Forget tranthony this is the most embarrassing O&A related thing this week

3  2016-03-06 by Dennyislife


Somebody needs to burn those fucking Hamburgler lookin socks.

you don't like that pippy longstocking attire?

Sam got to wrestle and Ant got to fight a black woman. Everyone gets to live out their fantasy.

Fighting implies he tried to fight back. Like a bear attack he went limp and waited for the raging animal to lose interest.

The Genetic Garbage Grab.

He got winded doing fake wrestling moves--and the other idiot was clearly doing most of the work. What buffoonery. (Somewhere, Jim Cornette is putting a gun in his mouth right now).

The only way of explaining this is that apparently chimps have the strength of ripping off human faces with a small amount of effort, therefore sam can out power a man who would obviously out muscle a prepubescent man-monkey-child. perfectly logical

so gay

Lol. I didn't even see this post when I posted in an identical, later thread, and said the same thing.


Nah, Sam's just doing what he loves. He's a goof but I don't see anything wrong with him.

If I didnt know who Sam was I'd think this was a Make-A-Wish foundation video. Actually, I still do.

sam rules.

the only thing wrong with this sub is when it loses focus on the main guys and people start posting about these behind the scenes faggots that nobody cares about, they dont deserve any attention

none of them do

there are 800 posts about ant and trannies and this is way down the much focus do you need?

each one of them is more entertaining and funny than this loser