Somebody's butthurt

58  2016-03-06 by cbanks420lol



You ever see the movie twister?

You're gonna need a bigger boat!


Mmmeww...Rachel...a string of poloponies.

...everyone drops their forks

"So you're quoting a movie that came out over 15 years ago..."

R Budd Dwyer

What the fuck is a Dick Van Dyke anyway.

Speaking of old gimmicks Dice wants you to stop doing an impression of him.

I listened to Dice complain about the impression Anthony does in 1999.

It's current year, people. Current year.

Dice always loved Ant's impression, he said it was his favorite one. It's what actually got him on the show for the first time.

Current year.



What kind of a fucking dork says a damn hitler subtitle video has "glaring inaccuracies"

What a schmuck.

Or if you really want to be topical, wear some slant eyes and talk in a racist Asian accent. Y'know a joke last seen when the real Hitler was still alive.

Ant will unironically make a "where's the beef" reference.

Didnt this sub eat that shit up?

he was doing a Colombo voice while sending that tweet

Of course he's butthurt, and we all know where it comes from.

das blitzkrieg

Dicks in his ass?

Coming from the same holey face that posted meatspin a week ago, his ability to recall memory appears to be escaping out of the chasms in those burn victim cheeks of his.

I know he is butt hurt but how does he feel about the video?

Is it me, or is Anthony's pseudo-casual/"meh"/above-it-all routine doing more harm than good? Unlike with Sue, he's really half-assing it here, and he's coming off all the worse for it.

Either laugh at yourself or completely ignore/deny it.

Acting like that video wasn't the funniest fucking thing he's seen this year, even if it was at his expense, and playing the "it's none of your business" card when "addressing" the Sue Lightning business, were pretty much the two worst plays he could have made.

This is kind of astonishing to admit/realize, but Tits is handling his hate 1,000% better.


His "just friends" defense might have held up if Sue wasn't a carbon copy of his previous fuck victims. What are the chances of that. And what do they even have in common for them to be friends. Sue is a 20 something cosplaying weebo fruit what possible common ground do they have that a friendship could form.

The common ground Is ass sex

Exactly. If we focused all our Opie hate on Ant, we would have a meltdown every week

and so far we have had a meltdown once a week.

Of course his first association is a finger in prepubescent boy's mouth.

Didn't that get him in this whole mess in the first place?

Yeah that's a fucking old gimmick, help me out here Hendry, I'm tryin to stay comedically relevant with my references!

Salty as fuck

He calls it an old gimmick after making a "I did nazi that coming" joke. Fuck you Ant, be more funny.

Because when it comes to jokes, everything has to be 100% accurate to be funny. We all know that.

Proof positive that this hypocritical piece of human garbage has totally lost any funny that he had.

Why do those 16 guys still subscribe to his terrible network?

that video was pretty god damn funny, I had a good chuckle at the Rat part.


Is the fake Diceman/Regan/Asian guy/movie reference guy telling us that a gimmick is old?

Ah, that "too old" defense. Pretty deft plan of counterattack from the patron saint of quoting 'The Shining' and 'Jaws' on an hourly basis in 2016

Common guys not cool guys he has feelings gius, Anthony the master of morality does not deserve this treatment

Cant we all just Karaoke?


What's the matter? Too real?

So bothered.

And that's before he goes to prison. OH!!!

This is hilarious and so accurate.

What a supportive response in the replies section


That video is fuckin hilarious!

I thought Ant would appreciate it more. Fuck is he going downhill fast.

He deleted the tweet lol

hahahaha! what a fucking pussy

Why even fucking bother after it was up for that long? This guy is a fucking dummy.

He's a faggot.

He was just referencing that "gimmick" this week on his show what a boob

What a joyless retard. Maybe he would have enjoyed it more if it had some black people in it.


2016-03-06 09:03:43 UTC

Not bad. A few glaring inaccuracies! That gimmick is really old too. Try a Charlie Bit My Finger parody next.

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Oh I bet he is.

You're gonna need a bigger boat!

Ant will unironically make a "where's the beef" reference.

Didnt this sub eat that shit up?

"So you're quoting a movie that came out over 15 years ago..."