The apartment Dani lives in

8  2016-03-05 by ScorzeMan

If Ant and her were never married, how did she keep it after they broke up? Did he buy it in her name?


Well, I'm not an expert on housing law, but let's just put it this way: Ant really, really enjoys a turgid penis inside his ass.

This seems accurate.

U should run for DA

it's ny law to allow a certain amount of time before you can evict a tenant. she might not be a tenant, but there was probably a verbal agreement that protects her from being booted with no notice. the amount of time is based on the techniques, and finishers that he executed during the incident. grab=10 days. push=20 days. slap=30 days. punch=60 days. uppercut=75 days. sleeper hold=90 days. off the top rope=120 days. barbed wire baseball bat=1 year. or something like that.

You are greener than grass boy. Those ain't finishers. Probably don't know a wrist lock from a hammer lock either.

I was just giving some loose guidelines. When ant inevitably hits sue with the tombstone piledriver it will be for pleasure.......cuz he'll have a dick in his mouth

How much time for busted ribs and a broken hand?

It sounds like he was practicing some unorthodox technique. If nothing else Vince will bust him back to nxt

Can't wait for him to team with Baron Corbin and take on those race-mixers Gable and Jordan.

We all know Vince doesn't watch NXT

And I thought HE was the squatter!

Once you live somewhere for a certain period of time (usually 30 days), you're considered a legal resident even if you're not on the lease and you don't pay rent. If she doesn't leave on her own he'd literally have to go through an eviction process like a landlord. In NYC, that can take up to a year.

But didn't she technically live at the compound?

What a gay question.



i dont know legally why she's still there, either. plus he's paying for it. lol

It's because she lived with him and now has a restraining order against him. He could have left the house himself but I'm sure he worked out a deal to let her stay at the apartment he rents.

ok, i get it now. thanks!

Squatters rights

It's payment for keeping her mouth shut. She probably won't show up on the 7th so the charges might be dismissed.