she was compensated for it, and she says it, that's a big nope to any other high-profile clients who may want to pursue her. With all this shit, this is probably her highest level of exposure, so she's going to be more in demand.

I guess what I'm asking, Sue, is that if the price was right, would you have sex with Gregg "Opie" Hughes? And what would that price be?

The thing is, Anthony already denied it. So all she'd have to do is confirm what HE already said publicly.

The fact that she's not actually doing that suggests that more went down than he wants out there. And if she were truly discreet as an escort, she'd simply back up whatever the guy said regardless of whether it's true or not. That's kind of a big part of the job.

This is called confirmation bias.

Thanks for keeping the dream alive for me.

Is she really an escort? Guess I'm booking a trip to New York soon.

How far did you and grandpa Cumia go? I'm guessing he just got a blowjob.

You spelled gave wrong

It may have been a 69 arrangement.

Great point. Anthony probably spend a good 5 minutes mushing his whiskey dick against its lips until he just gave up and blew it.

All the way.

Double rainbow?

Does it hurt your feelings that anthony is more ashamed about his friendship with you than any other part of his dirtbag life?

This literally brought me to tears, it's so funny, mean and true.

Where you at with the whole god thing?


I don't believe in any religions. I'm not jewish.

99% of the time god does the right thing. Period.

My gods is strong.

sue, quick question, is that a reference to anth's ballsack?

His uppercut

Religions exist, FYI.

Jew Lightning

Our own Danny Ross is Jewish. You're amongst friends.

glad I have a buddy then!

Your nose says otherwise. Maybe you can get Trant to pay for a job on it.

Jewish isn't a race it's a religion.

You'll never win this one. Trust me.

That's because jews are a race and religion. Look at your big dumb noses and tell me that isn't a race.

wow your an asshole. I don't really like Jewish control of things either, but that's mean.

The nose doesn't control the body silly.



What 30+ year old reference/impression does he make when he climaxes?

And were you listening to side one of Led Zeppelin IV?

That's too contemporary for Ant.

He played a wax cylinder of the fireside chats while he ate sue's glorious asshole

This should be higher.

300+ COMMENTS and no one ASKED the most IMPORTANT question of all: ARE you a PFG-SCIPLE?!?!?!

I am VERY disappointed!!!


Scorch, PFGTV.

Heard from here LIVE all across the GLOBE including LONDON, West Virginia

I fucking love Scorchposting so much.


McMahon, how do you feel about the fact that your goverrrnment lied to you about the Gulf of Tonkin incident? http://i.imgur.com/SaZnF2u.jpg

Can you post on Twitter for confirmation please?


Brb, gotta make popcorn.

This place is the wild west

It's a wild show.


WTF it's really him/her/it

It's really me, female pronouns please.

Don't be a cunt. Sue is a hero.

She's the hero this subreddit deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Not really

Sue helped Ant realize he's at least kinda gay. She helped him accept this at the advanced age of 60 years old. That's heroic.

Very true. I take it back

Are you doing a white knight character or is this really you?

Don't chase away our tranny while we're getting answers. Have a little fuckin decorum.


2016-03-07 00:27 UTC

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That was a few hours ago, before this post.

Why did you and ant go on a mad deleting tear?

I was really nervous and I just wanted to distance myself from the drama, I even blocked many of you guys. I decided to just face it and unblocked the people I blocked. Turns out you guys are actually cool. I can't speak for ant.


Because I was trying to get his attention when I was whoring still. He has money but no bite sadly. I went to his place and got to sit in the jag though, that was cool. I stick to cam shows and scenes now.

So you're saying officially and on the record that you were TRYING to bag Anthony, but it didn't happen because 'he has no bite' (that means...?).

So did Anthony actually show interest in hooking up with you and just didn't follow through when it came down to it? Or was he basically clear that it was a platonic thing all along and told you it would be cool if you came to hang out and check out his guns anyway? Or is it somewhere in the middle?

I mean, if you were trying to get his attention by flirting over social media and he responded enough that you got in the door, I'd think that he at least seemed receptive, no?

