Cumia goes all pissed eyed. Stanhope gets the man his girl of 10 years left him for on his podcast

19  2016-03-03 by Dennyislife

We backed the wrong drunk.

Also Bingo has gone missing


Stanhope is a special guy. I cut all ties with ex girlfriends after lying to them about how talented they're and how they just need to keep working hard and they'll accomplish anything they want.

The situation is pretty sad, stanhope must be fucked up about it. I have to listen to the new episode I didn't see that it was up.

The new episode is pretty fantastic, Ill sound like a total fag here but to love someone that much where you accept the guy she ran off with as just a thing and not have this angry jealous reaction is really beautiful in a weird way. Stanhope is just great.

I don't think it's just about how stanhope loves bingo. He's just a really good guy. If he likes someone he's loyal to them. It's not that hard to not be a jealous asshole. I'm sure he has some feelings of hurt. It's just he's not going to use that against Bingo.

It's not that you sound like a fag, you look like a fag. I think you're just too used to the world of o&a misplaced anger and closed minded thinking. Unconditional love is ok Frunkis. Even 2pac thought so.

I'm all in with the pac

When I was in highschool I counted about 70 songs that were of the highest quality. No other artist comes close when it comes to me.

Nobody to this day comes close. Even biggie had a great couple of albums but nothing can touch pac.

Tupac is shit and I'm glad he's dead.

Christ Ant, you just don't quit.

I cannot understand your title.

It's written in Retardese.

She was with him a couple days ago on Bert kreisher's periscope.

yeah she took bert back to the airport and told burt she was driving away. The car was full of her shit and she left her phone at dougs and hasn't been seen since. Bert was told not to tell anyone but he told doug otherwise nobody would of none wtf happened.

Oh man, I'm pretty sure that means she went to go kill herself. My dog did the same thing when I was 10. Packed her bags and everything. I can see why Doug had the other guy on now.


Fuck, learn English.

Link to Stanhope episode pls?

google it. I listen to it on a podcast app and it just turns up on my phone Sir.

Jeez I am retarded I forgot I also have a podcast app. Thanks a lot brotherman

Dude I listened to the new Stanhope podcast about an hour ago, it's the best out there. Chad Shank, this willy guy, bingo... It's all so weird.

I hope bingo is okay, she's not well mentally that's for fucking sure

But yeah having the guy on that your girl ran off with was just great

Arizona desert rats. That's how they roll down there

Shitrats, Bobandy.

Ill listen at work today, i hope Bingo is okay though.... Primarily because i really want to see the pilot for his show...

Bingo is always missing.

Pissy eyed. Maybe that's the upcoming squirting show he was talking about.


Oh man, I'm pretty sure that means she went to go kill herself. My dog did the same thing when I was 10. Packed her bags and everything. I can see why Doug had the other guy on now.

Fuck, learn English.