We need a new sticky post asking Ant why the tweets etc were taken down if he has nothing to hide

8  2016-03-03 by Dennyislife

I mean we all know why but i want to see what excuse Ant comes up with


That's a sure fire way to get blocked. There is no way he can answer that truthfully with out admitting he loves the cock.


A 60 year old man typing "Lulzz" on Twitter. He is so embarrassing.

Hanging out with tweens/teens/early 20's "chicks" has eroded whatever social skills he should have gained over the years...he uses their lingo.

HAYYY! He still has 6 years to go before 60. Lulz

ah i forgot he blocked me when i asked him that very question


2016-03-03 04:07 UTC

Well, she did that. Probably thought it was avoiding any controversy.

Lulzz http://twitter.com/Rob138/status/705234121736458240

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So did Ant not delete anything? It was only 'her' stuff that was deleted?

I think Anthony was getting shit on in all aspects of his life by us and once Sue got brought he probably told it hey if your not wearing your shit gear, you might wanna delete anything involving me, because it's a shit storm outside my door, and the clouds of shit are heading your way.

It's a shitnado, randy

As that you talking Mr lahey or is the liquor

I think I've got to drink this one out alone, buddy