We're just buddies!

How much is Anthony paying you to say this?

at least another breast enhancement or final fantasy game

No bite = not willing to pay for sex.

Sue wanted to get paid for sex, she targeted Ant. Ant didn't pick up on it and thought it was another daddy problem girl (trans this time) who would be impressed enough by his money to actually be into him.

Ant invited her over, showed off his car and guns, found out she would still make him pay for sex, and backed out.

It's like when a rich guy gets hit on by a hooker for the first time. No, she doesn't find you attractive because you have money, she's pretending you're attractive so that you'll give her money. Pay or get lost. Ant realized this, was probably embarrassed, and backed out.

Okay, so that's my question... he was obviously interested in her -- just not for pay. But otherwise he was looking to hook up with her, and if she hadn't been looking to get paid, it would have happened.

Which is kind of the vibe I got from her answer.

But have you SEEN his hot tub?!

And there it is. Mystery solved. I still like to think he took it in the ass tho

hanging out with whores sounds dull




What are you wearing right now? Is your pekka hard? Are you single? Oh so many questions!

Do you think Ant is embarrassed by being friends (with benefits) with you?

It seems kind of disgusting that a man who comes from a culture of boy love (Anthony we're talking about) would look down on something as culturally relevant as the dynamic you two shared, care to agree or disagree?


Where are you at with the whole Donald Trump thing?

HEY EVERYONE! Thanks for all the questions, y'all are cool! I have to get ready to cam so I'm ending this AMA. Go follow @cbanks420lol

Stop by for tea or hilarious bigotry and mean humor anytime

Haha thank you, sue.

Entertain me.

I am turgid for you.

I love you and your pekka more than I find Ant's lifestyle acceptable but less than I hate Opie and his tits.

Ya did good Sue, who are you voting for?

Hey cutie! How do you get into camming for some extra money pn the side?

Are you jealous of Opie's tits?

fuck and yes

It must fucking grind your gears that his were free.

what are your thoughts on Coattails Cumia (aka Brother Joe)?

Idk, never met him.

Just be careful what you say about Joe. He's in a biker gang. They're called the Sons of Anarchy.

Sons of Faggotry, get it right.

*Dads of Anarchy

*Fags of Anarchy


What's Anthony's "safe word"?

America love it or leave it!

That is a lot to get out with a ballgag in his mouth. I'm guessing he doesn't plan on using the safe word, or safe phrase in this case.

What was it like meating Ant for the first time?

Not too weird in NYC you can meet a lot of famous people. I always listened to the show as a kid. Meeting jimmy was weirder because he's short.

Haha, thanks for the legit answer, I guess. Was just going for the "Ant took you up his keister" joke.

meating Ant

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I see what you did there.

How did you and Ant meet?

Facebook, I emailed him about a certain gun the H&K MK.22.

How did he react to you being trans?

He didn't know and he didn't want to know after he figured out.

So you realize that at first he was interested in you because you look like a 13 year old girl?

Yea I mean I am trans! I like looking like a young girl.

I know, I've seen your pics. You're cute. The reason Anthony showed any interest was because he is attracted to prepubecent girls. He's a child predator. Nothing against you. You seem like a very nice person. I wish you well.

Pretty sure she was aware of what she was doing while applying the makeup. simp


Did he know your age when he first invited you ever?

Yea, when I hung out with him I was completely legal.

Can I send you a picture of my dick? Ya know, just as a joke and such.


ok I'm send...hey wait a second!

Oh sorry, where's my manners. I mean please.

Did he quit talking to you after he figured it out?

Haha I'm surprised you're a gun person

Which way - medium or well done?




linger longer

You bet or bosco?

How bad is Ant at giving head?

idk about him but I love sucking dick.

Well now I'm all hot and bothered.

Oh la la. Love you, Sue.

I love you too!

cbanks is the hero who brought you to our attention last week. Some might say that he's reason why I will be purchasing off of your website a ziploc bag full of your urine for 300 dollars, if you know what I mean.

and I love you also. <3

Well then you'll fit right in here, we all do.

what on earth do you have in common with Ant?

