Video of Ant and pals laughing it up in the Compound about our sub

445  2016-03-03 by crunchtimestudio


I'm cracking the fuck up. It's perfect.

That's a huge honour sir, I'm a big fan.

well fucking done sir.

from you it's an insult

that doesn't make me feel good about myself at all

im just joshin goodnaturedly

I gotta jump in here too, easily the funniest thing I've seen in this sub. Truly well done.

please do an Opie version of the laughing Mexican interview guy.

You're not even American, hardcore fan

Who is he? Am I missing something?

I was playing around with attempting one, but it's harder than it seems to fill 4 minutes. OP really killed it with this.

Oh shucks!

OP hit every point

In fairness, the jokes pretty much write themselves

Sticky this fucking post! I avoided it assuming it was just another random movie clip. This is fucking perfect, everyone needs to watch it. Bravo.

The best part of this entire video is laying here in bed absolutely knowing for a fact that Anthony, Jim, Tits, Rat, Gavin, Brother Joe and the rest of the leeches will all watch this.

What a time to be alive.

When it opened with "me and Samcro will go give em the business" I knew this was going to be gold.

Rat as the girl outside...Holy shit, great job. I hope you get your pecka sucked for this.

Once ant sees it, he might be in luck.

Only if Rat tucks

Oh no you di'ant.

A+. would watch again.


Two big trannycocks up, will watch again.

Fucking well done. "Jimmy will join me for sure." Laughing like an idiot at this

Perfect way to end it.

The exchange with Gavin. "Pretty rich coming from the Roast Master General."

Haha I knew I had to make that guy Gavin cos he seems like the only one with the stones to even raise a word against Ant

As soon as I saw the words "Gavin, you..." with the CAPS and exclamation points in my periphery, I'm pretty sure I ruptured something.

Great writing

Nazi gold for you, sir. This sub delivers more than Dominos.

Whoah! Thank you sir! Thats actually my first gold. If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to groom me


And Dominos is delivering more subs

ME: The Downfall video is doing vurry good numbers, thank you.


"I deleted the fucking tweets!" lmao

That's exactly what he said as he was refreshing the sub constantly over the past few days.

I'd put him out of his misery but I don't have any fucking guns!

You degenerates are 1000% funnier than the show ever was.

This had me HOWLING.

"He hasn't stopped shitting paper for a week!"

Fuck, that's funny man.

This is the best one of these I ever saw.

When Antler is mid-rant and all of a sudden leans back, changes gears completely, and shouts "why did I go to Times Square that night?!" I nearly pissed myself.

Antler. God damn it what a beautiful waste of clever sumbitches this sub is. I want to see it all burn.

Fun fact: If you look at an old painting featuring a figure on it with antlers, that person was likely a cuck. It's true!


Goddam that was brutal! Holy shit "It's ok Rat. You can still get a job at Stormfront with TACS on your resume."


I thought the Hitler bunker meme was dead, but this was fucking great. Good job OP.

Not as dead as Ant's career.

Well, at least we can say, it wasn't our fault, right? He said we don't effect his career.

/u/crunchtimestudio killing for us today!

This is the greatest thing I've seen on this sub so far.

What a fucking pro-click.

This made me laugh so hard. Those lines are so perfect.

Edit: Tears in my eyes. It gets better every time. Would fuck the OP. (First day girl comedy.)

I don't want to toot my own trumpet, but I'm quite attractive for a man who posts dated memes online

That's okay, I've learned to make sure my standards are appropriately low. Not impressed-by-the-compound low, but they're down there.

You don't think that The Compound is a classy place where the cultured, wealthy intelligentsia mingle and soiree?

It's not that exactly. It's just that Jacuzzis are like 500 bucks at Costco so I'd pass, and I'm probably too developed for anyone there to consider fucking me so I'd end up watching the worst version of "Turn the Page" on Karaoke, checking my phone.

Ant will do that for you.


Post your dick

I would, I just don't want Anthony to start enjoying his visits to the sub.

Everyone knows there are no girls on the internet.

Healthy doubt is good! If catfish has taught us all anything it's that I'm a 300 pound dyke.

I'd still t'row ya a bang. Ya hear?

I heah' ya!

This really needs to be stickied. Right under the latest meltdown from Tranthony.

Haha awesome. I was prepared for this to stink but it was surprisingly great. It's like finding a nice hidden Netflix gem that sounds like it would blow but ends up being fantastic.

Halfway through I realised I was running a huge risk

Kind of like the first time Ant pulled his dick out when he was with Sue.

Both attempts ended in success.

this is the kung fury of hitler memes

Wasn't prepared to actually feel emotions by the end of it.

Nice touch at 1:56 with "gobbeled"


GREAT fucking job, not that it was in doubt before, but there is some funny mofo's here.


Perfect. I love this sub

The best part is where he's about to kill himself and says that he's laughing at all of us at that very moment

This made me do a literal "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I know I'm setting myself up for hate but I had to get that out there "Everyone that doesnt depend on me for their income get out" got me in particular

The Gavin stuff made me fucking laugh out loud. This fucking sub creates the funniest shit

You did really good for a massively overplayed meme. Really fucking good.

