Every single one of these guys (O&A&J) are liars. Every single one of them are hypocrites. Delusional. Overtly insecure. Shallow. And just all around shitheads. And we've defended/praised them for YEARS.

96  2016-03-04 by [deleted]

Maybe that's why we take joy in taking them down. We hate them because we used to love them, and now we're realizing we never should've. We OWN HALF of their careers on this /r/, and have adversely affected them and the careers of the people involved with the show peripherally. But if they really were that great, we would've never been able to do that. Maybe we should've never gotten involved. But they were great at one point...right?

TLDR: This is fun taking them down, either way. Peckas.


We all knew that even at their peak that they were terrible people. Ant openly talked about fucking teens and hating blacks. Jimmy was always a wormy wierdo and Opie... Well no one ever liked Opie but I think we loved them despite their flaws because they were producing very funny radio. Now they're not funny so we're left with the shitty stuff the comedy used to mask.

I liked the horrible people I thought they were. It turned out they were horrible for reasons I wasn't aware of.

Above all else...Real. I'm starting to hate hair lip Keach

I always figured Ant played up being racist on the radio and it made for some great moments. Now he's just an ass who is no better than the people he hates.

I really thought it was an act, at least for the most part.

But back then at least they were entertaining horrible people who lived functional lives. Now they're all just whiny, bitchy, arrogant dumpster fires.



I will admit that I at one point unironically defended Cakestomp. I deserve to be shot.

Cakestomp is the only thing I've ever defended.

If it's on the sidewalk, it can and should get stepped on. You can't just fucking claim the entire outside as your pantry.


The cake stomp was brutal and hilarious until it was revealed that Opie was a thin skinned faggot.

I defend cakestomp. It was cringey and so unbelievably shitty but amusing because fuck homeless people, I hate them. But it sums up the fact that the only thing Opie ever had to offer was being a shitty person. And it was glorious watching him squirm when the sjws saw it and tried to end his career.

because fuck homeless people, I hate them.


I'm such a shitty person that didn't even remotely stick out to me


The whole sub did the first time it blew up on reddit and it was hilarious. Lots of top comments on serious threads trying to take him down like "my uncle paul told me about this Opie fella. he deserves to be punished...". Stuff like that. The sidebar was a 'deal with it' pic of Opie putting on shades, but after he became a full-blown weirdo everyone used Cakestomp against him.

The video of him taunting a crippled homeless person with a dollar needs to be brought to attention more. He's a piece of shit.

Opie has a severe insecurity complex that just soaks through everything he does. He picks on the weak and most of the time it's not even funny. No wonder he licks Sirius' boots. He probably has no friends at all in the industry anymore, which makes his insistence on holding out until the last minute for cash even funnier.


We all did. Shame.


Yes. They had Howard so scared he thought he saw a ghost or sumtin tss tss.

Ugh, it makes me cringe that I believed even a second of that shit.

I think Howard did in fact confirm the gag order.

Can you confirm this confirmation ? Proceed.

i certainly do remember them playing audio of him confessing it and spending a good hour calling him a hypocrite during the xm "my vagina" years.

back in the days when they had absolutely NOBODY but the hardcores listening and you could tell.

I think it was on Hannity, but I'm not sure.


i think howard just didnt want all the clones make a name by shitting on him, and ona spined it as howard was too scared

Yeah but to be honest Opie and Anthony were the only ones to really get under his skin. Stern in the 1990s loved bashing the fuck out of other radio shows (he would basically do jocktober for whatever affliliate he wanted to get in say, Philadelphia or some other market) and O&A came back pretty hard which probably annoyed him and freaked him out a little.

I think 3-4 years ago Stern even said something on his show like "Nobody ever fights in radio anymore, its pointless. Opie and Anthony, now they would come at me" which was really weird because he usually doesn't acknowledge it.

Memories are not reliable. They were probably not as good as we think they were. But man that paralyzed Opie audio shows that they did have moments of pure genius. Now they have zero ability to entertain other than through their own buffoonery.

All their old stuff is on YouTube and they really were fucking funny, I have to admit. Jocktober, David & Bobo, the most offensive song contest... it really is gold.

Makes it that much more of a shame that it all ended in a horrible trainwreck.

I was listening to jimmy hates bears/trees the other day, I love that shit.

It's like breaking up with a girl; even if you break up with her, you still enjoy seeing her miserable.

OnA broke your heart so now it gives you dudes satisfaction to hurt them back.


Just the slightest, the tiniest, the fucking most miniscule amount of self-awareness and they'd be off the hook. Jim with his fucking "baby boy needs attention" real name shit, Opie acknowledging, I dunno, fucking anything, and Ant, hoo boy, this motherfucker and his garbage handful of old man friends and his apparent love of the dark arts.

They're three losers with egos as flimsy as their bank accounts, trying to keep up their facade as stable FUNLOVIN GUYZ!

I just hope to God we get to the point where we can call out Jimmy's bullshit alcoholism.

They had a funny show, so I forgave it all.