Guns, that's it.

well you both have dicks, so there is that.

Double guns tss

You forgot "cocksucker".

There's the line!

Not a big Trump fan?

EH he's got his funny moments.

Nice fuckin hair with the fa la la la

Tranny Mia Wallace and a la la la la

Youll be a woman soon fa la la la

Are foot massages gay? Fa la la la la

Foot fuckin master, fa la la la la

Haha holy shit this sub



Is Ant the catcher or the pitcher?

Did Anthony have sex with you?

Yes, oh wait. You asking me?

What's the point of this when "Sue" will not truthfully answer what we really want to know?

What do you want to know?

  1. Why did you attempt to delete all connections to Anthony? Did he request it?

  2. Why did Anthony lie about not knowing you in person?

  3. Did Anthony buy you those implants?

  4. When you were intimate with him, was there anal or just a blow job or several?

  5. Did Dani contact you personally when she found out about your visits to Anthony's house?

  6. In what bathroom was that (now deleted) blue tile selfie taken?

1.I was really nervous, this is the first time anything like this has happened, Anthony did not request it. 2.Did he lie about knowing me in person?. I thought on his show he addressed knowing me in person. 3.No. 4.? 5.Never spoke to dani. 6.Renaissance hotel I never went there with Anthony. I was there with someone else though, I'm a whore.

Well, the million dollar question ain't getting answered anytime soon, but this is still decent.


You were there with Tony right?

"hunky funky Tony "

Re #2: Yes. He said you were only his Facebook and Twitter friend because you're a friend of Bailey Jay.

Re #4: I respect your discretion, especially if you want to maintain a successful "whore" career.

Okay to make number 4 more straight forward were you ever intimate with him?

I think her silence says it all. If they'd never hooked up/been intimate, she'd say so.

Science bless you, Sue.

Actually silence would lean more towards them having been intimate and she doesn't want to say and doesn't want to lie by saying no.

Kinda what I was saying. Since she clearly isn't denying it and is avoiding it, my guess is they have. And she's taking the high road by not technically outing him.

I see that now, I was speed reading through it to try and catch up with all the comments and thought you said "If they'd ever". I missed the n. My bad.

Why do an ask me anything and dance around the one question we all are here for? Its silly if she doesnt outright say one or the other.


No, it's the opposite.

He already came out and said that he never did anything with her. All she'd have to do is confirm what he already said. She's not doing that.

Which strongly implies that something did indeed happen.

On his show he referred to your relationship as knowing you on twitter.

But Anthony was also there in that room -- so just because you didn't 'go there with him' doesn't mean he wasn't there.

Besides the fact that those pictures were taken years apart.

someone else

Does his name start with a J and end with Norton?

Like the kind of whore that fucks for a price or just a general party gal? Are you fellow Long Island white trash? I know this looks like I'm plotting a proposition so I'd like to put it on the record that I know longer live in Long Island

I know longer live in Long Island

Hopefully you live near some body of water and can drown yourself

Hopefully YOU live near a ROAD and GET HIT by a jaywalking ticket.

But seriously are you that loser that was stalking me or are you a new creep? Don't talk to me nerd

You just show up in threads. Don't flatter yourself thinking I would worry what you do when nobody's looking

True, well I've never heard of you, and if you did decide to stalk me- you wouldn't be the first dude on here

  1. Yes you have
  2. Hit the bricks


Did Ant ever talk to you about Opie and if so what did he say?

Also - have you made out with Ant?

It always comes back to Opie. Solopsism.

What happened to the food?

Mr Cumia is rumored to have an impressive member. His former radio partner claims this is untrue. Can you offer any info on this matter?

Even though/if you didn't have sexual relations with Anthony did he flirt with you or make a move?

No but I did. But I'm also a whore so, ya know.

you hit on him? didnt you know he was 100% straight? tell us how that went down

Well, we know how it ended.

right hook?

