Walking on Greggshells was almost 1 year ago

52  2016-03-04 by KiraYoshikagay

It's amazing to think that in one year Ant went from being this sub's champion to becoming the most despised member of the trio. Only the most self-destructive asshole could turn an entire sub against himself like that.

How do you fuck up that badly?


How did he fuck up that badly? He's made it his life's crusade to make bad decisions.

Anth: born fuckup.

This was the best moment of TACS hands down. Also the element of almost getting Ronnie B the network was picking up steam and then they shitted all over themselves.

I don't think Ron ever planned on joining TACN. It was simply a negotitiating tactic and it paid off

Oh totally I agree that Ron used them to get something from Sirus or the option of working with his daughter at Sirus was the main thing Ron wanted. But just the buzz they made with Ron maybe joining, get other shows, and taking shots at Opie made me think TACS was going hard to work to build something. Now TACS just coast on whatever they got

I think the main thing Ron wanted was more money and a guaranteed place on Sirius (which for all we know could have been up in the air with Rez retiring and The Ron & Fez Show ending). The fact that he gets to work with his daughter is just a perk



Don't worry, opie never disappoints...

Welp time flies when you're havin fun right or wrong fellas!?

Can someone eli5 or post a link as to what's going on? I'm listening to a podcast with him and esther, decided to look them up, and came across this shot storm against him. Not defending him, just want to know what's up

Ant is dating a young transsexual porn star.

thanks, since i don't have all day to waste looking thru shit...

look out guys! this fella is important!

No, just don't want to waste time looking up unimportant shit when some one can simply explain it

warkin on tanny balls or sumptin


I don't despise Anthony. At all.

same, but do you realize the TACS network has went to shit and there is nothing worth watching. The guest are always old and boring fat italian dudes. I only enjoyed gregshells and that one Gilbert Gottfried was on.

I guess it depends on taste. I think Gavin is consistently on point, LOS is better more often than they are blah, and ESD and Dixon nicely round things out when there's nothing left. TACS as my show is my least favorite, but the network as a whole is a great value.

The network has not gone to shit. LOS is great, I like Davey Mac, and Gavin is entertaining sometimes.

TACS, on the other hand? Its been pretty bad as of late.

Even a bad episode of LOS is funny, and same can by said of NYCC.

NYCC is regularly a clusterfuck, but Pat Dixon is funny enough to make it as funny as it is awkward. (Some of the guests...most of the guests are just awful though.)

Bullshit. Opie is still the worst. Anthony could kill black babies by the truck load and he's still be better than that radio hack douche.

Obviously. Which is why it makes it all the more sad.

Anthony has the talent but destroys himself with his inability to stay away from social media and terrible life choices Opie has 0 talent but was at least able to secure some sort of stable life (if you ignore the whole Bam Magera nonsense).

Maybe if you're a middle aged creep who envies Ant's lifestyle. To normal people, Anthony makes Opie look cool by comparison.

I will grant that superficially, Opie comes off as a mature adult man with a normal family and life, while Anthony is a dumpster fire. Sure. And there is something to be said for that.

But if we're talking about talent, entertainment value, and general ability to come off as a human being you don't want to punch in the face, then Anthony wins hands down.

Maybe if you're a child who knows nothing about human nature. Opie spends every day looking to take offense at everything anyone says around him, like a sjw faggot. He fumes constantly and then blows up at people, but only if they're in a subordinate position to him. He goes around Manhattan and confronts cripples, fatasses, women, and homeless people, like a sociopathic frat boy.

He is literally the worst about both male and female extremes in one person. He is somehow both a tumblr bitch and a frat faggot all in one.

Not to mention that he has absolutely no talent but thinks that he does. He fills his studio with the funniest people alive and then thinks he's responsible for how funny it is. He would sit there and think "well Jimmy and Ant can just fill 20 minutes with funny stuff" as if it was easy, especially since there's no way he could do it. He's never sat in a studio alone without music breaks in his life.

I hate O&A equally now, but I don't get why you're being downvoted. That's one of the most succinct summaries of Opie I've ever read here.

I honestly think Opie has some shills working for him in here. It's just too weird.

I strongly dislike Opie. He's an unfunny cancer that ruins the flow of a good conversation almost every time. But it seems like he at least has his personal life in check. Doesn't mean I'm a shill..

He's a millionaire with no friends. His life sounds like a hell scape.

same, but do you realize the TACS network has went to shit and there is nothing worth watching. The guest are always old and boring fat italian dudes. I only enjoyed gregshells and that one Gilbert Gottfried was on.

I honestly think Opie has some shills working for him in here. It's just too weird.