Sue Lightning speaks out about this subreddit.

56  2016-03-03 by cbanks420lol

I DM'd her. I'm paraphrasing, but she doesn't want to answer any further questions about Anthony because it's all in the past. She's read every post here though and thinks "y'all are hilarious and I appreciate the support. Trolling can be funny and I'm glad you guys are cool".

I'm ALL IN on Sue Lightning.


she sounds bright enough to realize were not against her. i'm not even against ant if he was messing around with her, but to see anthony throw another tantrum is funny.


Get off that podium.

I kinda feel bad for her/him whatevs. I don't think we should destroy her life, but tbh fam, I'd destroy her anus

I don't think anyone was endorsing doing so at any point, she's turned out to be the cool one in all of this.


I appreciate your candidness. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That would be a him. Changing your hair and getting mounds of skin sewed onto your chest does not make you female.

mounds of skin sewed onto your chest

this guy did school

He's good. He did Tranthony's hair plugs too!


Maybe not but obsessively objecting to the way a stanger chooses to identify themself does make you an asshole. It also makes people suspect you're a closeted homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Ok, liberal weirdo. Whatever you say.

I still won't call a man a woman just because he gets a boob job. Sorry. You can't change your sex. Even cutting off your dick just means you're that much deeper into your mental problem.

Current studies show transitioning to be the best course of action for some people to help with their mental illness. Medications and therapies for this kind of Gender dysphoria don't always do the trick.

They're not female. Stop.


Yea they are. Stop.

If you really believe that, you need mental help. If you're just saying that to get "Sue" on our side, then you're just fucking gay. Either way, swallow some pills tonight. Maybe 40 or 50 Xanax.

Did someone touch you? It's ok you can tell us

You'll be more welcome in r/tacsdiscussion my faggot friend.

Shut up you closet fag

Keep whatever happened between you and your dad out of this.

Only fags have problems with Trans people. That means you're a fag. Too bad, sorry faggot.

Again - no need to bring all the things your dad told you over and over growing up. You like men. I get it.

Nope. You do, and I proved it.

Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Be well, dick lover.

You put penises in your mouth and balls in your mouth and you lick balls and stroke the penises.

All in the past? More like all in his pants or sumptin'.

The only thing that's weird about all of this is Ant's reaction to it, and that just keeps getting weirder.

Well people are gong to great lengths to prove he is with a tranny, like screencapping Twitter messages etc. Like if they get the proof they can solve the case and put him away and receive an award. Its beyond me why people even care to be honest.

he/she is a real sweetie

I love how actually accepting this place is to the transgendered.

Without the transgendered most here would pay top dollar for hookers.

Really? A screen cap would help. That warmed the cockles of my heart and cock.

Edit: Ant was all in, too.

I promised I wouldn't or else I would (she didn't say not to, I brought it up first).

So Anthony is wrong about us bullying her. PERIOD.

Good work. Let the guilt-free bashing of Ant continue!

CB is the most credible Alaskan twink out there. I'm just gonna take his word for it

thanks bae <3

Yes, you were quite a trooper all week. We appreciate it.



I'd love to have sex with this guy in his butt. Super attracted to the way he looks, because it's exactly like a cute girl. I hope this helps.

screenshot, dawg




the amount of personal time and effort you put into this horseshit is beyond embarassing. i know it's hate anthony day, but seriously dude get a better hobby. jim fucks trannies and no one bats an eye. even if he did or didn't, who fucking cares?

i'll take my barrage of downvotes now.

The guy's having fun. So am I. There's nothing embarrassing about any of this. Think about the hours we've all put into listening to O&A, or watching TV, or browsing reddit. Entertainment. That's all this is. He's consuming, and actually creating, entertainment. The whole "you guys are pathetic and obsessed" line you're taking just doesn't wash, friendo.

Why do people as stupid as you exist, seriously?

To answer your question; Anthony. Literally Anthony and no-one else cares whether he enjoys carnal relations with other men. The rest of us are just enjoying him pissing his pants with fear all over the internet.

Take my upvote.

And mine.^

thanks bae <3


Yea they are. Stop.