This is the lord's work. All it needs is a picture of Bald Opie at the end

This shows that some of the hardcore fans are in fact comedic geniuses. It's truly is a master piece.

If they were quad-necked Jews, Opie might even hire them as writers.

Fucking Bravo.

(slow clap)

this is a great day for this subreddit

Holy shit. That is so much better written with real punchlines than any project Jimmy has ever created. Fucking hilarious.

Fucking Brilliant

I fucking love this sub.

Fucking brilliant!

That is fucking funny. Well done.


Very funny stuff. But him thinking jimmy would join him for sure was sad.

I have to admit - I wanted to dislike this. When it started playing I sort of rolled my eyes... oh... THIS meme again...

But it was glorious. Perfection.


There really is nowhere to go for episode II, though, unless you want to go with the whole, "Hitler escaped to S. America", which is probably the case anyway but not well recorded in history.

Legitimately without exaggerating the best thing I've ever seen.

That's fucking great. Good job

Ant's professed his love for these Downfall videos on the show in the O&A days. I'm sure he's thrilled that there's a new one to bring to his fans!

This is fucking great man. Really creative and funny dialogue. Well done.

This is impressively funny. You're a made man now

Perfect...except that chick is way more masculine than Rat.

Fucking great.

Relentlessly hilarious. Ant wishes he was still this funny.

Luscious breasted fool. That's too good.

This is the best Downfall video ever made. No contest.

Hahaha this is funner than his whole show. Great fucking job!

heil tranthony!


"school shooter manifesto video production quality" hahaha!

wow, great fucking writing dude

I loffed.

This is beautiful.

These never get old.

Good shit OP.

u/crunchtimestudio is killing for us today guys.

Love to see this meme back in play, feels like I'm in 2009.

this is a masterpiece

Fuck man,this is legendary.

I've never seen gold given to anyone in this sub. I liked it that way because reddit gold is shit and only gives money to the cunts that own this site.

it happens a lot actually, ppl even gave gold to cumia and norton

Nicely done

A+++ Magnificent

High five man.

Holy shit well done, sir.

Honestly the best "Downfall" parody I have ever seen.

Jesus Christ, phenomenal work!


Gold Jerry. GOLD

LOL. My show has the production quality of a school shooters manifesto

Holy SHIT.

This is the greatest thing to come out of trannygate. I'm so fucking glad Ant took that girl's dick, if only for this video alone.

holy. fuck.

Can we hide this in a video and have Opie retweet it?

When I say 'we', I mean 'someone else', because I'm going to bed soon. I'm all tuckered out from the excitement


There's nothing to say that hasn't already been repeated in these comments already, but I need to congratulate you anyway. That was the funniest 4 minutes of anything I've maybe ever seen. This should be your day job.

If my boss notices how much time I spend on this sub, it may have to become my day job

Holy fuck...I laughed until I was out of breath. Jesus....tears too. I wish I could give you gold. wow.

Edit: "I'd put him out of his misery but I have no fucking guns!" "He cries on the air and now I'm the fag?" ....HOWLING over here!

Holy shit,what an absolute masterpiece.

Jim should hire you to punch up his cartoon's script.

"fucking OPIE" for the pencils part is one of my favorite things ever. Because it's so true. It's so unthinkable.

Lmao seriously, how did it come to this?


Awesome. Had to watch it muted at work and it was still perfect

is this tranny shit for real?


lmao you knocked this played-out template out of the park with all the right moves. siiiiick



Thank you for this, sir.

One of the best Hitler memes I've ever seen. Fucking beautiful work. Every detail...perfect.

You absolutely fucking nailed it all here, exceptional work!

god damn it! the rat part slayed me.

i'm absolutely crying.

Sweet merciful fuck this is hysterical. Nice job.

When he says things will get better with the NY studio I was laughing so hard I almost shit my pants.





ME: We got the video of the day right here, calling it!

Now, come on...he's just a fan of the era !

This was really fucking funny.

This was fucking hilarious haha. "Thank you for your service"

This was perfect.

Very well done!

So goddamn funny, and absolutely perfect.

Holy fuck did I laugh at this

Well done.


This is right up there with the best of Billy West-era Stern. The lines were absolutely perfectly written and "delivered".

Phenomenal job!

Fucking bravo

Would give anything to see Big A dressed as a Nazi.

'I could have just stayed home quoting Platoon to bored pre-pubescents with drug issues.' Hardest I have laughed in years. If Ant plays this on his show, he is the man.

i bow to you. wow. just fucking wow

Get real faggot, Ant doesn't have 328 subscribers. There was no way I was going to let you get nothing but praise here. Even if the video was terrific.

Thank you for keeping me grounded, sir

Big A told me Ant just got head, so lets move on

well fucking done sir.

I gotta jump in here too, easily the funniest thing I've seen in this sub. Truly well done.

please do an Opie version of the laughing Mexican interview guy.

You're not even American, hardcore fan

Who is he? Am I missing something?
