The last live listening thread for The Opie & Anthony Show... people did not enjoy this show

35  2016-03-05 by FunkyTreasure


"Hey fans. Today is not only the first day of July it's the first day of the rest of your life! Live it!" - CQ

holy shit.

Col is an American treasure.

Sue is an American Tranny.

You're not wrong, Knickahs!

Clairvoyant old fuck

Tsss...yeah why not susanvoyant or sumpthin

Bottom Comment:

What did they mean when they said that today would be the last live show? Are contracts up today?

Months of the apology bit killed it for me.

EDIT: Users were picking up on the show has changed and they didn't want to be there anymore.

conceptually i liked the apology bit. it wasn't funny, but i did like that someone was tracking that sort of thing and pointing it out.

i don't think they were good enough to do anything with it, really.

I'll agreed that it needed to be pointed out. However, it did not need three weeks of coverage, with at least one hour a day.

It was just getting repetitive and lazy. So really, in context, the apology bit has just become both of their shows. Lazy and repetitive.

The apology bit ruined the show or at least was a major factor in its demise

Towards the end of 2013 and into 2014 the show got really fucking awful. They all started to phone it in. Opie and Anthony couldn't be bothered to do anything. They complained daily if they had to stay an extra 5 minutes. There were a few gems in the end like Lady Dis internship, but outside of that I can't think of anything funny that happened.

The show died when they stopped having great comedians in all the time. Louis, Patrice, Burr, Bobby, those dudes were in all week, and that was the only time they were good.

Nah I used to even like it when it was just Opie and Anthony no Jim. Those shows were great, but then like I said they both just phoned it in and didn't give a fuck so it started to get really bad.

Lady Di's internship was hack as fuck. They milked that fat cow dry of all entertainment years before her internship.


Relevant username.

The show begins with a horrid OJ song parody, ends with Sandy Kane. What a legacy.

"today is the last live show"

People are nostalgic for a past that wasn't that great to begin with.

What did they mean when they said that today would be the last live show? Are contracts up today? They now going to be on tomorrow?

  • PooYaPants

they knew then!

Posada knew!

AYY AYY AYY don't tell him to shut up! You would be all dead if it wasn't for my DAVID.


plausible deniablity

And they did nothing.

It was a inside job!

Yes, Heebie Kikeberger, they did.

lol look at all those accounts that have completely abandoned this. btw, if this person: "the bit where they pretend to not hear the caller never gets old" is being sarcastic they are just wrong. that and "NOT YOU!" are the 2 O&A bits I could hear every show

Yeah, they were really phoning it in for the last few months. I was holding out hope that it would get better when the contract renewed in October but it was a struggle to listen to at the end there.

Yea, the last year was awful. Blowing Roland, apology bit every day for hours, opie complaining every single morning about something stupid management did.

Not to mention Anthony's race and politics shit

Sure beats Opies fucking drivel. Jesus, his political and racial shit was not that bad.

Yes, yes it was. It was an hour an half of a drop out daygo spewing uninformed bullshit on what is supposed to be a comedy show. It was atrocious and it got to the point where it was all he did. And still does. Awful. it to Opies useless babble. Both are horrendous, but at least there was some occasional humor with Anthony.

There was nothing funny in any of his bogus tirads. Or really any other time on the show.

this always happens though, once someone dies or tv shows go off the air, people hold up all their accomplishments and make them legendary (unless they are conservative)

Like Chris Farley was a hasbeen when he died, hadn't made a good movie in years.

people just completely let go of the fact that Michael Jackson was a pedo once he died.

the last album of Nirvana got horrible reviews and they were considered a one-album wonder when Kurt died

John Lennon was considered a hasbeen for most of the 1970s.

people thought the last Godzilla movie sucked despite it being extremely faithful to the tropes and plot points of most Godzilla movies.

I can explain the Michael Jackson thing.

Black people don't give a shit about pedophilia. Look at R. Kelly.

They do, however hate homosexuality.

that's what always got me about that hack "white crimes" bit that some comedians do. pedophilia is most definitely not as rampant in the white community as it is in some others. we just pay more attention to bad behavior amongst our own.

edit: maybe it would be more accurate to say the white community tries to combat it more and pays attention, thus making it less rampant. nobody could honestly say any race of man or woman is more inclined to engage in child sex, it's just how society reacts to it that determines its prevalence.

pedophilia is most definitely not as rampant in the white community as it is in some others


Hmmmm so if I'm black should I or shouldn't I fuck my son in his ass?

I wouldn't wanna be labelled something I'm not.

What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business.

As long as I don't brake his rib I guess is what you're saying huh?

Don't break any ribs. Don't stomp any hands.

Follow these rules and you should be ok.


You do you. Just don't let them squat in your downtown apartment. You'll have to pay their rent until your trial is over.

I hate Nirvana but where did you get the idea that In Utero got bad reviews?

Michael Jackson was proven innocent to be fair. The stigma of his accusation is what follows him.

Lady Di's internship was hack as fuck. They milked that fat cow dry of all entertainment years before her internship.

The show died when they stopped having great comedians in all the time. Louis, Patrice, Burr, Bobby, those dudes were in all week, and that was the only time they were good.