Bonnie's book is out now. Did anyone get it? It has a foreword from Anthony Bourdain for some reason

3  2016-03-06 by Ant_Sucks

Guess she's fucking him too



2016-03-06 04:10 UTC

It goes from @bonniemcfarlane as a doe eyed innocent from a farm to her years in captivity with a deluded man who claims a 141 I.Q.

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She did a roast for the celebrity chefs and Bourdain suggested she write a book. So, yes, at one point the three of them had a rotisserie going.

tssss tsss i thought the chefs make the roasts tsss tsss

I feel like you made this thread for the sole purpose of someone bringing up the roast so that you could make that joke.

Good call.

I bet they did.

Speaking of which, Rich Vos is performing at the Stress Factory April 21-23. For tickets, call (732) 545-4242 and ask for Vinnie.

Hid publishing company is putting out the book. Ronnie said it was a great read

Bourdain jerks off to soup calenders.

Doubt it

I read it. It was surprisingly good but really glossed over her and Vos getting together or any recent stuff. It more or less ended after her time on lcs.

I'd fuck Anthony Bourdain...and you would too:

I read his book, Kitchen Confidential. It's pretty good, but I don't like his TV show. He talks an awful lot of shit sometimes. I would not

she prob gagged him so hard

I get it! With her peckah!

He adored Bonnie. He had her on his cnn show too.


It's good.

She's on Maron's podcast tomorrow. (Mon March 7)

Fuck you for knowing that.


Doubt it