Conspiracy Theory: Anthony's dad was actually secretly gay and moved to California for the more welcoming atmosphere and his husband was the guy who he ripped people off selling horses to

57  2016-03-06 by [deleted]



Nothing is more upsetting to the cumia boys than this possibility. That alone is enough for me to pretend it's true.

Yep. I'm gonna go with it

Say whatever you want about Ant's dad; but speaking ill of the great Jimmy Jackson's character is really out of line.

Was a Richard a veiled attempt in introducing young Anthony to the Cumia lifestyle?

That's what I was thinking. Was Richard's move on Ant in the treehouse the first or the last?

Anthony sucked Richards cock in the tree fort while Richard pretended to be sleeping.

Eeeeep cheep cheep cheep cheep

"Do you want me to give you a blowjob? 'Cause if you want me to, I'll suck your dick...Richard"

How do we know that he didn't reshape that whole story?

Erock, comment?

Joe Cumia Sr. was Mac from Always Sunny.

Thermite Trannies.

Thank you for your cervix.

Edit: spelling

You're supposed to type it in caps. Goddamn it.

It makes so much sense. Gay rage often manifests itself in throwing spaghetti against walls. It's in DSM-V. Look it up.

I always thought his dad's friend and first lay, "Buzz", sounded like a dude. All comes together.

you need to ease up on ol' jimmy Jackson motherfucker

The spaghetti incident was really Ant watching cum slide down his dad's leg that time Ant forgot his army men in the tree fort.

This one made me laugh out loud

Concho Pete wasn't a horse, he was just a submissive who had a horse cock.

This is where Anthony would come up with the idea for the whiffle bat challenge many years later.

He probably molested li'l Trant. Pederasts are usually sexually abused as children.


So was Richard really Anthony's dads twink?


That's what I was thinking. Was Richard's move on Ant in the treehouse the first or the last?