Can I get like $200? I want to buy a retweet from Jimmy

27  2016-03-04 by jonesy6969

I also want some head shots so I can have a picture of Jim Norton on my wall


Let's pitch in to get a retweet for @Ant_Loves_Trannys

you can get a personalized message video for like $500. We should raise enough to get one for baldopie

I would skip my monthly donation to hungry kids in Africa to participate in that cause.

they can wait a month anyway

and after that month your donation will be smaller




Make a new twitter and pretend to be a 16 year old girl or transsexual, steal some obscure sexy pics that Anthony can't track back to their source and make a wishlist. Comment on some of Anthony's tweets and say how much you admire him. BAM, the money and gifts will start rolling in!! You'll have way more than the 200 in cash you want and lots of nice electronics as well.


Also take the same sort of stances as him in your bio.

the sad thing about the whole thing is with all the good will Jimmy has built up with his fan he could've done a web series involving some other comedians, and he probably would've got a lot more from people, but he blew it on 25 minutes of animation. If he ever does a crowfunding campaign again he won't raise even half as much as he did on this one.

Well he could've involved other comedians but he unfollowed them all on Twitter so that option was out.

with all the good will Jimmy has built up with his fan

So glad someone has finally acknowledged that Jimmy only has 1 fan.

No, I don't like him anymore.

Please tell me he isn't selling head shots?

Or retweets??? That's some opie level bullshit right there.


he also was claiming the reason the campaign cost so much was the perks


It says on the indiegogo 30% is going towards rewards! $60,000 towards shirts, posters, and bumper stickers!


hahahahaha i fucking hate jimmy for this


Those retweets cost money.


Is this really his? Seriously? I can't listen to him anymore. I hate him now.

Time is money

Yep, he acted it like it would be SO much cheaper without the perks. He's full of shit or being lied to

Hopefully it's a head shot in a crosshair

Make a GoFundMe. This is a great idea.

The fuck outta here, Jim!

THe only person we should give $200 for a retweet is /u/footthingonhisfoot

Get some headshots from jimmy, then hustle on over to this fucking wonderland

Then post the results and Mail his headshots back

What kind of a 3rd world shithole do you live in if you don't have 200 to spend on a whim?