The same way the tree fort story really ended...

So you're the one who made the move, eh? That's what I like to hear.

a whore huh? well how about tugin on dis peckah


How impressive was anthonys gun collection? does he really carry while he is in his own house?


That still makes me laugh.

Amazing, and yes.

have you ever met jim norton?

Yes, I love Jimmy he's great. Very tiny in real life.

What about his height?

HAHA you motherfucker that made me laugh out loud.

tss like his peckah or sumptin'?

wouldja? get with Jimmy? How did you get into O&A - like what clip did you first watch on youtube?

That's short shaming, We don't accept that type of talk around here!


Do you think Anthony has been trying extra hard lately to show how straight he is? How does that make you feel?

idk squirting competitions are fun right?

Why do you think ant is ashamed at your relationship and made you delete evidence of it, when there are many men that have had sexual encounters with trans-people?

All of those men are gay, unless by some freak occurrence they couldn't tell and were tricked into hooking up with another dude.

Ant doesn't want people to think he's gay.

Hope that helped brah!


Not an opinion. Consensual Penis + Penis = Gay.

How did you become friends with Ant?

I imagine it must be quite tricky for someone to penetrate his inner circle.

How important is the duct tape?

very important.

It really is. Where do you buy your tops?

Has Melissa Stetten reached out to you personally, and if so what did she say?

Publicly she apologized, but wasn't the best apology though, she still started this whole thing.

She's an absolute shitpile still trading on her ex's name years after the fact to stay relevant. An absolute school bus fire of a person.

This is a good point and one that has been lost in all the Ant hate. Fuck Melissa Stetten that rotten cunt.

Stetten looks like a smelly puss

But she started this whole thing, so she's cool with me.

Always remember, she did this.


Did she think she was replying as someone else? Dang, bruh.

Yep, forgot to log in under an alternative account. D'oh.

Indeed man and it's so we could continue appreciating her genius such as:


she also didn't apologize for her actions, she apologized for the outcome and blamed Anthony's fans for being crazy obsessive assholes. even though she says in the podcast, that she knows exactly what anthony's fans would do with the info, as she described every detail into a microphone.


but she was straight viscous

She can be quite thick and sticky.

(S)he's LOYING

Dont talk to Melissa Stetten, that bitch is toxic, she will run game and sell your ass out over nothing.

Do you take hormones? Do you plan on getting sexual reassignment surgery?

I've been on hormones for 5 years, no I like my dick.

You should stop, have you seen what hormones did to Sam Roberts? Very scary

I know he looks like a fucking nightmare.

He looks like an ape mid evolution

He's the first and last guy on the evolution chart.

you are hilarious. damn, i can't believe i missed this.

Sue is a good egg.

So do we ;x


Smart move.

how do you feel about self-warming soups?

Best shit ever.

They're a natural stool softener.

I was about to ask this question

Post a picture of your dick with today's newspaper... you know, so we can confirm it's you.

Where should I eat tonight?


Had it for lunch. Anything else?


feels like an Arby's night

"I had the roast beef"

Hate to break it to you, but you may be an unwitting participant in a squirting contest in the next 48 hours.

Every fucking time I eat the tasty stuff I explode. So bad.

Who are these people who get diarrhea from Chipotle??? I mean I'm half Mexican so maybe I'm immune, but it's just meat, cheese, and vegetables, people.

Que pasa




Has Anthony been in contact with you since this whole ordeal?

1) Has Anthony ever seen your penis live and in the flesh? 2) Has Anthony ever watched you pleasure someone else? 3)What is the farthest level of intimate contact you've ever engauged in with Anthony? 4) How was the invitation to the compound made?

All questions respectfully submitted :).

u/Sue_Kalergis What do you think of Bam Margera? And would you make a sex tape with him if you could?

You handled this graciously unlike /u/Anthonycumiashow

How did you meet Anthony, and did you two actually share a hotel room?

Will you be my girlfriend? Circle one: Yes No.

