Never forget that of all the things we've accused Ant of: Racism, Pedophilia, Doxxing, nothing got him more angry than when we accused him of being with a ladyboy.

133  2016-03-05 by Ant_Sucks

We got him on the ropes!


Now we know how the unwashed retarded girl with the broken rib feels.

Laugh out loud funny. That bitch really does need a fuckin shower.

Meh, I'd stomp on her hands and knee her ribs while giving her smelly shitter a rogering.

I'd smooth out every wrinkle on the tranny's butthole with my tongue before I let that greasy cave fish get near me.

Ant never loved Dani that's why Sue got the tit job.

Cave fish.


You... um... you ok?

Oh, yeah! I'm doing great.


You are incorrect.

That's pretty edgy dude... Thanks for sharing. BTW would you be doing that while double fisting monster energy drinks?

I made my bed.

& of all the horrible things Anthony has done, he believes that was nothing compared to what people are doing by suggesting he's been with a ladyboy

Which is odd, since its the only thing he's been accused of that really isn't a bad thing.

The same rope David Carradine was on.

And the same pantyhose (also mommy's shoes)

Ladyboys are SAVAGESSSS

because his dad didnt want him to grow up to be a faggot

I don't think we bashed him for that, did we? When it came out, didn't we kiss Sue's ass? Sounds like he was angling for a reason to attack us for bashing his show.

That's what I think is part of it. He knows his show sucks, so he's just tired of getting bashed for it: thus the whining a couple days before Trannygate broke.

Well he wasn't trying to hide any of those other things.

Got um.



Finally found something he is embarrassed by.

To be fair, he might just be getting more and more batshit crazy by the day.

Next week he might try to ddos all of reddit because someone accused him of ... wait, are there ANY horrible things Ant hasn't been accused of?

Boy's not really doing too well with the track record. I think serial killer/cannibal is the only thing left.

How about we spread the rumor that he really respects Opie's talent?

Now that's just cruel.

By far the least believable thing we could spread around too.

Not cool dude, not cool.

Nope. He's been accused of being the Long Island serial killer more than once.

Haha that's one thing he's not. I actually know who the serial killer is, and he's dead.


I mean, not just me. The police know too, along with a bunch of other people. But there's not enough actual evidence to actually go public with it, since he comes from a very wealthy and politically connected family who want it kept quiet. But it was almost definitely him, and he killed himself.

Steve C?!


Shut up, faggot. No one believes you.

Your evidence is insurmountable. You should've been the lead prosecutor on the OJ case.

Kill yourself, dummy.

Hahaha no seriously, that's the guy. Google it, there's tons of people who figured it out. But my parents are actually friends with someone who knows the Bissett family very well and he actually laid out the whole thing for me and honestly there's no way it's not him.

I mean, believe what you want but I'm pretty sure we're not going to see any more bodies on the beach out there anymore.

You might, it's not like he was the only person who ever enjoyed going murderin.

Do you?

Alright so racism, pedophilia, woman beating, cock knocking, and murdering.

I'm seriously at a loss. Where do we go from here?

You're pretty annoying.

Compliments don't get much bigger than that around here.

Yes they do.

Jethuth chrith guyth Anth ith jutht tho batthit crathy, not like me and all the faggot liberal thingth I'm into ;-) Thanderth 20thixteen everyone!!!

It's okay sweetheart. I'll give you a downvote, and I won't expect anything in return for it.

Everything will be alright, angel.

Yes, the only thing that people in general wouldn't hold against him.

But italians are just like niggers in that aspect. Masculinity over everything else.

Yeah, because it was directed at an innocent friend of his, you autistic faggots.

Oh fuck off with that bullshit you fucking cunt.

First of all, who gives a fuck? This isn't some innocent child (despite her looks), it's a fucking adult porn star. Last I checked, that's a public figure and totally fair game. It's not like anyone is going after his ten year old nephew or whatever.

And second of all, none of it was really directed at Sue in the first place. It was all directed at Anthony and it was done AS A FUCKING JOKE. You know, the exact same kinds of jokes HE fucking encouraged for the better part of TWENTY YEARS on the radio. And if he would have had a sense of humor about all this, it would have been over already. You know, just like what he told every victim of Jocktober ever.

Kill yourself.

A cam whore isn't an "adult porn star" you hyperbolic fuck.

And it's not a "joke". This has been over a week's worth of shitposting which involved snooping & trying to contact all of his ex-girlfriends, wife, etc.

Jokes have punchlines. You faggots consider cruelty alone as humor, not unlike Opie. Probably because you're all broken autistic NEETs.

Yeah, a camwhore is a porn star you fucking asshole, especially when she promotes herself over social media and hangs out with other porn stars and famous radio shock jocks you fucking dickbag. This isn't some random anonymous college girl trying to make a few dollars on the side. And the fact that you would focus on that kind of ridiculous detail makes you the autistic one.

And you're STILL missing the fact that Anthony fucking INVENTED this humor and has used it on hundreds of his own random victims, working through the exact same people who are doing it to him right now. Learn about irony and you'll see the punchline you dumb faggot.

Go fuck your mother.

Holy shit, I've never seen someone swallow so much of another man's cum that it gave him the exact same details of the exact same dementia as the donor.

You, sir, should dedicate your experience to science.

Cruelty isn't putting a woman in the hospital. It's jokingly implying that a man got oral from his ladyboy friend. Got it, thanks.

imagine a mocking voice reading your post aloud. stop with the "autistic" thing you boring unfunny ass. even your ironic username sucks.

you're mad :)

I'm furious.

your autocorrect fucked up 'I am an enormous faggot'

He had sex on camera, he's a pornographer. Fuck off and die, dipshit.

Since when are delusional faggot porn stars innocent? Eat shit, you white knight homoqueersicle.

Are you saying he was angry because we falsely accused one of his friends of being attractive to Ant?

Oh, yeah. That's all that happened. You dindu nuffin.


Sucks that Something Awful's pretty much dead, huh?

Ah, the old Slippery Slope Guy theory of "The Something Awful Forums are trying to bring down Anthony Cumia."

Something Awful isnt just another name for Anthony's podcast?

Do you know why Sue said she finds this sub funny? Because even a twenty year old can see what a self-loathing homophobe Anthony is.

Even after deleting the photos and tweets that her image-obsessed "friend" forced her to, she still didn't out him.

You have to be a brainwashed Cumia geisha to believe that Anthony is flying a twenty-year-old from the midwest who dresses like a middle school girl to play fucking GTA in the compound.

No matter how many accounts you make Kurt, you're never going to like yourself. So why bother fighting others' dislike? It's counterintuitive.


What else happened?

Laugh out loud funny. That bitch really does need a fuckin shower.

It's okay sweetheart. I'll give you a downvote, and I won't expect anything in return for it.

Everything will be alright, angel.

Oh, yeah! I'm doing great.

I made my bed.