These ssssshhhhitttttheaaadssssss...

Da Dopey and Agony Show.


I was most surprised at the wormyiness of Jim. That was until Ant went full SJW.

I haven't really been listening to either show. Just youtube clips of old O&A shows, the Opie meltdown where he basically told Jimmy to quit, and then following the Sue issues on this sub.

I always thought Jimmy was the weirdest, but most honest and even keeled guy of the three. Surprised to hear he's getting dumped on. What's he been doing lately?

"What's he been doing lately?"

This - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmbzhRB7EPk

Jesus. Hasn't he ever heard of Vine? He could make the same bad jokes for free but they might be endearing in six second bites.

One thing is he's begging for people to GIVE him money so that he can develop a shitty cartoon that he can make money on…instead of spending his own money on a project that he believes in.

It's his personality/insecurity, he doesn't want to take a chance and spend his own money so when it fails it doesn't affect his bottom line. Same reason he's still working with Opie; he's afraid to take chances on his own.

That cartoon is horrid, but I don't blame him for hanging onto a paycheck for as long as he can. Got to survive.

Nah dude. I never defended shit. I only listened to the XM run for the Patrice, Colin Jay Mohr and Bill Burr appearances.


It's because they all had public meltdowns, as fans it's shocking and entertaining to watch.

They all stink now except for jimmy but dont think I was wrong to enjoy them and definitely never gave a fuck if they were terrible people. What are you a bunch of University of Pennsylvania students? http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/03/03/pittsburgh-students-in-tears-and-feeling-unsafe-after-milo-yiannopoulos-event/

Even Jimmy is a yucky worm.

jimmy is still a funny dude come on man

Um, did you see that garbage fire of a cartoon he was attempting to crowd fund nearly a quarter of a million dollars for (after railing against crowd funding in the past)?


everything hes ever done that hasnt been off the top of his head has been terrible. and I doubt hes "rallied" against crowd-funding as a concept seriously before. i think sometimes we tend to look too hard for reasons to hate someone. i miss jims anger but hes still a hilarious dude if you can get through an Ow/J clip.

Angry fat Jimmy was hilarious.

He's more into preaching than to be funny, he was good tho

I don't think anything like this has ever happened to an entertainment form before. We all knew the O&A show was strangely different than the rest of media (they remain unscathed after all, and above all else real) so this fucked up, toxic and unpredictable ending is pretty fitting for the type of show it was.

good point


I loved the show but I never really liked the boys personally, other than Jimmy. And I still like him, even though everything he's touched recently has gone to shit.

Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion.


1:30 is disturbing knowing Opie's history of fraud.

But that was the bit, you idiot...

What happens when its over and everyone stops broadcasting?


The only one I ever praised was Anthony. I always thought Opie was an annoying wanna be frat boy, and Jimmy was super weird with his celebrity photo obsession.

Got um!

I think they are all sweet boys

Wait? Shallow? That speaks volumes about you (and probably your physical appearence).

What has shallow got to do with anything? Why do we care about that one again?


You made a post that literally begins with "Opie's brilliance." You should be shot out of a cannon into a brick wall.

oh no hed probably get a wound from that. that isnt safe

Yeah but you spend your days posting about them because you don't have a girlfriend so really who is the loser here


Hahahahaha holy FUCK


I disagreed with something you said so what you did was HAHAHAHA you called me HAHAHAHA you called me joe AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Please consider a career in comedy

Looking at your history; you seem to disagree with a lot of what people put on this /r/, that has to do directly or indirectly with the boys, in particular Ant. My guess is after a hard day of cashing the check your brother sends you, and being a general all around badass; you like to head home to a glass of wine, flip on the podcast camera, and reflect on the very end of your middle age adult years.

I accused him being Ant's alt account a few days back. All of his comments parrot anthony's views point-for-point, like on fucking young girls or race. And some comments are at a level that is beyond what fans would know, like knowing where Burr was when Patrice died, Jimmy's love interests, and how Anthony wants to please us

Yeah he's either Ant or Joe. I'd imagine Joe; because when he tried to burn me back, it wasn't funny.

Careful man. Don't mess with Joe. He might send his faggy bike club after us.

Sons of Anar-gay

He's prolly some hard core fans trying to show people what's what!!

22 and live in Australia

I like how you care about me so much that you viewed my post history

There's nothing you could say that would make me give that much of a fuck about you in return

Australia? That would explain the racism and masked pedophilia potential (like your hero Peter Scully); but there's too much parroting of Ant and Joe's points. So you're either one of them, or retarded.

He's most likely just one of the faggots that Anthony picked up after he went full racist. He never listened to the show. He never liked the comedic or cringe aspects of it. He just liked that there was an ugly angry man like himself raging about THOSE GERD DANG NIGGERS AND LIBERALS and latched onto that like the parasite that he is.

Opie has douchey fans but at least they're mostly just normal boring people. They haven't spent the last few years trying to turn the show and this sub into a call to arms for the race war they are convinced is going to occur.

Angry fat Jimmy was hilarious.