Joe Rogan before he calls a fight

0  2016-03-06 by jonesy6969

"Okay....I got 2 bottles of alpha brain. Protein bars. Towel for my sweat, and grease. Picture of Timothy Leary. Alright......hit me with the steroids in my butt, I'll do a few push ups, and lets get outta here."


If you are ripping on Rogan be more funny, go post at /rogan2 you goose

sSHhettt eEppPp, ChhipPe

Dont forget a peck on the cheek from Tony!!

It's not gay. We shot a bear and ate it. Not gay guys

"Okay....I got 2 bottles of alpha brain($80@ONNIT). Protein bars($50@ONNIT). Towel for my sweat($30@ONNIT), and grease($9@ONNIT). Picture of Timothy Leary. Alright......hit me with the steroids in my butt, I'll do a few push ups, and lets get outta here." Thats O-N-N-I-T. Use the code-name Rogan for 2% off.

you might be onto something with the steroids thing, his head is looking fucking huge lately.

for real....he's got that barry bonds head going right now

Yeah you pretty much nailed it. This could also be before any podcast with Callen, Schaub, Bravo, Diaz, Kreischer, Segura, Trussell, and Audrey

rogan and callen: "Hey Schaub, you're really interesting, and funny." everyone else in the world: ..................wait what?

Those two enabled that fucking idiot into thinking he can be The Rock

he really does think he's an amazing athlete, and entertainer. callen is a bit of a douche, but i feel bad for him. schaub kind of treats him like a piece of shit.

Don't let him forget his fanny pack.