The hardest pill to swallow. Benjamin72 was right all along.

0  2016-03-04 by FootThingOnHerFoot

His mission is finally accomplished.


Will he show himself and will he be able to verify it's him?

OP is benjamin ripping off the /u/FootThingOnHisFoot account.

You let the anger benjamin created inside you to control you. When you lose control, you lose, period, sniff.

You're a solopsist ben

Posting on an internet forum to communicate with others removes all doubt that one is a "solopsist". Please use google before posting and you won't embarrass yourself. Or are you just upset that benjamin72 has accomplished his mission? Either way, use google.

swing and a miss benjy

This is a very transparent "swing and a miss" by you, just admit you will used the word incorrectly and that you will use google before posting. Thanks bro!

You're the only sentient being in the universe. I'm simply a manifestation of your thoughts

i-i am?

Now now, don't try to make it into a joke, that's irresponsible. You used the word wrong and you're scrambling. I must admit, i enjoy your insecurity.

Nothing he said has anything to do with why we're hating on Ant now. Stop rewriting history. Ant sucks, but also does Opie and so does Benjamin72.

I always figured Benjamin's final mission would involve a mass murder, followed by a suicide.

Is he still in the slammer?

Ahead of his time.

I wish you'd swallow a pill.

what did he say

Can't deny it!