Who would like you to make porn with? Hopefully with some women, because, personally, I just can't get past 2 people with dicks fucking/sucking each other without my dick going limp.

Also, do you think Opie has nice tits?

Is Anthony a top or a bottom?

Also, can I take you home to meet my mother?

I'd like to shoot some scenes with cis girls in the future.

Thank heavens.

something the whole family can enjoy

Please get on this

will u marry me u are very kawaii desu senpai :3

I don't like weebs. JK.

Nobody likes weaboo degenerates tbh fam smh

Did you ever refer to Anthony on instagram as "my honey" or to a "date night" at his house as Melissa Stetten alleges on that podcast.

The date night picture was actually in my house and it was referring to someone else. Yes I called him my honey, but it's like when you meet someone for the first time and you become good friends with them, you call them your boyfriend or girlfriend but you are just friends. Like I call my cat my boyfriend but obviously that isn't true.

Thanks for the reply. You're such a good egg.

In your expert opinion do you think Opie is making the transition?

Did Anthony think you were born a female it first or did he not even care?

What's your favorite kind of hat?

How many iPads did pop pop Cumia give you to come here and lie to us to save his precious inflated ego?

zero, I don't live in NYC anymore, I haven't lived there for like a year.

I'm genuinely am not trying to be a dick, I hope you realize how we have to be skeptical in this sub.

Don't worry about!

Do you honestly think you'd be able to take cumias gigantic hog?

IDK I'm still kind of an anal virgin.

Is that why you only gave Christian XXX a wristy?


How do you feel about the word "tranny"?

It's cute I like it.

Has jim norton had sex with a man?

better question would be if he ever had sex with a woman

Does is count if a woman sticks inanimate objects up your ass?

This is an AMA; not make statements of fact.

Can you have a look at the new chip chipperson cartoon and tell us what you think? I want to know if you recognize festering shit of you see it. Thanks !!!


On a scale of half a fag to complete fag, where would you rank Anthony?

What does Anthony's cum taste like?

Marinara, bud light and sexual confusion

Like dust in the wind.


Can you prove you are Sue Kalergis and not somebody from the HARP project using mind control.

Don't take this the wrong way but you do look like an underdeveloped teenage girl in a lot of ur pics, did it ever bother you that old man Cumia quickly took interest in you?

That's part of my appeal.

Working girl answer.

Did you know Anthony Cumia got catfished by a 40 year old man and tricked into buying expensive gifts for said fatso all because Anthony thought he was going to be able to bed an underage girl?

It sounds like an old german fairy tale told to children before bed to keep them god-fearing, but it's so amazingly true.

Could you and that other trans girl Natalie make a video where you read comments from this thread and suck each other's dicks please?

Better yet, make a video where they insult the Cumias while fucking.

Even better yet, make one where they roll play as the Cumias while fucking. One can get a curly brown wig that smells like cat piss and the other can wear some cutoff sleeves with bags of jello taped to his tricep in order to get the correct jiggle in the arm wings.

Then the Tranthony one can make it rain money while deep dicking his "brother". Which I assume happens whenever it's allowance time IRL for Joe Joe


Why do you refer to Ant as "it"?

This is going to end well

Ever meet Dani? Impressions?

I've never met her in real life, or ever had a conversation with her.

Sue! Glad you came by. You're the talk of the town and not in a bad way.

Did Anthony request that you take down any mention of him from your twitter and instagram?

Are you and Anthony intimate or just friends?

Is Anthony's penis as big as the show always claimed or is it just a teeny weeny?

Is Anthony's brother Joe as big of a fucking douchebag leech as he seems to be based on his twitter and facebook comments?

And lastly, since you came here and announced the AMA did Anthony or any of his staff or hangers on contact you and threaten you or tell you to stop answering questions?

I saw you have Nier 2 as your twitter banner, did you play the first one? If so did you connect with Kaine's story?

How do you feel about the homeless? And would you share a piece of cake with one if it was generously offered?

Do you like hearing Sargent Barnes tell you to lick his ballbag?

