I know you guys hate Opie but

21  2016-03-03 by Tell_Em_Fred

He seems to be taking the higher ground in regards to any of Anth's recent personal issues. I don't see him marketing Tranthony shirts as a direct backlash on the Greggshells shirts TACS sell. Opie wins again? Go!


As it turns out, "leaving it alone" is a smart strategy.

Srsly. How hard is it to stay off thirst Twitter and Reddit?

Opie is a big titty, unfunny, coat tail riding hack who couldn't entertain any group of anything. Opie could silence hyenas laughter with his stupid viewpoints, spontaneously crying and irritably depressive demeanor.

But Opie did the right thing so far this one time and gets kudos for that for now.

Noooow, let's be fair, Ant jumped on the Opester's coat tails first.

Opie didn't have coattails when Anthony joined him.

Dem tits tho

Anthony is really good at self destructing and burning bridges. One of his worst qualities is his woe is me victimhood for shit he brings on himself.

Ok, here's the plan. We all start loving Opie, constant posts about how O&J finally hit its stride. Anthony kills himself. We go back to shitting on Opie.

What could go wrong?

Jimmy could get his own show.

Realistically though

Double heel turn. I like it.

Despite his many faults, at the end of the day Opie seems like a decent man who gets a lot more shit than he deserves. I give him credit for still keeping his career going and while it may not be the O&A show we knew and loved, it's still decent and not the "morning zoo" it's painted as.

Anthony is a pure-blooded sociopath who needs to be destroyed.

He's not pure-blooded. His great great grandmother...

Hah, almost got me there. For a moment I thought you were serious that the poker chip throwing, cake stomping narcissist was a decent guy.

Opie is a dumb frat boy but he knows how to hold down a b. Remember when Ant stole someone's transmission?

Wow. Link?


The thing that pisses me off the most is when people were going after Opies wife because of the Bam Margera scandle Anthony refused to step forward and say something. I believe he said something along the lines of "he will let us speculate...". Opies wife is not a celebrity. She's a private person that's married to Opie. She did nothing wrong. By all accounts she's a decent mom. Yet when we found out Anthony fucks trannys he goes on a rant about how "these are his friends...." and "their lives are private... and they don't deserve this, and what he does isn't our business". Fuck you Anthony. Do you think Opies wife deserved any of the shit she got?

Totally. It was obviously a fake story spread by disgruntled coworkers. (Ben?)

Honestly, that's the only thing this sub has been associated with that I fond uncomfortable.

Eh, some of the nia stuff gets weird.

nia stuff


Someone's comment about her name missing two G's was a bit rough (pretty hilarious though to be fair).

Bill has been referencing O&A a bit lately, definitely shows he misses the old, decent version.

The Amy Schumer thing made me really uncomfortable, there were pictures of her all over this sub.

Yeah that was out of left field. I'm not a fan of her comedy, but come on.

Ant defended Opie's wife on several occasions whenever that was brought up.

Not recently.

I like Opie. Has anyone ever considered that he may have been the only one who could reign in Anthony's self destructive side and keep the show going

It wasn't his personality that did that. It was the fact that Anthony had an equal partner that he was beholden to.

Opie's stock right now is the highest it's been since July 2014. I can't wait until he fucks this up.

I'll never understand this place. Opie has literally done nothing to make himself less hateable. Anthony has just been acting like a cunt. That makes for a net increase in hate. There isn't a static sum of hate that we have to remove from one person to stick it to another.

Or is there?

Partially because no one listens anymore.

I wish there was a website like HSX where we could buy and sell "stocks" like this. Whoever had Put options on Ant would be an Internet millionaire.

I'd be shorting the shit out of @TITS right now

Wow. I haven't logged into that site in years. I'm worth 72.5 million.

Not sure what you're referring to

HSX.com a website i used to play with probably 15 years ago. You start with 2 mil and "buy" stocks in celebrities and movies and it works like the stock market. Like fantasy football for movies. So, I dunno why my above comment is being downvoted. I think I bought Dark Knight stock years before it was released. I guess that was a good move.

Chalk up another victory for the Opster.

I will buy your Tranthony quotes coffee mugs, Opie.


Fuck Opie and fuck you, too.

I'm curious to see how far he's risen in the Power Rankings

I think Ant has too much on him for him to roll the dice on something that's unconfirmed. Ant is still probably looking for any excuse to blast Opie. I guess then we should hope that Opie does a 2 hour show tomorrow called "Pissy Eyes and Sissy Lies" and Ant can fire back with "A Cuck and Fool Story" in the afternoon.