congrats to ant_sucks for the media coverage

35  2016-03-06 by Brocktoon_in_a_jar


Haha, how'd you find that. I'm not even a Trump supporter

you should should see if you can edit your comment and it updates in that article

Yes please make one of those link to the harry hater blowjob video

You're famous. When do i start sucking daddy?

I randomly went to read that article, and had a strange feeling of deja vu when i scrolled past your comment. Now you're making us all like Trumpers. And I"m not part of Us, you people disgust me. What happened to the classy days of Frunkus? Sick fucks.

For LGBT Community, Nancy Reagan Leaves Legacy Of Inaction

please die

Fuck that brittle old cunt and her brain dead husband.

She looked like an alien. I'm not all for the lizard people theory, but when I look at her, I think there's something to it

I agree but also fuck those fags if theyre really gonna make a big deal over the fact that she was "inactive" on homosexuality she was a right winger in the 80s what the fuck do you expect? let it go ya fuckin queers

I agree they should let it go already, especially the part about there not being any funding for AIDS research for years because the administration's policy was to not acknowledge it due to its association with the butt cowboys (who they also didn't acknowledge existed).

It's only a few thousand extra corpses. Stiffen that upper lip ya sissies.

Oh jeez, don't blame the administration, they weren't the ones sinning and having gay sex

God blessed them with a swift end to their misery.

and what do you want them to do about it now?

Jesus absolutely nothing gets by the weird brand of super-autist in this sub.

Except productive lives.

hey I found that over the weekend, after a hella productive workweek