Remember when Tits and Tranthony started attacking Howard's daughter? But this subreddit is classless.

14  2016-03-06 by [deleted]



It's not classless because it was for ratings and profit. We're the classless ones for laughing.

We should start creating Indie GoGo accounts before submitting links or self-posts. That would make Grandma Cumia proud.

Even Burr was like, "dude, you're going after his kids."

More egregiously they think they had to do this nonsense with Bill Burr and Patrice together in a room. Even back in 2006 this was beyond retarded.


Remember when people didn't who like opie and anthony called em dopie and anthony? Times sure have changed. It's like the world gone and gotten itself in a big hurry.

*Dopie and Agony

Yep. This sub has been taken over by many I don't think ever listened.

No. You missed the entire point probably because you are amongst the dumbest of listeners.

"THAT'S the bit". I notice a lot of posts saying O&A were never funny, yet the posters seem to be long time listeners. Why stick it out so long, listening on a daily basis to a radio show that you hate?

When Opie came out at the beginning of the post O&A hate, saying that Ant was 'manipulating' the hate.. I wasn't surprised.. Tits could never take a joke if he was the center of it

but, the fucking level Ant has stooped to, threatening to 'shut this sub down', when he's been a main proponent for free speech for decades.. is a bit baffling. I always knew Opie was a phony, but damn, Ant revealed himself as one too

remember when we all laughed with them and piled on the attacks on social media?

My vagina?

Jesus, how fucking hurt hurt can you all be? You'd think you were out of food, the level of outrage being presented here.

Jesus, how fucking hurt can you be?

You sound very clearly more upset than OP. You made an account just to be a 'haterfighter' lol you're Joe and/or one of the 3 fellow nigger haters Ant still talks to.

Were here taking the piss of your favorite radio nobody and all your posts are about why everyone else is hurt. You're projecting, so I hope you die before you get back to listening to the repetitive shite you love so.

Yo, where my nigger haters at?

Haha reply twice to a comment after not getting one replied to. You're so lonely and upset.


Its a fucking radio show! Hate it SOOOOOOO much? Stop listening! Stop talking about it. I watched the 7th Fast & Furious movie and walked out an hour in because I was no longer entertained. What I didn't do was sit in the theater for the whole movie yelling "I'm glad Paul Walker is dead! I heard that Vin Diesel is GAY! FUCKING GAAAAAAYYYYY!!", because that would have no effect on anything and benefits nobody.

What are you all waiting for, the Rupert Pupkin scene Anthony saying "You were right, Reddit, and I was wrong". You aren't just taking the piss out of Anthony, Opie and Jim, I can't even describe what you're doing. It's beyond teasing or goofing, its this weird "yeaaahhh, let's get him, let's show him who's in charge, fuck him, I hope he fucking dies!". You think I'm projecting? How about every Reddit psycho who's gone apeshit after hearing that Anthony gasp knows a tranny?

Jesus, how fucking hurt can you be?

Turnabout is fair play, eh?