Sam Roberts wrestling moves are tight.

11  2016-03-06 by ricswrangler


His finishing move involves sucking the cum out of his opponent's dick and then spitting it in their eye.

Goddamn Sam. Thieving from Anthony, yet again!

Sideshow Bob Holly

Sam "Mulatto Man" Savage

He did pretty terrible but he was trying so hard. Good for him. Probably a lot of fun.

He'd make a better manager though.

If this LOSER wanted to get into WRESTLING, he shouldn't have TURNED ON his former MENTOR who happened to be a well-known and well-connected WWF/WWE SUPERSTAR.

It took me way too long to understand why you comment like that.

Know what i mean?

How can anyone watch this nonsense

another O&A career dying

Was it ever alive to begin with?

Sammy the Superfag Snuka

Sammy Two Races

The ShitShow

Just a couple of fags being fags

The best part of this is the neck toss he makes and his opponent miss times his jump so he bends and lifts nothing. Sam is a fool.

I've never been more embarrassed about anything I've seen on this sub up to this point.

Mick Folly

This is what the O and A show has come to.

Rest in Piss, Kayfabe. Rest in Piss.

Sam was so gentle with his choke slam the guy didn't even feel Sammy lifting. Half a botch but luckily they did line it up right after. Coulda came out much worse.

You know how ring veteran types are often telling big men to not get off their feet. Like stay off the top rope type shit. Sam is the opposite, he shouldn't be doing power moves. Jump off something. Flying forearms, double ax handles from the top.

But he should mostly beg off and cheat. He's too skinny and untrustworthy looking to be a face. And there's that damn voice. You thought jimmy hart's voice was heat? Sam's awful way of talking, now that's heat!

Sam is the opposite, he shouldn't be doing power moves. Jump off something. Flying forearms, double ax handles from the top.

Agreed, Sam should be doing asai-moonsaults like Hayabusa.

An entrance like The Blue Blazer.

He's got to be careful not to bust his surgically repaired dick, I think he got it fixed when he was 23. Peckahs.

SAM isn't an ATHLETE!! SCORCH could do any MOVE because he is a NATURAL athlete!!! SAM lost a FITNESS CHALLENGE to a FAT MAN!!!

I would mark pretty fucking hard for a Sam vs Scorch match. Put em in tag teams with real workers. Scorch is going over. Sam tries cheating to win but fucks up. And the feud continues.

I disagree, big men should always do top-rope maneuvers. It worked well for Sid Vicious in WCW....wait...

I'm not watching unless this ends in a Darren Drozdov or Hayabusa situation.

Is Sam fucking that Katie Linendall bitch? Why is he with her all the time?

Is tHis fake? Is that really sam? Thats really impressive if it is. That other guys huge and Sam beat the shit out of him
