It's time to go after the worm, guys.

16  2016-03-05 by [deleted]

Personally I think he's the worst of the three. He's a calculating little creep who just tries to appeal to whoever is feeding him.

If his "I'm being serious now" voice has ever made you scream at your radio in rage, join me in putting this spineless little worm back in the ground.


Personally I think he's the worst of the three.

I think you have a Bobo level IQ.

To be fair, I honestly don't think Bobo is retarded. He's actually very smart and calculating.

Bobo's problem is that he has a profoundly debilitating social disorder that gives him absolutely zero ability to gauge a situation or successfully interact/relate to other human beings.

Bobo is the Karl Pilkington of O&A, meaning he is clearly now more emotionally and psychologically stable than the fucking psychos who used him to further their careers.

Opie has the same exact problem and look how he turned out

what's so great about jimmy, really? i never found him particularly funny, although i do enjoy uncle paul. anyway that reconciles perfectly with his shitty standup. i wont even get into the disgusting sycophantic behaviour.

the fact that this is some sort of controversial statement i'm making just proves how well hes deceived you into thinking he's not a piece of shit

by the way i'm pretty sure most of norton's fans have "bobo level" IQs

I don't think there's anything great about Norton, I just can't see the argument that he's more insufferable than Anthony or Opie.

maybe there's some confusion here, i'm talking about him being the worst as a person, not as an entertainer

There was no confusion. Anthony might be one of the most unlikeable people on the planet. Jimmy can't hold a candle to him.

i think anthony is the only one i ever really liked. he's definitely the smartest of the three, and never had any of the retarded or pretentious behaviour of opie and jimmy. anyway, i'm not trying to write a dissertation on the opie and anthony show here. i just want jim norton to be crushed by a giant boot.

definitely the smartest of the three


Calmo, calmo.

The worst of the three? Youre fuckin crazy. And they talked for 4 hours at a time. Is every single thing you say in the spirit of making a joke? I really dont give a fuck if he wants to talk about something seriously, let alone screa at my radio for it. that is just weird and you need to calm down.

alright, you've got a good point. i understand there are some less discerning, ehm, simpler listeners who couldn't care less. it's all good buddy, i'm as calm as calm.

He's already suffered the humiliation of having a dozen views of his cartoon. Let him suffer in peace for now.

If you listened to the last episode of "Race Wars" he didn't even plug his indiegogo. & he got humiliated by the lady blogger that sits in when he was trying to defend why he is voting for Trump.

He can be annoying when he's pontificating Jimmy, but fuck you if you think he's the worst of them. He's still hilarious and you can go fuck your mother.

he's the worst because he knows what he's doing. opie is just an idiot with a personality disorder. jim norton is a calculating little worm who shapeshifts into whatever he needs to be for people to like him.

i never said he was the least funny, just the most deplorable in terms of character.

"Norton is shaped like any container you pour him in"

The worst of all 3 is ridiculous. I cant turn on Jimmy. He's got a lot of points in the bank.

where'd he get these points? from being funny? fine, i don't find him funny but i accept that some do.

regardless, the amount of times he's utterly debased himself for picture and/or autograph negates that a million times over. he's a desperate little fag who constantly shapeshifts into whatever form makes the people in the room like him more.

opie and anthony have suffered the wrath of this subreddit, i'm just curious why this hairless rat of a man doesn't get any.

he really is the worst of all 3, he sold out, stole anthony's salary and still think hes on the moral high ground. he always talk smack about ppl who chase after the paycheck, always saying others should sacrifice their career to make a point, and the first time his paycheck is threatened he cant stfu and re-sign fast enough. anthony said he wont apologize and he didnt, thats respectable

The thing is Jimmy hasn't lost the ability to be funny. Funny trumps everything in my opinion.


the reason i hate jimmy is because HE is pathological. he's a pathetic little sycophant who will suck off the teet of whoever will feed him. and the thing with getting celebrity photos and the nic cage fiasco... it's just disgusting.

the least fucked up out of the 3

yeah, right. and how does him being funny even factor into this? does that somehow absolve him of being a piece of shit?

this is all hate and no funny. :(


Jimmy does have some little traits that are a bit annoying but if u think he deserves the type of treatment Bosoms McHughes and Tranthony get -- you're a fucking bozo son.

Meh,The lesser of three evils.

not worth the energy tbh

However he apparently hasn't annoyed enough people on here badly enough... I would never have ever given a SHIT about OnA if not for Norton, it all started when I first listeed to the roast of vos and norton

Calm down dude, you're panicking.

baby boi! jizz bag! got that cockroach!!!

All you have to do is follooow, the woooorrrmmssss! (Dun-da-da-da, Dun-da-da-da).

100% AGREE, I've been wanting a concerted effort to go after the ugly fuckin phony for months now. I think what angers me the most is how amazing he was in the early 2000s.

HOW CAN U PPL NOT SEE THAT NORTON SAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FUNNY ANYMORE. Makes serious points, talks about himself like ppl r actually concerned and the only time hes "funny" is when he says random goofy shit that for some reason FAGGOTS on here love. "lol sleepy jimmy! lol marmalade recipe!" yuck.

James norden is a smug, hollow bullshitter now. Fuck him.

ppl even eat it up with that krik cameraman stuff

Go listen to the latest Race Wars. Jimmy filled in for Kurt, and he was consistently hilarious the entire episode. In fact, listen to any radio/podcast that Jimmy is on and Opie isn't. It's night and day.

Just like the comedy world and time, we also think of Jim Norton as...meh.

Take out the other two first and I promise you Jimmy will be like Brando screaming in the rain.

he does probably have the aids. and he's a wormy weakchinned zilch. but he's quick.

No one likes you shuddup



Chris Norson is hilarious, go away.

yOu sHeT uP. TrAsH. gEmmY iZ a GoOod bOy.