does anyone else think the tranny was kinds cute?

5  2016-03-04 by Beverly_Sheckler

just wondering.


If that's your type, go to a Bar Mitzvah some time. Plenty of 13 year old Jewish boys look just like him.

"They'd all be straight if it wasn't for my David!"

Completely agree. It gives off you cognitive dissonance.

Even the great Colin couldn't save that abortion of a show


2015-04-29 18:13 UTC

Watch the lovely @Sue_Lightning on this weeks YKWD podcast right here. #transwomen #comedy

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"I would totally fuck a guy in the ass, right guys? right?"


Just dont go playing with any hearts

Only if it has tits.

Stop it, it's a fucking guy.


Looks like a boy

I didn't wanna be the one to bring it up

Cute, indeed.



Here's what you have to remember about the transgendered. They are so obsessed with how they look they have become experts at makeup and camera angles. Don't be fooled.

Tranny asses are awful. Even if you can get passed the put-on voice.

his twitter friend Natalie something-or-other was actually pretty hot but this one looks way too much like a dude