Hypothetically speaking, if you were to guess, would Anthony be a top or a power bottom?

This is a hypothetical question. And thank you for your service.

Also how big is your cock ?

4 inches

two and a half bobos


Did Anthony ever mention which one of his crew he has stalk and dox /u/DannyFromTheShow ?

You state that you initially contacted Ant because he is rich, but the NYC metro area had over one million millionaires, presumably some who have better hair and complexion, less propensity toward violence, aren't hemorrhaging money, aren't "100% straight". Questions: How many lines do you have cast at a time? What percentage yield a nibble? Do you handle the reveal on a case by case basis based on their character? What percentage of approaches reaching that point are rewarding? Thank you for your service.

At one point I was going out with like 6 rich guys. All delusional. did last very long though.

Did you fuck or suck or get sucked by Anthony? And post a pic holding a sign or whatever for proof and shit

it's not a hostage negotiation you fat headed retard

I think he means for verification, not a "blink twice for no" situation.

I know, I just wanted to call him stupid

Why bother his posts do that for you.

that's a good point

I appreciate your candor.

We don't fat shame any body parts here and we certainly don't use the r-word.

he's a fine looking gentleman with a brain defect. Better?


"What do you want to know?"

Did you have any kind of sexual encounter with Anthony Cumia?

Even if you didn't hook up with Ant, I think you are probably intelligent enough to know if Ant was flirting with you and attempting to hook up (honestly whenever a dude is talking and hanging out with a chick they only wanna bang- no dudes want female or transgendered friends in their lives- so we already know the answer ) But based off the vibes you got (now be honest) do you think Ant wanted to fuck?

Can I eat your hiney hole?

It looks delicious

would you say anth is the most inclusive bigot you've known? can his confusion be interpreted as curiosity and mystery? are you fairly hung or did it get the chop?

Sue is hung like a toddler

Whats your favorite video game to play as of late and what game have you played the most in your life.

Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, and Metal Gear Solid are my favorite series of all time. I've been playing The Witcher 3 recently.

I love the original Metal Gear on Nintendo. You get to punch dogs and the guards feel asleep

The MSX version is the better one. The NES port was dogshit

I haven't played the MSX version, but I thought the NES version was pretty darn good!

Brothaman, get yourself and emulator and play the real Metal Gear. It's infinitely better. And Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the sequel on the MSX, is actually one of the best games in the series. MGS, MGS2, MG2:SS. Three was fun, then the rest of the series was dogshit. Don't even get me started on 4, what a pile of shit...

Wow, I'm a faggot.

Is Witcher 3 really as good as everyone is making it out to be? I finished Fallout 4 and the newest Assassin's Creed so I need another post-work addiction...other than rye whiskey and Lone Star beer.


I don't remotely understand what that is supposed to mean.


So you're insulting some one who never did you wrong for fun, enjoy your empty life sir or madame.


Why would you be in a relationship with Anthony, he is 3x your age, and recently was arrested for breaking the ribs of his previous girlfriend. Like we really care about you, Anthony is dangerous, have you thought about dating someone like our friend Bobo or Colin? Or even Jimmy

Yeah Bobo would be a much nicer boyfriend for you than Anthony. He's funny and smart and good looking. He works out constantly and is in incredible shape, has an enormous penis and is a doting son who takes care of his mother and developmentally disabled sister and her special needs dog Mr. Maloonagins.

*Bister Balewdigids

Yes that is how Bobo's sister says the name. Poor girl. Thank god Bobo is there to provide for her financially and care for her.

im laughing like a retard at this

yeah that shit got me too

Colin is mine bitches!

Do you do private Skype sessions? PM me fam.

No just public cam shows.

Can I still give you my money? Are you on mfc?

no trannies on MFC

What are your top five favorite movies?

1.Rebel without a cause 2. The Professional 3. Pan's Labyrinth 4. Edward Scissor Hands 5. Jurassic Park

Yup The Professional's in my top 5 too

Serious question - how do you feel about Silence of the Lambs? Do you think the portrayal of Buffalo Bill as being Trans or whatever he is has been negative for Trans-people?

