Dani Golightly must have a really loose vagina.

1  2016-03-05 by [deleted]



I suspect Ant can't get it up for women/girls/pre-teens these days

On account of his rampant lust for teen boy bum, ya mean?

that. And his age and lifestyle

I am 30 and I get whiskey dick more than I care to admit.

Ant is almost certainly impotent.

We've all been there.

Or Ants dick isn't as big as he would like people to believe. The whole Ants got a huge hog thing came about because when he would cheat on a girl and then they would go nuts. So obviously it was the fact that he had such a huge dick that they would no longer be getting was what made them act like maniacs. He would sheepishly go along with it all the while hoping some retarded 16 year old was listening on paltalk just creaming her pants over the idea of his pock marked dick.

Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway

Shut up, Chippah.