Don't they explicitly state in the movie that Bill isn't actually trans?

i think hannibal says something about how his pathology is deeper than that, but in the context of trans-people being given any role in mainstream media at all in the early 90s, Buffalo Bill was for sure one of the go to references for examples of transfolk I would think at the time.

I forgot I commented this and was thinking Hannibal Buress for a second.

Yeah, it sucks that so many people missed the point on that one. I think maybe Pacino's girlfriend from Dog Day Afternoon is the only other prominent trans person I can think of in the movie world around that time.

Ever met Joe Derosa?

I saw you were on YKWD podcast once. Are you planning on doing any other comedy podcasts in the near future such as Legion of Skanks?

I'd like too!


How many times did you go to Ants house?

Sue, have you ever seen Ant abusing prescribed meds?


Thanks for replying. You've achieved sainthood on this sub. Not an easy task.

no problem! There are A LOT of questions.

What is your nationality?


Do you "speak Greek"?


Haha apparently the sub responds poorly to those who do not speak greek.

Probably Greek, just going by the last name.


Bloodborne or Dark Souls?

Difficult question, I really like them both. mad hyped for DS3.

Strength be granted so the world may be mended. So the world may be mended.

Bearer of the curse seek souls, larger more powerful souls.

Ok now I love you.

You have a heart of gold...don't let them take it from ya!

WTF are you smoking? Bloodbore is shite!


I'm telling /u/mouthful_of_cum on you.

Sadly she lacks the one thing I really need from my perfect woman.

Eggplant? I'm on it

White skin?

It has skin on it.


Who are some of your favorite comedians?

Louis ck, Jimmy, Bob Kelly, Colin quin, Seinfeld. Mostly new york comics.

What about Jim Florentine or Big Jay Oakerson?

Florentine is great

oooo, burn for Big Jay.

Where are you at with the flu shot?

Welp... that puts that to rest. I actually believe her.

Jimmy is smaller in person than you might think.

Are you disappointed in Anthony and the way he threatened to shut down this reddit despite being a supposed champion of free speech?

Got any good Jim Norton stories?

If you could be any animal what would it be? Also what is your favorite color?

This is the weirdest place on the internet.

Can we have nudes?

edit: never mind, found them, broke my no fap

This turned out to be a dud. I was hoping for some depraved anal pounding on Tranthony's guinea asshole, but it seems like he really is just a nerd with narrowed down sexual interests. Oh well, thanks for the AMA, you degenerate freak of nature! Now we know not to be bothered with this dud of a story.

Are you gay?

for you mom

What did that mean in English, you mentally defective faggot?

Would you say we are raising a generation of "Super kids"?

no just pussys

Is that you Brother Joe!?

what happened to the groceries?

Sue, you said you were a sex worker for a bit, please please please tell me that Natalie is too! And if yes, I have a pile of cash for her.

You'll have to contact her about that.

ok bro thx

Was Natalie involved with your tryst with anthony?

How did you meet Jim Norton?


What kind of booze did you drink when you were at Anthony's house?

Why are you ignoring the questions about whether you and Ant were intimate?

Favorite alcoholic beverage?

I don't drink or smoke, I'm a real nerd!


What is the most money you've ever made off of Jim Norton in one night?

Also is his blinking as annoying in real life as it is on television?

No his blinking is cute, and I've never had sex with him. He's a friend that would be weird.

Jimmy 'Friendzoned' Norton strikes again!

Easy, I was talking about playing chess and you jump right to sex, sounds suspicious.

Don't worry about saying having sex with Jim would be weird, of course it would. There's nobody on earth that would think otherwise.

Did you engage in sexual relations with Anthony Cumia? If yes, what acts did you two perform together?

Purely non sexual friendship.


Did Colin Quinn ever hit on you?

No but I hit on him.

I would have, too

What far did Deepu get with you?

I really like Deepu but again another friend.

Would you go to Queens and share a milkshake with Bobo? Of course, you'd be paying. For the shake and his bus fare.

Did Ant ever see or touch your dick? (post details)

What exactly happened between you and Ant. You have hinted at so many things that indicate you have a good story?


Facebook, I emailed him about a certain gun the H&K MK.22.

So. Serious question. How do I go about getting blown by a gal? What's the right way to do it? how do i find out about the prices? I'm willing to try it. Is there a tutorial out there?



We've never had sex.

Sue! Do you have Dani Golightly's phone number? I'm a single guy around her age and I heard she is going through some kind of breakup.

She only dates guys 4x her age. Sorry





Yea my friend posted it for me using a picture link to her photos account.



How do you feel about the term "Lady boy"?

Hey Sue, did anthony pay for your implants?


Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized cock or 100 cock-sized horses?

How much is Tranth paying you to deny your debauchery with that 60 year old pedo?

Are you doing the operation ever?

You a gamer, any games you looking forward to this year? (i thought i'd ask something other than a question regarding Ant)

What a fucking delight this Sue person is.

Are you taking notes Anthony? One AMA like this and you could turn this place around in less than an hour and probably grow your shitty "network" by 100% at the same time.

But no, he's going to threaten to shut us down instead and keep doing Niggermania the podcast edition. Dumb fucking guinea.

Okay, it's obvious they did something sexual. She probably would of denied it if they hadn't.

How is it that you're just so cool about all of this? I feel like anyone thats ever had a connection with ant would just be overwhelmed by all the dumb stuff we do in this sub.

Love ya btw way bbygrl <3


How much did Anthony pay you to say he isn't a faggot? Enough to get your dick chopped?

Oh, jesus...


You fellas are nothing but a dumb bunch of faggots, this isn't that sue fella.

EDIT: I was proven wrong.

check my twitter.

You know it was nothing personal against you, old man Cumia taunted the sub.

Yeah it's probably somebody else with access to her Twitter account.

She posted that Reddit tweet around 4:30, she posted here 40 mins ago. That makes no sense.

She Tweeted after I asked. It's her. Calmo.


I see it now

Soo you posted this AMA to not answer any real questions? OK.

Already answered real questions.

This sub is literally full of disgusting mentally ill faggots.

Thanks for joining the club.

You just met Brother Joe

hes going through a hard time accepting the inevitable breakup between him and the 60k he mooches off his brother annually. ignore him like everyone in his personal life does, its super effective.

I didn't join the club you freak of nature, I've been here since this club wasn't riddled with lisping mentally ill faggots, and now I'm just watching it burn to the ground.

You are mentally ill, a man, and need therapy/healing from your life of horrendous sexual trauma; I feel bad for how far you've distanced yourself from humanity.

who the fuck cares if he wants to be a girl? i dont understand people who are like GRRR gays

and that's what your little bro harbored as fans. arent you so proud of him!? (the free money is still flowing so of course you are. all hard about one earning their own way yet has no qualms financially mooching from his baby brother religiously for decades. typical cumi-a·crite)

I hope Sue fucks you.

No thanks, I'm not a faggot nor do I want HIV.

How many times have you tried to kill yourself for being a worthless mentally deranged freak?


That's sad. Hope you're a lot better now.

No but I did. But I'm also a whore so, ya know.

No just public cam shows.

Do you "speak Greek"?

Don't worry about!

You have a heart of gold...don't let them take it from ya!

4 inches


I would have, too

Working girl answer.

Did you know Anthony Cumia got catfished by a 40 year old man and tricked into buying expensive gifts for said fatso all because Anthony thought he was going to be able to bed an underage girl?

It has skin on it.

It may have been a 69 arrangement.

Great point. Anthony probably spend a good 5 minutes mushing his whiskey dick against its lips until he just gave up and blew it.

He looks like an ape mid evolution

Foot fuckin master, fa la la la la

you are hilarious. damn, i can't believe i missed this.

Ok now I love you.

Does is count if a woman sticks inanimate objects up your ass?

Sue is a good egg.